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Friday, December 18, 2020

U.S. Crisis: Ongoing Russia Cyber Attack on Federal Government, Agencies, National Labs, Now Revealed

Amici, a Chairde,

Well, it turns out our U.S. national security apparatus, the various Intelligence and investigative elements of the federal government, should have spent more time doing, you know, national security and less time trying to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency.

The shocking news is we have a national emergency brought on by Russian hacking of pretty much ALL U.S. government agencies, as well as major corporations in the Defense-Industrial complex (and also Dominion Voting Systems) something that began at least seven months ago and perhaps after the 2018 election. It is a national crisis of the first order. They are so far in they can turn off the U.S. powergrid, for example. It mirrors that they did to Ukraine on December 23, 2015.

As Morgan Wright, former senior State Department advisor cyber security expert, told Lou Dobbs the above, and also the following:
"The military calls it IPB, Intelligence preparation of the battlefield."
"Russia now has the entire playbook if they want to take down the U.S. energy grid.
"A (cyber) campaign going on at least nine months if not longer, penetrating some of the most sensitive areas of our government; they snuck in right underneath our nose ... it's like finding a burglar in your home that has been living in your house for nine months. This is beyond tragic and we don't even know the extent of the damage and it will take weeks, months, maybe up over a year before we truly realize how bad the damage is from this attack."

This is Pearl Harbor 2.0 and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was utterly clueless about it all. They're saying they can't control, stop, or "fix" the mess. The CISA's former head, Christopher Krebs, was fired by Trump a few weeks ago for incompentence, and the firing was well-justified. (The President should fire the CIA's Gina Haspel, and the FBI Christopher Wray, immediately – if not just have them shot.) Krebs just testified before the Senator Ron Johnson's Senate committee hearing about the election and said it was the most cyber secure election in history – WHEN THE AMADÁN HAD NO CLUE RUSSA WAS HACKING THE GOVERNMENT TO PIECES! AND DOMINION VOTING WAS A CLIENT OF THE COMPANY SOLAR WINDS by which the Russians were able to do all the hacking!!!!

Utterly clueless!!! As Lou Dobbs asks, "What are we paying them for?"

As investigative reporter Lee Smith told Dobbs:
"This began in many ways four years ago. I've been saying this for several years now that people like John Brennan, James Comey, Andrew McCabe compromised U.S. national security. They made a laughing stock out of this country when they attacked and ran an operation against the president of the United States, and the fact that as of yet, no one has paid a price. It's not as if our adversaries, the Chinese and the Russians and the Iranians did not read the American press, and (it's not as if) they don't understand what's going on. That's what's made us vulnerable. It's the U.S. national security establishment that has made us vulnerable to these unprecidented attacks."
"Remember what happened in July 2016 according to documents declassified by DNI John Ratcliffe. John Brennan briefed Barack Obama in July 2016 and that Russians were aware of Hillary Clinton's plan to vilify Trump as a Russian agent. And again, the Russians were aware of that, the Russians were aware that the FBI played along. The Russians were also aware that John Brennan used that as the basis for his Intelligence Community Assessment. For at least four years, foreign adversaries have known that our national security establishment, our intelligence services, are not serious. It's not a 'deep state'. It's a clown show. And that's what our adversaries are taking advantage of right now."    

My friends, we're facing disaster on multiple levels. The election is probably a part of this because Solar Winds, the corporation through which the Russians "got in" also had as a client none other than Dominion Voting Systems.

And all this at Christmas.

An Préachán

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