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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Canadian virologist: "We've made a huge mistake with the vaccines...".

 A Chairde, amici,

I came across this important story today, from two different sources. First, this about a vaccine expert warning "We made a big mistake". And then at LifeSiteNews, another take on the same story

The news? More doom and gloom predicted and foreseen. One might be tempted to dismiss it all except for two reasons: the quality of those predicting the doom and gloom and the incredible mortality and illness statistics reported from the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) that the U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control) maintains.

So it is that this new report is significant in who is making the warning: Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario. Bridle is a mainstream scientist of standing. So, what's his report?

In essence, Bridle reports that they're only now recognizing the fact that it is the infamous "spike" protein itself that is the toxin, as opposed to the underlying coronavirus virus.
  1. First of all, the idea of raping, pillaging, merciless yet somehow non-living viruses causing mayhem to your cells is nearly universally believed. But Pasteur made this "narrative" up nearly 200 years ago, and later discoveries were shoehorned into it. Very few laymen know the exact narrative of how viruses are supposed to work. It's complicated, and upon investigation, it's absurd.
  2. However, whatever is true or not true about virus behavior, this news about the spike protein is much easier to understand and to describe than the possible dangers of either viruses in general or of genetic mRNA "vaccines" design to "fight" them.
  3. The dangers of mRNA vaccines can so easily sound too "tin-foil hat", like UFOs, etc., that it is easy for the MSM to mock it. And mock it they do, although mocking is not science. I'll report soon on the actual state of the science of biology, and it will shock you. The discipline is a mess. This needs to be widely known.
  4. The spike protein is what Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warned about in that video I sent around a month ago. The distinguished old man comes across as totally convinced and eminently believable.This new report of Bridle's supports him.
  5. And more reports are coming, as of one mentioned in the articles I've linked to, an Oxford study that is soon to be published.
So, here's a few excerpts from the first link above (yellow highlights mine):

“The SARS-CoV-2 has a spike protein on its surface. We now know spike protein gets into circulation. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew it was a toxin. So by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”

An P again:
So, the spike protein fills the "vaccine" shot, in the billions, (or some other ridiculously high number). It is injected via the four major Western "vaccines". Once injected, it tends not to stay in muscle but gets into the blood and goes on a rampage, ripping artery walls and wrecking everything in sight (or touch). Another excerpt:
“We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin that can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation. Now, we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccines that make the cells in our deltoid muscles manufacture this protein, [we now know] the vaccine itself plus the protein gets into blood circulation. When in circulation, the spike protein can bind to the receptors that are on our platelets and the cells that line our blood vessels. When that happens, it can do one of two things: it can either cause platelets to clump, and that can lead to clotting—that’s exactly why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. It can also lead to bleeding, and of course, the heart is involved, which is part of the cardiovascular system, so that is why we are seeing heart problems.”

An P again:
Well, just peachy. A classic example of the famous sarcastic comment: "NOW they tell us!" These vaccine makers are like a cartoon character running off a cliff: he keeps running right along for a moment, then stops, looks down, and only then he realizes he's off the cliff. At that point he falls into oblivion.

Here's an excerpt from the LifeSite article:

Bridle cited the recent publication of a peer-reviewed study which detected spike protein in the blood plasma of three of 13 young healthcare workers that had received Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. In one of the workers, the spike protein circulated for 29 days.

An Préachán again:
Well, well, well.

As I've been saying since the vaccine "rush" began – especially because of the loathsome "bum's rush" push to get everyone "the Jab" even though they are ALL "Emergency Use Authorization" ("Conditional Use" in Europe), a measure that is supposed to be used in exceptional cases for critically ill individuals – in the long history of the world, when has a government NOT lied to its people? That's especially true of mega-corporations who have an international reach and influence.

For an example of the latter, it is widely recognized now that Ivermectin, a long-established and cheap drug, works wonderfully well against Covid, better than Hydroxychloroquine does. And when there's a cure for an illness, there's no need for a vaccine for that illness. Or supposedly, that is what ought to be the moral position. Unfortunately, government and Big Pharma kept denigrating both of these Lysosomotropic drugs. Now with both India and Mexico both marinating themselves in Ivermectin, and their Covid hospitalization cases crashing down to nothing, that "cat is finally out of the bag".

Non-medical ramifications
Aside from the danger to anyone who has had the vaccine, whether there is actual danger or not – because of the many VAERS reports, there seems to be a serious mortality rate compared to, say, flu vaccines, so only time will tell just how dangerous these potions turn out to be – there a couple of non-medical conclusions stand out as being obvious enough:

First, Donald Trump is finished. So is Boris Johnson, Bibi Netanyahu, Angela Merkel, Macron, and a host of other leaders (Netanyahu and Merkel are finished anyway, for various reasons). So is the Zombie known as "Zhou Biden", for that matter. The entire Western political world is in deep trouble.

Why? Assuming that this new study and its supporting studies are correct, or even half correct (and some degree of concern remains warranted about all the other studies over the past few months warning of mRNA vaccines processes in general, etc.), with none of this junk having gone through the three-year (some say five years, some even ten years) testing usually required of a new vaccine, then the MainStream Media will go full crazy on Donald Trump (or anyone anyone they hate, like Boris Johnson) for having "rushed through" the vaccines. These political leaders are perfect targets. But take down Trump or Johnson and you take down the rest, too,

Former President Trump, like the others, is continually praising the vaccines, boasting ceaselessly about them. I see today Trump recently said no one should be forced to take a vaccine, but still encourages others to take them. He is behind the times. Yet the damage is done – again, assuming these "vaccines" actually do cause the damage, no, even half the damage, they're being predicted to cause, political heads will roll.

Already, in London a couple of days ago, a million people protested the Covid lockdowns and other measures. The UK media tried to hush it up, but "the times they are a changin'." As Abraham Lincoln said, you can't fool all the people all the time.

Secondly, there will be great anger and "push back" against the Democrats and "the Left" in general for their own idiotic parroting of their hyping of this "medicinal trash", if that is what it turns out to be. Intense anger is already building over the lockdowns, and in the U.S. it is the Left that usually makes those simply unbearable (as in New York, New Jersey, Michigan and California). In countries where the Left is out of power, they will use the anger to seize power.

Right now, however, I'm sensing "the narrative" as it has been over the past year can no longer be maintained. It's cracking apart – for those willing to look. How long this stage of the game will last, I don't know. But I'm guessing, not too long. The more "the Jab" is hyped, the more people will resist, and if widespread illness results from the vaccines (it's happening now, but just how far-reaching it will be remains to be seen), well. It's going to be brutal.

An Préachán

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