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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Quiet advances against U.S. voter fraud are poised to overwhelm any fraud in the 2022 election...

 ... or so one fervently prays. And some outcome scenarios.


The MainStream Media has forced our attention on a host of crazy things recently, the Covid scam specifically, but much more besides, all those things that are far, far from the 2020 election voter fraud. Yet a great many average everyday Joe and Jane Americans have not forgotten; they've been ferreting out the truth regarding 2020 and "Phantom Voters". This article at American Thinker by Jay Valentine explains how the phantom voting occurred and how completely nation-wide extensive it was. It is a fascinating article that I highly recommend. This Jay Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud detection and the technology for the TSA No-Fly List. Here's a short excerpt:

In one Midwestern state, voter rolls costing tens of thousands of dollars were bought by a billionaire leftist every month for over a year.  Why would someone buy a list that doesn't change much?

Voter lists show people who move.  They show people who never or seldom vote. 

The white hat canvassing team built a query for one state: "voters who voted in 2020 who never voted before."  Guess what!  265,000.

In the same state, thousands of people came forward with stories that when they showed up to vote, they were told someone had voted for them.  Get the picture?

In a southwestern state, in its second-largest city, there was a 21-day daily tabulation of cast ballots.  Once a ballot is cast, it should not be changed.  Not here.

When the millions of cast votes across over 21 snapshots were compared, thousands of ballots had been altered.  Some were minor alterations, like a slight name change.  Others were more interesting — like when someone voted in person, but his vote was later changed by an absentee ballot.

It gets better.

Those FOIA requests are mining gold.

AnP again:
Those interested in these incredible revelations I encourage to read the article. My Comments, FWTW, are:
  1. Democrats have been stealing elections for generations, and my friend Mike has reported here a number of classic stories told about this, like the one of Lyndon Johnson, when still a representative, and Sam Rayburn, then actual Speaker of the House of Representatives, in a Texas graveyard registering the dead to vote.
  2. But this time, in the 2020 election, the Democrats went too far – so far that if you remotely know how U.S. elections work, what "momentum" is, what crowd turnout means, how certain counties always vote for the winner, what incumbents getting X to Y vote percentages against challenger votes in certain regions signify, all that, you know that this election was stolen.
  3. If you were watching election returns and saw the reported numbers starting to change in ridiculous fashion, you know it was stolen. Etc., etc.
  4. The point is, EVERYONE outside of the idiot thumbsuckers that the U.S. "Educational system" has produced (north of 30 percent of the population) i.e. everyone who can screw in a light bulb, knows the truth, and now that absolute idiot, that Zombie Zhou Biden China boot-licker, who doesn't even know where he is more than half of the time, has produced – technically, the not so shadowy Obama Administration peeps who manage the fool AND the Deep State combined Intelligence apparatus that actually runs the U.S. – has put the American citizens in such dire straights that any half-way serious election reforms or any election that will be monitored by the folks Mr Valentine is talking about – that the Democrats are going to be swept from power on a scale never seen before in U.S. history.
  5. The Democrat party is in any event destroyed. It is now the true U.S. Communist Party. The Republican Party is in the throws of splitting into the MAGA (Trump) Repubs and the Center-Left "Officials", the "GOPe", as it is called. (Grand Old Party Establishment) The split can only be fully actualized after a smashing Repub victory and the GOPe then pulls out all the stops to betray that victory. That would be the final nail because people are so angry they won't tolerate it.
Ergo, either one of two things happens:

