Trump promoting vaccines is in the news today.
But so what? Politicians are a shallow, opportunistic crew.
just wants to take credit for the vaccines, for pushing them through in
"Trump Time". All politicians – apparently – are stupid, except for
the brilliantly evil ones (Hitler, Stalin, Mao). A Winston
Churchill-level politician is VERY rare, and in Churchill's case, he
made many, many desperately horrible mistakes, especially keeping the
Americans from invading France in 1943, like we wanted to do. Anyway,
these vaccines are a good example of people in authority knowing full
well that
something is wrong and yet they let it happen, anyway.
of these vaccines have gone through the standard three-to-five year
protocols and testing required by the FDA of vaccines. None of them. Not one. Anywhere in the world. Do not the people taking these vaccines know this? Look at what Biochemist and Molecular Biologist Doug Corrigan, PhD, writes.
An excerpt:
"My professional opinion is that since RNA vaccines are a new mode of delivering vaccines, they should be tested for 5-10 years to demonstrate that genetic modification is not a major concern. In addition, all coronavirus vaccines, regardless of type, should be tested for an equal duration to show that ADE is not a concern. It is absolutely impossible to rule out these safety concerns in less than a year."
One could begin to list the eminent scientists who oppose these vaccine policies:
- Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, of Germany.
- John P. A. Ioannidis, the physician-scientist and Stanford University professor who has made contributions to evidence-based medicine. Dr Ioannidis is famous for saying at least half of the peer-reviewed science papers are junk science.
- Jay Bhattacharya (born 1968 in Kolkata, India) is a professor of medicine at Stanford University and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He directs Stanford's Center for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging.
- Didier Raoult, the French
physician and microbiologist specializing in infectious diseases. In
1984, Raoult created the Rickettsia Unit at Aix-Marseille University. He
was widely mocked for claiming Hydroxychloroquine helps stop Covid,
something now accepted as fact, but it took a full year or more to be accepted.
- The famous Wolfgang Wodarg, a German physician and politician for SPD. He was a member of the Bundestag from 1994 to 2009. He saved us from a lockdown during the so-called "Swine Flu" epidemic.
could list such individuals forever, but does expert testimony mean
anything any longer? This is the first "social media pandemic", and the
masses are driven like herds in stampede by Covid "fear porn".
once again: neither the fancy Western "gene therapy" vaccines, nor the
Russian or Chinese vaccines, have gone through the standard testing
protocols. They are NOT FDA approved. However, instead, in the U.S. they
are allowed under a special law called the Emergency Use
Authorization, which was supposed to be used in rare circumstances for a new experimental drug to be employed for a
cancer victim, for example, or a small number of such unfortunates; but
the authorities had to know it is completely insane to Emergency Use
Authorize entirely new types of gene therapy for literally 100s of
millions of people!!!! Common sense alone would scream
its throat out about that. Especially with a disease with a 99.7/8
survival rate! One that been shown again and again to be easily
conquered by Vitamin D, and long-established lysosomotropic drugs like Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectine.
This is monstrous.
And certainly Donald Trump, as national leader, should himself have made this simple yet essential warning clear, again and again.
"These are Emergency Use Authorization; we have NO idea what they will
do your body in the near future, let along years from now."
instead, Trump and the all the other politicians just want to get the
kudos for getting the vaccine out in the first place. They wanted
praise, laurels of Apollo, and shallow public accolade. Look at that
zombie toad Biden taking credit for it, too, that degenerate, drooling
(Ever see any of the dozens of videos of him fondling young girls? Even
when he still had his mind, he was pervert.) Just nuts.
These fools will be cursed by millions should even half of the evils predicted of these gene therapies be revealed, as they are beginning to be. My God, just to read the abstract at this second link is absolutely horrifying! So how is all that
going to affect their political careers? Or what happens when it
suddenly becomes "common knowledge" that the voluntary VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) only reports
about 10 percent of vaccine adverse reactions or deaths, and people realize
that not just 2000-some odd Americans have already, in the past three months, died of vaccines, but
20,000! (And 80 to 100,000 merely severe reactions?)
Things are actually getting quite desperate. I see in the Budapest Business Journal the following delorous article.
The same thing is happening at Notre Dame University, and other academic institutions.
is utterly outrageous. Forcing people to submit themselves to
personally testing an unverified "vaccine" on themselves in order to be
allowed to live a "normal" life? That is putrid. Putrid. (BTW, whatever happened to "My body, my choice"?) And it is
expressly prohibited under the Nuremberg Trials. The Nazis did that, and
it is being done now. This is immoral in the extreme. Are there NO
civil rights lawyers in Hungary? Or look what happened to this man who
tried to read the text of the German constitution, aloud, in the public
square of Dresden, Germany. Violently arrested and beaten. In Germany. What does that remind you of?
The German police called it "an unannounced gathering."
Please take the time to read Reiner Fuellmich's interview with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav. She says: "The
Nazi system destroyed a social conscience, in the name of public
health, violations against individuals and classes of human beings were
institutionalized." The Nazis said the Jews were vectors of disease and
therefore had to be liquidated. The stage is being set for this 1930s
play to be restaged. The same story, just a different cast of
is absolutely no moral or legal reason to force millions of people to
accept untested drugs on any scale, let alone a mass scale. Unless sane,
decent people oppose this, the world is going right back where it was
in the late 1930s.
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