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Friday, July 8, 2022

Cameron O'Hearn is excellent; Jeremiah Bannister is a fool...


I wasted time listening to one Jeremiah Bannister grilling moviemaker Cameron O'Hearn on his second Latin Mass Movie "A Perfect Storm". But Bannister is a fool, or to be charitable, he certainly worked hard to instill that impression in this "interview"! Watch it if you want, but it is a waste of time. And headache inducing. And note that O'Hearn let Bannister use his (O'Hearn's) channel for this interview! BTW, for a supposed radio personality, Bannister uses "um" far, far too much to be a professional. With less than 20 minutes to go, I had to stop it. Bannister seemed to talk for hours, was moralizing and exercising a "moral superiority" that he did not remotely have. O'Hearn was excellent, though. If one could just Bannister out and leave O'Hearn....

Bannister is supposed to be interviewing O'Hearn and offering criticisms of this second movie compared to the earlier one, but he's just lecturing O'Heasrn on a specific point. Bannsiter is one of the Ultramontanist type: the Church can do no wrong, the pope is always right, and ANY criticism of the pope drives people out of the Church, so no one can make such criticism. That was Bannister's whole point.

That ultimately was Bannister's bone of contention, that ANY criticism of the pope or hierarchy is evil because it drives people from the Church. O'Hearn quietly made the point were we then wrong to reveal the Church sex abuse problem? O'Hearn pointed out that the bishops tried to hide the sex abuse crisis for precisely that purpose: i.e. to avoid driving people out of the Church! And we all know how that tactic worked out!

The only worthwhile part of this farago of an ego-impaired popinjay-type's pompous exercise in moral surperiority is O'Hearn's careful, common-sense and restrained responses. I don't know how he did it. I do not suffer fools gladly. Maybe Cameron O'Hearn is well on his way to sainthood.

One point O'Hearn made during a particularly specious grilling was that one of his audience members at a screening was a local bishop. So, after the film, O'Hearn asked the bishop what he thought of the film. The bishop said, in a schocked voice, "Cameron, I had no idea. I had NO idea that was what happened." We can ALL easily believe that! The ignorance and cowardice of bishops has ever been a problem, going back to ancient times. St. John Chrysostom, late third century, said that the road to Hell was paved with bishops' skulls. 

The bottom line: Do not tie yourself into knots over this. Christ is head of the Church, not the pope. Throughout the Church's history, we have had both saints as popes, and utter montebanks! Follow Christ first and formost in His moral teaching (which is absolute) and partake of the Seventh Covenant, the Most Holy Eucharist. And for God's sake, use your common sense, first and foremost. Partake of certain controversies if you want but do not let them interfere with following Christ.

Oh, and Bergoglio is an anti-pope, Mr. Bannister.  

   An Préachán

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