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Thursday, December 2, 2021

Covid Is a Ponzi Scheme Racket Run by Big Pharma/Big Government Players

 A Chairse, Friends, Amici,

A friend commenting to me on the current situation, wrote that "we are stuck forever with a mutation virus that no one can kill. God help us."

I wrote back that God won't. Why should He? There's no virus, mutating or otherwise; I've become convinced of this because of the evidence – let me repeat that – I've become convinced because of the evidence, both current and historical, that there's no Covid virus – but I recognize for most it requires a conscious effort of "out-of-the-box thinking" before this idea gels because the 100-year-old story we've been fed since Pasteur's day is a narrative of "Germs, germs, germs!"
  • We have been conditioned to fear "contagions". It's been bred into us; it's our programming.
What there is an absolute pandemic of in today's world, however, is humanity's inhumanity to man: we're constinually us screwing ourselves over ceaselessly, just like in the days of Noah and then later Nimrod. (And in just about every civilization recorded.) But this current mess can't go on forever. The doomsday signs are clear: We're about to drown ourselves in our own lies and bury ourselves alive in a new Tower of Babel.

It's the few insiders screwing over the mass of mere mortals to achieve power for money. Always money, at least, for money buys power for the weak (think "Bill Gates", the very definition of a putz, think "George Soros", a living caricature of the Emperor Palpatine).
  1. Always money. They use our money to fund the insanity that they in turn make money from.
  2. The virus spiel is a Ponzi scheme: it's about Big Pharma claiming cures for new and dangerous viruses galore that the CDC and the WHO announce every year or so to garner limitless wealth from us "suckers" (great American expression).
  3. Bureaucratic chiefs of CDCs and Health Ministries around the world, and the WHO, play musical chairs with Big Pharma. True symbiosis.
  4. And lowly hack virologists drones in turn get themselves soaked in grant money from government and Big Pharma, with Fauci & Co., a.k.a. the FDA, the CDC, NIAID, etc, being the middle-men.
  5. And of course Global Warming is an exact parallel! It's how the system works and what a "World Government" would look like.
That's it in a nutshell, my friends. We're all like rats chasing each other in a spinning exercise wheel.

For example: the money and research hours that monkey-brained cretin 'Jaws' Fauci (whoops, I've just defamed our Simian brethren!), his Deep-State orangutans (apologies to the esteemed Dr. Zaius) and the equally prosimian-brained lab-coated Chinese and American bio-techs cranking out microscopic Frankensteins wasted our tax dollars on no virus. They have probably made an armada of bio-chemical weapons galore, that's true, for future use on us (of course; see my article on the upcoming sallpox resurrection), but not viruses. These Covid "vaccines" definitely load us up with nanotechnology – this is not debatable now because more and more labs are filming the evidence! (I've seen the films; I saw one of the sci-fi multi-legged bugger moving about!) So, what's that for? Making us into the Borg?

Covid itself is caused by no virus. The various illnesses under the umbrella term "Covid" are caused ultimately by us, ourselves, in our own bodies via living off of modern "processed foods" as we do; "foods" that starve our bodies of nutrients. (We've known this for years: author Michael Pollan published a book tiled "In Defense of Food" back in 2009, for example. Iowa-born Gastroenterologist Walter L. Voegtlin first popularized the paleo diet in the 1970s, for Heaven's sake.) Our modern food makes us ill. It fills our bellies yet starves our cells. But more directly, more immediately – outside of any biological component to the over-all disease, i.e. a possible parasitical infection that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine deal with – "Covid" is caused by two powerful weapons. The first of these is the new and powerful EMFs (electromotive forces) and EMPs (electromagnetic forces), such as 5G, that we poison ourselves with. The second, believe it or not, is the new fad of using bio-fuel

