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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Covid court cases and a follow-up on my "Isolation" post from last week


Any of you ever hear of Dr. Donald Henderson? You should all know exactly who he was. Every. One. Of. You. Why? This email will explain his importance as it is a follow-up on my email last week about how Covid was "isolated", I'll share a few new articles have come to my attention, and focus a bit on the legal cases that have been filed around the world.

You will remember that I discussed at some small length an Australian 2020 scientific paper, and I mentioned the lawsuits being filed that relied on the false "science" exhibited in the paper regarding Covid isolation. For those of you who want to know more about this legal effort to bring down "The Covid Show", you can listen to Reiner Fuellmich, the German lawyer who is one of the leaders of a world-wide effort to bring lawsuits – on many levels – in order to expose and bring down the entire Covid hoax. This is an interview Fuellmich had given to Patrick Bet-David on November 13 of last year. It's a great overview of the issues about how the fake Covid story came to be. (It's on YouTube and I'm surprised it is still up.) Then for the latest Reiner Fuellmich news, here's an interview from the begging of this April, where he discusses the current status of his cases.

Fuellmich lays out a great deal of evidence about just who was involved in creating the Covid hoax. A German named Christian Drosten is a leader of the implementation of the world-wide hoax because he was a major player – in conjunction with others such as Tedros Ghebreyesus (head of the World Health Organization), and Anthony Fauci – who from March last year pushed the use of the PCR test to prove an individual had the virus. Drosten used his own version of the late Kari Mullis' PCR test. Mullis was an American scientists who had won the Nobel prize, and who is now famous for disparaging Anthony Fauci and also for saying his PCR test was not useful for finding infections or diseases, etc., but rather was designed to show genetic content, and what you find with it depends on how many "cycles" you run. Run enough cycles, and you'll find anything.

But Drosten had Angela Merkel's ear, and she set Germany's lockdown response based on Dorsten's fraud, similar to how the U.K. followed Professor Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College. The infamous Ferguson's shoddy work was shown to be garbage and lead to a disaster, but not until the damage had begun and the Covid Scare was in control.

Dr. Donald Henderson
Now, this is where Dr. Donald Henderson enters the scene. As explained here by Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor, Dr. Henderson was advising the second Bush Administration during the 2006 H1N1 flu epidemic. Believe it or not, high U.S. health officials had AT THAT TIME tried to get Bush to implement strict measures and yes, even LOCKDOWNS, but Henderson talked Bush out of it. The 2020 Covid disaster might have occurred in 2006 as the H1N1 diaster, but for Henderson! Sharav quotes Henderson as saying:

"Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted, strong political and public health leadership, to provide reassurance and to ensure that needed medical care services are provided, are critical elements, if either are seen to be less than optimal, a manageable epidemic could move towards catastrophe."
(Read the whole interview Sharav and Fuellmich. It is a stunner.)

So back in 2006, we avoided the insane Lockdown Hell the-powers-that-be finally managed to impose on us in 2020. Donald Trump apparently had no Donald Henderson! What Trump had was instead Anthony Fauci, and I remember Trump was considering removing all restrictions for the 2020 Easter, but Fauci talked him out of it by forecasting the deaths of 100s of 1000s, which of course didn't happen. Trump caved, and we were cast adrift of a "Voyage of the Damned". (Fauci is such an obvious liability that even the Washington Post is indicating that an investigation into Fauci is about to begin. Clearly, he has served his purpose and will be disposed of.)

My friends, listen to Fuellmich and read Sharav. These are just two of the many people of what I call "The Minority Report" whom I've been researching over the past year about Covid. I pray Fuellmich and his team in Germany, and associated teams across the world, are able to expose this Covid host before too much more time has passed.

