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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Of Balloons, Taiwan, Ukraine, JFK's assassination, and World War III (with Hungarian update)


Just a few observations and articles to share.

Ex-CIA/Intel Sam Faddis has two articles below worth reading about the balloons. He's certain there's more to meet the eye than bouncy balls and the Biden Administration's incompetence.

Faddis goes into detail you simply won't find in the mainstream articles on this. And he makes a thorough case that the US itself has been using balloons to deposit and broadcast special sensors over wide areas since the Vietnam war. He details how they're used and what the Chinese would be up to spreading sensors over the US. This is a lot more information that Congress got from their Defense briefing the other day.

China might be ready to launch its war against Taiwan any day now. This article gives an idea of how absurd America's and NATO's "narrative" about Ukraine. We've thrown away a great deal of our military supplies in Ukraine, and we're delusional about what we can do there. Vietnam-level delusional. It's the kind of thing that even if it is only half true, that's more than enough.

I've recently finished a general history of the Korean War, by English historian Max Hastings. (Highly recommended general history.) What's amazing is how we repeated almost exactly the same idiotic mistakes in Vietnam a decade later. Korea was one thing, but Vietnam, almost the same mistakes, only worse, over again, was jaw-dropping stupid. Just incredibly stupid, (like we were about Pearl Harbor and 9/11, BTW, as Faddis himself points out). Of course, Vietnam was the creation – the way it turned out after Nov 1963 – of Lyndon Baines Johnson, the man who arranged the assassination of Kennedy. I'm currently reading The Man Who Killed Kennedy; the Case Against LBJ, by Roger Stone (in part). The book is thousands of references to various testimony built up over the years, and it is clear Johnson, American Intell, and the Mob was behind murder(s). The Kennedy brothers themselves were arrogant and careless, and Jack was determined above all to deep-six the CIA. The two brothers were about to bring down Johnson himself. Johnson struck first. "LBJ" was probably the worst individual (maybe now Joe Biden, if Biden is really in the pay of the Chinese) to ever be a US president. Needless to note, but it make depressing reading. Kennedy had clearly indicated he wanted out of Vietnam by 1965, saying it was their war and they had to be the ones to fight it; Johnson reversed Kennedy's decisions because he was making large amounts of money via defense contractors, esp those in Texas with whom he was closely connected. (The book details all this misery, murder, and graft and lies.)

Nixon, hardly an archangel, a politician with his own mob connections and dirty laundry, comes out looking like St Francis in comparison to the evil men we've had running the country.

Then, there's this article about WWIII by Frenchman Emmanuel Todd who predicted the fall of the USSR a decade before it collapsed. Not too in-depth in itself but worth reading.

Finally, there's this excellent LifeSiteNews article about Hungary and Orbán's position regarding the Ukraine war. Highly recommended. An "eye-opener", indeed. (No wonder Biden has sent Samantha Power to Hungary to start a "color revolution.")

So, passing these along to anyone who wants to consider them.

St Valentine, and all February saints like St. Brigid, pray for us.

An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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