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Thursday, June 3, 2021

"Dr. Tony Fauci will go down as one of the greatest mass murderers of our day"


Big news developing. A portion of Dr. Tony Fauci's emails during the early Covid months are being published. The revelations are shocking.

Apparently, the Powers-That-Be have decided to put old Tony Fauci on the chopping block. The news is full of his newly published emails, which the WaPo and Buzzfeed (media of the American Left, mind you) have been publishing. Everything the Washington Post does is politically motivated, so it is obvious the people behind the "Pandemic" have decided to end him. Very publicly. The emails show Fauci needs to be arrested and put on trial. At the very least we now know Fauci lied in sworn Senate testimony.

Interesting, the politics of it. For example, Tucker Carlson, always a weather-vane signaling "narrative change", is out for a piece Fauci hide

Remember not long ago that Carlson had the temerity to report on the VAERS mortality rates? That sent political shock waves, indeed. He's been quiet on that front since, but the VAERS mortality/serous illness statistics just keep rising and rising. Pressure is building. They can't keep this quiet too much longer. The non-MainStream Media is full of information about it.

As for Dr. Tony Fauci, it is quite apparent the old fraud has lied any number of times; he lied about his involvement in "gain of function" viral research and whether masks help (they don't, and he knew that and said so) and on to non-vaccine treatments, and more besides. How can this surprise anyone since he lied for years about his HIV/AIDs research?

Here's an article discussing how the published emails show he knew Hydroxychloroquine actually helped people, if administered early enough  –  by suppressing what he knew and by outright lying about it, in fact, Fauci is literally responsible for the deaths of many thousands. (N.B. Gateway Pundit has pop-ups but this article is very worth reading. It also has a lot of useful links.)

Here's another article from Headline USA.

And see also, again from The Conservative Treehouse. : 

An excerpt from the above link:

Within the emails we discover, Fauci had some urgent, time sensitive discussions about “gain of function” research; the weaponization of the COVID virus. Fauci also told colleagues “retail masks don’t work” as protection from COVID due to the molecular size of the virus. Also the emails reveal that Anthony Fauci was very well aware the outbreak came from a possible lab leak.

Additionally, there is a warning from a scientist inside the NIH who warned Fauci that China was lying about virus, death rates, spread and data. A hubris-filled Dr Fauci responded to the internal warning by telling the physicist his email was “too long for me to read.”…  Yeah, think about that.

An P again: So what is going on? Many things, of course, of which we only get glimpses.
N.B. It is however very worth noting that one reason the public health people for months hid the truth about Hydroxychloroquine and also Ivermectin is because these Lysosomotropic drugs are basically anti-parasite compounds, and too many people would be asking the obvious question: If Covid can be controlled by anti-parasite drugs, maybe the virus theory about Covid is wrong.

Can't have people asking that. Oh no, no, no, no. There's too much money to be made hustling expensive vaccines.

But also these revelations plainly demonstrate the MainStream Media most definitely DID NOT do its job. It completely covered up the truth and was a major part of the "cover-up" about Covid treatments. And of course this was mainly done to just get Donald Trump out of the presidency, and a Chinese puppet installed. Think about that: people died in order for the Left to "get Trump".

On the other hand:
I know the Communists are in control of both the U.S. Federal government and also the MainStream Media, but I can't imagine they can keep these anti-Fauci revelations from being the hot iron that will eventually melt the entire Covid ball of wax. Democrat majorities in both Houses of Congress are held in power by very slim majorities, after all, while "Zombie Zhou" Biden is an absolute brainless farce. The Democrat hold on power is tenuous in the extreme. (The Senate parliamentarian just dealt the Senate Dems a blow, as well.) And next to Covid, the biggest story in the U.S.A. is how the voter fraud of the 2020 election is being revealed. Bit by bit, day by day.

Or then again, maybe...
Or maybe the cynic in me is right? Maybe the often-stated idea is true that the CDC's VAERS system is only reporting between 1 to 10 percent of Covid vaccine deaths, and that it is actually correct many more are not reported. So therefore instead of 4,400 Americans dead from the Covid vaccines (reported as of last week), it really is 44,000? That's approaching Vietnam casualty territory (55,000). Believe me, if such a number is bordering on reality, or even half of such a number, like 22,000, then the Powers-That-Be are panicking, just as Reinhard Fuellmich himself reports, and Fauci will be one of their fall guys. Fuellmich says he has "whistle blowers" who report that this obviously disastrous vaccine adverse event level is going to bring on a pure hell storm.

We'll see.

At least the faux-Chinese curse is true for us: we're living in interesting times.

An Préachán

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