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Monday, May 2, 2022

The Eloi Really Mean to Eradicate Us Morlocks


(N.B. re: the title above: In H.G. Well's 1895 novel, the Morlocks used the Eloi for food; our modern Eloi betters haven't figured this out yet.)

There's an old saying that The Left always goes too far. They always shoot themselves in the foot. Eventually, yes, that's true, but must we wait as long as, say, the citizens of the Soviet Union, to find that out?

As reported here at Newsmax: Tulsi Gabbard gets it: Disinformation Board Makes Biden Administration 'Dictatorship'. Of course, I'm tempted to ask, THIS is your first clue, Tulsi? 

Seriously, this "Disinformation Board" ought to be a bridge too far, or if it isn't, we're living a dystopian nightmare we cannot wake up from. Or it ought to be causing us all to emphatically answer "Yes!" to the question titling this article at American Thinker: Do We Draw the Line at a US Ministry of Truth? (By J.B.Shurk; the article's title is its best feature.) We should have drawn the line with Democrat stolen elections decades ago. We shrugged off their vote-stealing in the big cities and in certain states, but now it has gone on long enough that we might not be able to escape from it. They made it "normal", just as today they are making it "normal" to turn the U.S. into Honduras. This is pure invasion, a national crisis, yet the illegal immigration is becoming "normal".

Another "Tulsi Gabbard" type is Naomi Wolf; see an article on her denouncing this "Disinformation Board" at The Conservative Treehouse. Tucker Carlson and Wolf (and Sundance) stress that there's only information, not "disinformation" or "misinformation" and "malinformation" or whatever they choose to all it today. There's only info, and us: how WE deal with the info is the question, yet it should be totally up to us, no one else. In fact, that's U.S. Constitutional law! But of course Twitter, FaceBook and so on have been happily censoring information for years, and now they think it is their right to do so. We must disabuse them of that. 

Basically, we're too far down the stream to paddle back up. I keep reading depressing news of the RINO Republicans' complete surrender to the Dems (they truly all belong to one party, the UniParty), and even if Trump gets re-elected somehow in 2024 or the Republicans retake Congress later this year, the Republican elites will NOT allow serious changes to occur. (And I don't trust Trump, exactly, seeing how he let them steal the presidency from him; just what is going on there, we need to know. Was he actually that trusting, or incompetent, or...?)

I'm going to be surprised, actually, if the Deep State Dictatorship will even allow us to have mid-term elections this year.

Why am I brooding so darkly about this? Because this has been planned too long, and our political elites are worthless. That's true in the UK (see: Neil Oliver on the utter banality of the UK's political elites), and France (Macron, ugh! Oui, let's elect a eunuch!, and so on). Western World politicians are feeding us only bread and circuses, as Oliver explains, while literally they're about to let us starve planet-wide. And of course Xi in China is starving/driving mad huge swathes of his population. (Americans were such idiots to think making China capitalistic would change it from an inhuman nightmare state. But Shanghai is now a major world metropolis! Yeah, and the Chicoms don't hesitate to turn it into a charnel house.

They mean our destruction. They truly do. I've no doubt that's planet-wide poisoning via Covid "vaccines" and 5G is the future Klaus Schwab and his homunculus Yuval Noah Harai, plus that quasi-human pustule Bill Gates (who's saying now that Covid will come back bigger than ever; and how does HE know?) have in store for us. But they need techs to run their dystopia, and a manufacturing base to make it, and if they don't see those engineers as "Morlocks", they don't see them at all. The Morlocks might easily rebel against the elite World Economic Forum "Eloi" (isn't Macron an Eloi? C'mon now! That eunuch is a perfect Eloi!) when the Eloi least expect it. 

So I guess I am saying, our goal is to survive till the Eloi self-destruct. What I mean is not exactly hiding out in the mountains, but surviving the civilizational fight we are in, here and now, keeping our minds free, our bodies free (as possible) from their poisons (hard to do since they've poisoned the world), and so on. The most depressing thing is they turned the Church into an anti-church, and we have clearly separate ourselves from that mockery of the True Church. Tulsi Gabbard, Naomi Wolf, Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone are all people "of the Left" (mostly old-fashioned "liberals" in origin) now fighting.

They've not gone all the way, which involves junking the fraudulent science of virology and bringing "science" up short, jerking their public-funding chain and toppling over their fake "religion" before they turn us all into lab rats (oh, wait, probably too late), but we all need to join the fight. Fighting a hopeless battle, as Lewis and Tolkien used to teach, was the essence of ancient courage. So, "pure survival" means surviving as human beings, and making no compromises with "the government/WEF/WHO" etc. For after all, this dystopia they are creating won't be able to last long; it won't be able to feed itself, reproduce itself, or in general survive the chaos it is unleashing on the world. 

What all this "Great Reset" amounts to is just another lame-brained human effort at re-erecting the Tower of Babel. God wouldn't let it work the first time; He won't let it work this time, either. The real question is, how many must die before we finally sort this out?

So, unless God is done with us, and He's not done yet, we need to show Him, and ourselves, that we are worth keeping around.

The Eloi, though, not so much. 

An Préachán


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