  • The "Deep State" and their Commie front men seize the U.S. government completely in a full coup d'état before or right after the 2022 election to prevent a Republican clean sweep scenario, as they collectively, if I may so phrases it, "take the mask off".
  • If they do, it'll be national suicide. The 50 percent of the people who actually make the national wealth and who make the technology run will go on strike or flee underground as the traditional "social contract" between the self-governing self-managing self-helping  American people and their elected government is "cancelled." Certainly food delivery to the Democrat-controlled urban areas will stop and the economy will collapse. The brutal chaos currently underway in the "sacking of cities" by Antifa and BLM thugs would have been completely unimaginable just a couple of years ago, before George Floyd, and just plain mobs rampaging everywhere 'urban' will become the norm, with the U.S. descending into a Mad Max dystopia. (Raging inner-city mobs raging in the countryside will be shot down en masse. Small-town/rural people: white, black, brown, whatever, will shoot them. Without hesitation. Forced back into cities, the cities will become like the fictional New York in the movie Escape from New York – although they're kinda like that now.)
Option Two:
  • The Deep State casts the lots and decide to allow the 2022 elections to occur, and then they go into a 'War of Position', trench-war fighting the new Congress and state governments in a thousand small holding actions, on every front, continually, ever trying to sabotage Republican actions until they can see how the 2024 election is shaping up. This is, of course, exactly what they did to Trump for four years, and Trump foolishly allowed them to get away with it. Trump definitely needed Steve Bannon on his team during those years, but he had let "them" fire Bannon, etc., early on. (And Trump played right into their hands regarding Covid. Bad, bad, very bad indeed, Mr. Trump.)*
  • But this would be just a holding action. The Deep State cannot allow itself to be abrogated. The NIA, the FBI, the CIA, ATF, DIA, etc., simply cannot let go of power. They killed the two Kennedy brothers in the '60s, they removed Nixon, they installed Carter and tried to assassinate Reagan, eventually tying him up in Iran-Contra. They "Iran-Contraed" Trump for his whole four years! (With Obama's help, they removed, or at least aided in the removal, of Pope Benedict XVI and the installation of that oaf Bregoglio – much like they did with Biden – something many begged Trump to reveal the truth on, but that was another Trump failure.)**
  • Bottom line: Thugs in power have to be forcibly removed, and these clowns certainly cannot long sustain serious Congressional investigations that a massive change in Congress would entail. That January 6th stage-managed Deep State operation was planned and created by them. The revelation of the truth of that alone would result in calls for their dissolution. A strong Conservative leader might well emerge (DeSantis?) who would actually shut them down and repeal the Patriot Act. 
  • Yet, as noted, if the Deep State doesn't strike next year, it just puts off the inevitable overthrow of the Federal Government. That, at least, has to happen. It either seizes power and ignites a Dark Age or it will be damned and dismembered. Those are the only two options for it.
Finally: China and Russia
  1. Russia seems poised to invade the Ukraine, probably not long into the New Year of 2022. A Winter War. Talk about a War of Maneuver! How much of the Ukraine they seize will shape the response of the Europeans, who, without the backing of the U.S., will let the Russians take what they want. Germany is stuck on the teat of Russian oil, in any event. But the Russians want the Ukraine: for as the old saying goes, Russia with Ukraine is the U.S.; Russia without the Ukraine is Canada.
  2. China: China is such a mess. It has been poised to invade Taiwan since Trump's removal, and as it had its spies in the U.S., especially that defecant General Milley, such an invasion might have worked but also would have given Trump the excuse to clean the Defense Department out. Root and branch. (Along with the Deep State, too, because while that is effective at thwarting American self-government, it is useless at what it is supposed to do: thwart enemy states and protect U.S. national interests.) Also, China's top leadership are in a seemingly endless labyrinthine palace coup knife fight, as Xi tries to retain control and drag his essentially Third-World state into a war that will likely follow the pattern of what happened to Japan 1937-1945, and myriads of factions who loathe him keep trying remove him. Just a mess. And from what I understand, not only are these brutal back-stabbing bureaucrats incompetent, being promoted due to faction ties, but all of them spend their days viewing internet porn. I'd hate to be their janitors, having to clean up their offices! Despite their vast army, their quickly building navy, their missiles and the bio-weapons, grotesque incompetence and obscene immorality do not great leadership make. (Right, Zhou Biden?)
Welcome to 2022 and the Mad Max future!

An Préachán
* After all he had been through, why did Trump trust "Deep Staters" as deep as Anthony Fauci? Faced with constant evidence of Deep State treachery, he seems to have trusted Fauci and his peeps for quite a while. He had NO reason to. Even a cursory review of who Fauci was and his shady past would have revealed Fauci's insanity involving AIDS and HIV. A deeper investigation would have revealed what we now know: Fauci's gain of function research with his U.S. connections and the Chinese. That's simply treason, especially considering China's long-proclaimed bio-warfare intentions.
** For some, this might be one conspiracy theory too far, but all I can say is, after ALL we've been through since Eisenhower gave his last speech warning of the "Military-Industrial Complex", how can anyone honestly say that there's simply nothing the Deep State won't do, or try? I thought the icing on the cake was their attacks on Trump for four years, but Covid "bears the bell away." Besides, Bergoglio and Biden parallel one another nicely. Reagan and John Paul II paralleled nicely, too, at least in overthrowing the Communists. But that exceptional team as re-manifested in Biden and Bergoglio is a freakshow joke. Two doddering life-time incompetents surrounded by sexual deviants. Incredible.
An Préachán

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