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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Sign of The End? Dr Mercola has been threatened and is deleting his entire article hoard...


Some Ominous News
Dr. Joseph Mercola is a household name to anyone who has questioned the Covid "narrative" or the "Big Med" "Big Pharma" spiel about how we need their meds to survive all the wild dangers of our native biodome. (Moderna is now saying a "booster shot" will be necessary this before winter.) Over many years, Mercola has built up a reputation – and a host of articles – that garner him a great deal of respect, at least outside "the usual suspects" promoting Covid, Lockdowns, and draconian curtailment of civil rights.

But now he's been signaled out by The Zombie Joe Xiden, and Bill Gates as well, and so on, it appears, and therefore he's deleting his entire hoarded store of natural medicine articles. All his Covid articles, the whole shebang. Is this a publicity stunt? Or is Mercola truly terrified?

An extract from his site:

Just to be clear, ALL my content will be removed. This includes articles on:

  • Great Reset
  • General nutrition
  • The coronavirus
  • My interviews with experts

These will be removed to appease the individuals in power who have an arsenal of overwhelming tools at their disposal, and are actively engaged in using them. COVID-19 has activated and authorized emergency powers that have weakened our constitutional rights. Sadly, cyberwarfare and authoritarian forces are beyond our abilities to withstand, and this is now our only way forward.

Over 15,000 articles full of vital information that has helped tens of millions across the world take control of their health, will be removed. There was a time when people could debate and respect each other freely. That time is now gone. I believe laws are best applied like medicine – locally and specifically.

An P again:
"Cyberwarfare and authoritarian forces are beyond our abilities to withstand."

This is pretty amazing. Be on the watch for others who have spoken out against the hoax, and if they "disappear", your turn will be next. "They" have certainly come for Texas Dr. Peter McCullough

As for Mercola, he says he'll continue for now to post articles but then delete them after 48 hours in an attempt to protect himself. Why that would protect him if "they" are truly after him, I dunno. But beware.

Push Finally Coming to Shove?
We may be entering very dark times, as in full police state lockdown on Australia's model, full police-state seizure of the Internet and other communication services, and everyone in ignorance and despair till they stab that damn "jab" in your arm. (They are almost gibbering in incoherent Lovecraftian madness to get shot in your arm. So, just what IS in it? Hmmm?) What's going on in Australia is pure Orwellian 1984 freak-show insanity. One (just the one) Australian senator is speaking out against it, his name is Malcolm Roberts, and you can listen to him here at Citizenfreepress

U.S. Senator Rand Paul has himself laid down the law. Senator Paul is actually calling for mass civil disobedience and push-back against the Biden regime and the Covid dictatorship in general. Again, pretty amazing.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also seems to be getting ready for a full, head-on fight with Biden. (Governor DeSantis allowed the SSPX to say open during the lockdown, remember). The Biden Regime seems to be coming for DeSantis.

Look, my friends, you may think this is all hyperbole, and maybe it is. One thing is certain: time will tell. But I've seen enough the past couple of years to expect anything to happen now, absolutely anything. And so the warning, strictures, and advice of this guy, need to be taken seriously.

We have a fraudulently elected "president" and a fraudulent imprisonment of Capitol Hill protestors (esp compared to Antifa and BLM actual rioters being let off). We have a "government" crashing our economy
And a "pResident" boasting about how he's going directly against the Constitution, as reported here at The Conservative Treehouse.

We have ever-mounting evidence that the entire Covid "scamdemic" was just that, including U.S. patents filed over a decade ago proving they had itdeveloped then. And certain individuals are collecting evidence that will crash not only that "narrative" but EVERYONE's faith in the entire medical system. See LifeSiteNews for details here

Now, as I say, maybe paranoia has seized control of Western Civilization, and maybe I, an old Lovecraft hand, has seen Azathoth one too many times, so that I'll believe any crazy thing. Maybe so.

Or perhaps we ought to "read the signs of the times" for it looks like (continuing the Biblical metaphors) the "handwriting is on the wall".

Get ready for anything.

Myself, I think the actions of Bergoglio, cancelling the Traditional Latin Mass (trying to, beginning it, certainly) right at this time is a "sign of the times" indeed, more like a bright flare launched right before our faces.

Pray. If you don't pray, learn. Catholics need to go to the TLM and if your bishop is preventing you, pay him a visit. Bergoglio's Crew has said "No!" to religious exemptions for the vaccine. Tell 'em exactly what you think of them. Now is the time to get their attention.

Of course, once again, maybe nothing will happen. Maybe we just teeter on the totter to where everywhere is San Francisco

Or on the other hand, suddenly it all goes black and our slavery is complete, unless, perhaps, just maybe it comes down to some colonel or major in tank somewhere who saves the day, like Major Yevdokimov did in Moscow back in 1991.

An Préachán, feelin' chomh mear le míol Márta

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