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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Is the Reichstag Fire Coup well underway?


Remember the old adage, 'You can vote Socialism in, but you have to shoot it out.'

We are seeing incredible events play out in the U.S. Unheard of, never-before-seen trashings of the Bill of Rights and, well, sanity. I don't know how much longer we'll have the internet with which to communicate to one another for, my friends, the Reichstag Fire Coup is very well underway. Reports are coming in from various American Nationalist sites of massive "lockouts" affecting people from Twitter, Facebook, Instragram and the like, and endless talk of re-education camps and mass extermination of Trump supporters. (Sound absurd? Look what happened to the Jews in Germany – they just couldn't believe that lunatic Hitler with his silly moustache would do anything he said he would – and remember: Germany was the most 'advanced' country in Europe at that time.)

And has not the Political Director of ABC News Talked about "'Cleansing' America of Trump Supporters"? Doesn't that sound like Hitler "cleansing the world of Jews"? Was the guy immediately fired? Hmmm?

All absolute insanity, and utterly, utterly unAmerican and antiAmerican (for American citizens who haven't shut down their brains, it has to be a horror). The First Amendment is being trashed. The Second will soon follow, and that will involve perhaps a true shooting war. But how will we ever know? Unless we're in it.

Right now, one can't be sure one is "shadow banned" or not. I'm sure I'm far too mucn a "small fry" to be noticed, and I've never signed up on Twitter, etc. But Twitter has banned a slew of people, not just high-focus folk like President Trump, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, but "moderates" like Kevin McCullough. Just incredible. McCullough has been saying "Big Tweet" has been out to get him, and it has. Eric Metaxas writes that although he's still able to post on Twitter, he's losing "thousands" of followers by the hour. That's a classic tactic, of course before one is banned. Taylor Marshall reported the same thing. They're Twitter or YouTube days are numbered. I see Charlie Kirk is still up on Twitter, with him posting yesterday:
"Ayatollah Khamenei is still allowed on Twitter & Instagram but Donald Trump is not. Think about that."
Indeed. One doesn't need to think long, does one?

An excerpt:

The justification itself is so bizarre it is Orwellian in nature.  Interpreting the thoughts of a person to determine their violation….  Good grief, you cannot get much more twisted and subjective than that.   This is an alarming statement and directly indicates the Big Tech systems will now define subversive activity.

President Trump sent the following response from his POTUS account, which Twitter quickly took down – (but not until we captured it).

An Préachán again:
No one, NO ONE, can say any of this is good. No one sane, that is. It's insane. What sort of lunatic believes Trump egged on Antifa/BLM to attack the Capitol, or failing that idiocy, who believes a bunch of Born-Again Christians were murdering and looting, for any reason in any location? C'mon.

So, what next? Well, if they are following the Reichstag Fire pattern, and they seem to be, then the sky's the limit. I've gone over to Parler and found Kevin McCullough there, and he's quote Dilbert creator Scott Adams, who wrote, '2020 “was the year the Fake News became so powerful they could tell you there was definitely no election fraud because you aren’t allowed to check. And it worked.”'

There was no election fraud because you weren't allowed to check.

It worked indeed.

Important to remember, of course, is the words of Christ about such times:
And fear not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:28

Why silence Trump on his way out?
Some, such as Rush Limbaugh, suggest our Puppet Masters are afraid Trump will release hidden documents proving just how bad the Democrats have been, and their interaction and dependence on Chinese Communists. Blog comments on such articles are evenly divided between those who still hold out hope on Trump, and the rest who think he's folding fast. We'll see.

But it is imperative for the Left to demonize Trump and expel him before Potemkin Biden is "sworn in" (in apparently a virtual ceremony, or so rumor has it). We're in for a crazy fortnight, or what's left of it. Then begins "The Darkness" where we're in total lockdown and national mask mandates (a possibility, citing Covid as a reason); will the excellent governors of South Dakotka and Florida tell them to go to Hell? We'll see.

If the internet "goes dark", we can be sure very clever people are working to keep some semblence of communiation possible. It'll be a true Samizdat. The entire "pajamas media" began, remember, when the MainStream Media was promoting that slam Texas National Guard story on George W. Bush during the 2004 election, and average, everyday people, the "Deplorables" of Hillary Clinton, got online and started searching and communicating their findings, completely blindsiding the Left.

Perhaps something like that will happen again. In the meantime, remember, martyrdom takes many forms, and I expect the version of that the Left has in store for us will be a giant, perpetual, "psych ops". Look at how much you already can't say. What public person, sports star, film star, etc., could say, "Forcing or even allowing 'sex change' procedures on children is horrific child abuse and is literally nothing but a mass sterilization of our children."? That's absolutely verboten. The mask mandates are just a physical manifestation of the larger shutting up of an entire traditional moral world. The Covid restrictions and mask mandates are part and parcel of that.

Please review these three articles by psychological expert Patrick Fagan about what mask mandates are all about.
May God bless all who seek Him, in life and death.

An Préachán

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