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Thursday, December 17, 2020

I'm seeing Eloi everywhere...

The Eloi

The Eloi were a fictional people in H.G. Wells fable, "The Time Machine". A childlike humanoid race descendant from us, and apparently the white collar "us", during the day the Eloi loitered about in crumbling cities; at night, however, they were hunted by the Morlocks, a gorilla like race also descended from us, the factory worker  segments of "us". The Morlocks lived underground and maintained vast machines; but just as the Eloi no longer knew how to read books in the deteriorating libraries, the Morlocks apparently no longer knew what they maintained the machines for.

I'm seeing Eloi everywhere
For me, seeing everyone wandering about wearing Covid masks reminds me of the Eloi, It should be patently obvious to any rational human being that since whenever or wherever mask wearing as been mandated over the past six months, Covid infections supposedly rise ever higher. Therefore, logically, masks don't work. Or for me, the fact that all previous-to-Covid studies showed masks don't work for viruses, but then suddenly, after Covid, studies are produced that do say that, indicate an obvious fraud. (Now the long-awaited Danish study show's masks done't work, but then, we already knew that! (See also: "More New Research Shows Only Those With Symptoms Spread COVID-19. Masks School Closings & Lockdowns Couldn't Have Been More Pointless.")
For me, hearing or reading someone say to me, "Stay safe," is infuriating beyond measure. Am I an Eloi? A child in an adult body, one unable to read, to think? Or are they the Eloi? And just who are the Morlocks?
  • Yet THAT's exactly what Socialism/Communism/Progressivism (it changes its name periodically to mislead, literally, people) is intent on doing: creating Eloi.
  • The infamous Frankfurt School of Marxists in the 1920s figured out that emasculating men was central to making Eloi – indeed, eunuchizing them, and correspondingly making women ever more masuline...
  • ... all done through fostering an over-the-top sexual hedonism (not fully coming online in Europe or N. America till the 1960s, of course, because WWII got in the way, and then the necessary rebuilding).
An Anti-Eloi Reflection  
Finally, a note on true freedom, which was not a political notion, originally. The idea of political freedom derives from it, and the latter thus depends and relies on an understanding of true freedom, political freedom's antecedent. If you don't get the original idea, you won't apprehend the derivative idea. Here it is: "Freedom" was traditionally understood as the innate-to-human-beings (and Angels) free choice ability to choose God – as opposed to choosing not serving God. This is of course a religious teaching, but it was founded in the revelation that God created Man in His own image.

This may be hard to understand after 250 years of John Locke and 150 of Karl Marx, but the following explains it:
  • An internal combustion engine designed to run on gasoline is "free" as long as it runs on gasoline: that is what it was designed to do and it fulfills its nature in doing so. That's its freedom. It is true to its nature, and successful. Conversely, it is not "free" if someone loads kerosene into its tank, or whiskey, or crankcase oil or aviation fuel. It can't run on those, and is not successful.
  • But of course the gasoline engine is not free to choose to run on gasoline (or "free" not too). Something with an active will has to chose the gasoline. We, however, by our nature, have such wills, and are free to choose to run as we were designed to, or to choose otherwise.
  • Yet here's the kicker: choosing otherwise is not freedom, because when we do that, we're not running as intended, and we cannot be "free".
So, made in God's image...
And what does God do? For one thing, He creates. He makes. Angels may make too, for all we know (angels dallying about in natural history would explain giraffes and ostriches!), but humans are supposed to make things. And it just so happens that in economics, "wealth" is created things from naturally occurring material, especially created things people want. Money is not wealth in itself (unless made of precious materials), but it is a means of exchanging wealth. A form of shorthand for barter and trade. So our very own proto-Eloi: Obama with his $50 million, or Bill and Hillary Clinton with their $250+ million, or the Biden family, with their $200 million, do not and have not created wealth; they merely live large on their paper, well, electronic, money, as long as it can buy things they want (rich lifestyles). Perhaps they invest to some degree in businesses that do make things, in classic Capitalistic fashion, but I would bet they'd rather "invest" only in politics, and most of what they do involves foreign nationals paying them to gain U.S. access, and both sides gaining ever more control and power.

Capitalism per se is the free-market economic system that allows for large amounts to money to be invested in invention and manufacturing: the market aspect of it is an efficient way of making of things people want. Both invention and manufacturing employs large numbers of people who find their divinely mandating creation longings thereby satisfied. But notice how Democrats and Establishment Republicans keep sending manufacturing jobs to China. They've also allowed the Chinese to steal American technological inventions. If one wanted to utterly destroy and impoverish a nation, one would do EXACTLY what they've done: i.e., remove the wealth-making engines of invention and manufacturing from that nation. 

They are, in short, intent on turn us all into Eloi!

Interesting, isn't it?

Donald Trump reversed those policies, and so he's hated by the Democrat bigshots and Establishment Republicans. (I mean, they loathe him to an insane level!)

Interesting, isn't it?

And now they've spent billions of their hoarded non-wealth creating money to eject Trump from the White House.

Interesting, isn't it?

An Préachán

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