Wuhan, 5G and Bio-fuels
Wuhan was the first city in the world to be completely wired for 5G. The system went active there in that most polluted of towns in September, 2019. Covid appeared soon after. Amazingly enough, Wuhan also makes heavy use of bio-fuels, which globally are made from corn, soy, canola, even hardwood trees – all of which are heavily dosed in Roundup – a globally wide used weed and grass killer. The Roundup is generally on our food, for despite efforts to clean it, bits of it remain. (You know how everyone is told to wash the veggies they bring home" Indeed.) And Roundup and its fellow chemicals certainly get processed into the fuel, made as that is from crops in no way meant for the table, but rather industrial use, thus it is not subject to thorough cleaning. Therefore it (and other agricultural chemicals) get into the atmosphere when the fuel is burned in factories and cars.
  • So, guess what? This isn't a new thing. We're repeating the same idiocy we did "back in the day" when we sprayed fruits with a bug poison using arsenic, and then by WWII, exchanging the arsenic with DDT. They even sprayed DDT on people! (On kids playing in the streets and on the beaches.) When the arsenic spray started in the U.S. in the later 19th century, that's when Polio began to occur widely. It was called 'Poliomyelitis' after similar historical illnesses, one clinically described in 1789. It seems to have been rare, however, until the arsenic spray. When DDT came in, the Polio changed slightly, suggesting strongly that DDT closely served as an agent of the disease. But that wasn't a politically popular idea at the time so it was hushed up. When DDT ceased to be used after the world finally learned it is a pretty deadly poison (thanks to the book "Silent Spring"), of course Polio vanished.
  • And of course the virological mountebanks of the time immediately proclaimed to the Heavens: "The vaccine! The Salk vaccine stopped Polio!" An amazing coincidence. To the present, this polio vaccine "narrative" is a major reason vaccines are believed to be helpful to humanity. Today, India is said to be a perfect example of the global importance and worth and value of vaccines because the Polio vaccine eradicated Polio from the Subcontinent. Ahem, well, what you won't find proclaimed to the Heavens is the fact that India today is afflicted with a wide-spread illness called Acute Flaccid Paralysis, and just coincidentally, just by pure happenstance, golly-gee, "AFP" is said to be "clinically indistinguishable from Polio." Image that. "Clinically indistinguishable from Polio"! Yeah, right.
In his book The Contagion Myth, Dr. Tom Cowan describes the researches of Stephanie Seneff, PhD, who has demonstrated that the quote: "...early epicenters of Covid-19 correspond with areas of high air pollution – Wuhan, China; the Tristate region (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut) – northern Italy; Spain; and Jefferson Parish, Louisiana – and particularly with the use of biodiesel. She notes a Harvard Institute for Public Health study that found a strong correlation between exposure to particulate air pollution and Covid deaths. The researchers found that an increase of only one microgram per cubic meter in fine particulate matter was associated with a 15 percent increase in the Covid-19 fatality rate. It bears repeating that atmospheric dust (that is, pollution) can exacerbate the effects of EMF." (page 101)

My friends, Dr. Cowan goes into detail listing Seneff's findings corroborating the connection between bio-fuel use and Covid, all over the world, and how Europe imports Roundup-doused soy from Argentina. (Specifically, that's a GMO crop of soy that has Roundup bred in it!) And: "The Chinese produce biodiesel from canola (rapeseed), which is highly sprayed with Roundup, much of which grows along the Yangtze River, which cuts through Wuhan." (page 102)

Imagine that.

And he has a slew of other examples, as well. Example after another after another. One should really read the book.
  1. As for me, the past year has been a true "learning curve". I could go on and on and on and on.
  2. Even the story of Edward Jenner eradicating smallpox from England is a lie. They had their biggest outbreaks of that disease in their history after the smallpox vaccine of the day was mandated by Parliament in the mid-1800s. (Twice! Once in the 1840s and again in the 1850s.)
  3. Smallpox only slowly went away as cities developed extensive sanitation, toilet "water closets" put into use, and when horses ceased to fill the street with their poo and pee.
  4. Vaccination was quietly eased off on as public policy as numerous anti-vax societies and associations sprang up. Whether The National Anti-Vaccination League of Great Britain still exists, I don't know.
  5. I tried to find out but ANY internet search reveals a titanic septic tank of official bigshots denying any and all "Anti-Vax" comments or ideas or persons to be anything but evil crazies. It's a hornets' nest, asking anti-vax questions. It's insane. It's a propaganda battleship trying to sink a sampan. And to REALLY muddy the waters, they mix in autism. A cacophony of fevered propaganda spouts and spews and erupts and flows like Vesuvius and Mt. Etna combined on a bad day.
However, historically one English city, Leicester, rejected vaccination in favor of sanitation. Smallpox was soon gone. Contemporary to that, the public health history of Cleveland, Ohio, mirrors the Leicester story exactly. You can find articles about that on the internet, but of course they all say the city fathers were crazy and only the vaccine saved England (or Cleveland). Yeah? Right.

READ this very closely:
And I just bet that unless you-all happen to be crime history specialists, you don't know that "Jack the Ripper" kept ripping on long after he supposedly stopped. This is true. The police got the newspapers to just stop reporting it. Honestly, this is true. They thought it imperative to stop the city-wide panic. Without his audience, "Jack" slowly wound down; maybe he just died of old age?

Folks, you've been lied to again, and again, and again, and again. It just never stops. The lies are constant.

Time to demand the lies stop. Before, indeed, we allow them to do what they so desperately want to do – turn us into the Borg.

An Préachán

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