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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Germany's Bild newspaper apologizes to Germans, and other tidbits

 Friends, A Chairde,

And interesting bit of new here about Bild. Bild is Germany’s largest newspaper, and it apologizes for Covid hysteria, especially involving children. This is pretty shocking therefore but then, remember Newtonian physics: for every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction. That huge Berlin protest wherein the German police went crazy and beat up women and children last weekend (I sent around a video link) was just apparently one bridge too far for Bild. I wondered how Germans would react. People everywhere, in Germany too, are desperately, desperately, desperately tired of Covid, and are now being told (in the U.S. by Biden's CDC director) that the virus has mutated so far that the "vaccines" no longer work on it.

So canine-like police beating on their own desperate "Sheeple" people protesting this garbage is, shall we say, not conducive to sweetness, light, and a happy population.

Then again, maybe Bild's apology wasn't inspired by that. In any event, take a moment to watch the video at the link. French and English subtitles run, so you can follow it.

All this hoopla from the Biden Regime about forcing all federal employees to be injected with one of the "vaccines" might be in the same sort of category, in a mirror reverse image. Why? It's come out, as I've reported, that a whistleblower in the CMS has sworn an affidavit that she's seen 45,000 Americans have died of Covid injections, and that will be out in a lawsuit soon.

Mike Adams and Tom Renz talk about this (and a WHOLE lot more) at this link. Renz thinks that because of the whistleblower news, the Biden Regime floated all this forced vaccination madness because of the whistleblower's 45,000 deaths report did get past some of the censors. As this news, and other news like it, escape the U.S. government censors, people will no longer want "the jab". So the Jabbers' window of opportunity is closing.

Renz predicted that the Regime will begin to back off their heavy-handed insanity this week, as people begin to react angrily to being FORCED to be "vaccinated". We'll see. But both agree that however the government, federal or state, do it, they'll try their damnest to "lockdown" the country again. However, the more they try to force "vaccination" for an illness that kills less than 99.8 percent of the population claimed to be infected with it, the angrier people will get.

Renz also had the interesting observation that his sources tell him that only about 30 percent of so of the U.S. population has gotten the "jab". I've seen report in other places that it is much lower than officially admitted.

Interestingly, they discuss a host of other Covid issues, especially why U.S. doctors go along with this putrid mess. Apparently, "Obamacare" essentially wiped out private medical practitioners in the U.S., in the sense that most doctors work for a "Big Med" conglomerate/hospital, and have to do what they're told or be fired/ostracized. (Correct me, anyone, if I'm wrong.) I do know that doctor's are not free to prescribe what they think you need, but only what the "Standard of Care" allows. And that "Standard" is not set by doctors or patients, but "Big Med", Big Pharma, and of course the Insurance companies.

Everyone I review is predicting strict lockdowns and mask-wearing will be implemented soon in most of the U.S. That probably won't work in the Red States, but it will occur in the Blue ones. For myself, I was happy to see Hungary is not going the lockdown route – if I read the news correctly – and instead, Sweden-like, it will go for the "herd immunity" gambit. Sweden, BTW, is doing great, at least in regard to Covid. Sweden is the rape capital of the world right now, with horrible crime rates galore, what with all the foreigners the government has let in. But in terms of Covid, they've restrained the worst extremes throughout the "scamdemic" and currently have very little in the way of Covid.

Of course, as long as anyone uses the worthless PCR tests, Covid will be found, even when it doesn't exist. (That, too, is discussed by Adams and Renz. Adams had experience with the PCR before Covid came along.) Singapore has abandoned this test, and even the CDC say it will be phased out in the U.S., as I've reported elsewhere.

For further info, Renz has a website here. Currently featured is Lifesite News' "Stop the Shot" online conference. Check it out and inform yourselves.

Let's pray the Bild apology is the beginning of the end of the craziness.


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