As for official, Pravda-approved news, there's a dire report out of the UK that a terrible new strain of Covid is wreaking havoc, as reported on here by Church Militant. This new surge is expected to slaughter its way through those who HAD the vaccines! A newer vaccine will be required to thwart it! Yeah, right. This exactly the "narrative" of a deadly new strain needing a new vaccine that was predicted by the sources I have found that report the Covid virus to be a fraud; the intention of Bad Guys is to keep the fraud running indefinitely, and to keep the mask-wearing and lockdowns permanent. However, as per my email last week, any new "Covid strain" is merely created by computer tabulation errors, and not to be believed. And that's because, again, as I wrote last week, Covid has never been isolated.
  • (Kinda hard to isolate something that doesn't exist. See below on tests showing "Covid" to be mainly Influenza A and B.)
They're just going to keep trying to bury us all alive with this fraud, however. So for today's does of Anti-Covid Fraud Reporting, first read this article 'Laboratories Can't Find Covid-19.' This article is a "must read" for as those who read my email last week about the Covid isolation paper published in Australia know, the "isolation" of Covid-19 was a fraud. Now this article above shows this truth yet again, from an American angle.

A friend sent me a set of stats today in an email jokingly titled: "Masks Work!" When you open the email, you read:

    Influenza cases in the USA, 2016-2021

    2016-2017: 29 million
    2017-2018: 45 million
    2018-2019: 36 million
    2019-2020: 38 million
    2020-2021: 0.0015 million

    Masks and distancing work!

    Actually, they don't. Covid cases in the USA, 2020-2021
  2020-2021: 32 million 

An P again: That's how the email lays out the stats, and the humor of it is obvious: FRAUD! They're counting the flu as Covid. (There's been a joke going around the Net for a while that "Covid did at least one good thing! It killed the flu!") But of course this email has a bit of text along with it pointing out that this isn't really funny, what with the world wrecked, millions of suicides, endless children losing not only a year-and-a-half of school, but suffering all sorts of psychological problems from not being with friends, and made crazy by distancing. One could go on and on.

Personal note: When I report this fraud, I don't want to criticize the people who believe the lies because I know I'm not like a lot of folks: unlike most people, no matter how educated they might be in some fields, I have been a writer and researcher for 40 years now, in journalism, textbooks, and then technical writing, and I do not allow myself to be "scared" by "fear porn". As a textbook writer and researcher, I've seen history "raped" and its story "skewed" to follow a Socialist narrative. I've seen this personally. So I know how full of lies our culture is, especially in education.

On the other hand, my youngest son is fully autistic and God bless him, but he's next to impossible to manage. World-wide, there's a true "pandemic" in the growth of autism, and as you know many claim it is the vaccines – i.e. the material now included in the vaccines: fetal cells, chemical binding agents, etc., that were not around in previous generations of vaccinations – that are causing the autism debacle. I don't know, but I cannot help but wonder.

Secondly, I would ask you-all to reflect a moment about when, in ALL of human history, have governments NOT lied to their people? Remember, never forget, that in the 20th century, over 100 million people were murdered by their own governments! Of course that can happen again. There's no depravity humans won't stoop to. I've been trying to find time to reread a World War II book called Neptune's Inferno, about the Solomon Island campaign, and reading it now I am now struck by how regularly the American government lied to not only the general populace, but to itself, with the Navy lying to the Army, with one segment of the Navy lying to another segment, and so on. (I hasten to add that the Japanese were even worse!) Just amazing. And that was "The Good War".

Thirdly, what we are seeing in the first article I linked to was the same sort of thing as I reported in my long email last week about the Australian Covid paper published last year in March, 2020, chief author: Leon Cally. The Isolation and Rapid Sharing of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, from the first patient diagnosed with Covid 19 in Australia.

The "isolation" reported in that paper was also a fraud. Lawsuits are beginning in Australia to force a revelation of this, as there are lawsuits around the world dosing so, such as is the case with the many suits Reiner Fuellmich is involved in. See again the link I posted above.: 

You can also look into the work of the German biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka. He is running a number of experiments to prove Covid is a fraud. Dr. Stefan Lanka, who won a landmark case in 2017 which went all the way to the German Supreme Court. Lanka proved that measles was not caused by a virus, and that in fact no such thing as a measles virus exists. For example, see "Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception".

Fourthly, along with all of the above, we have the whole vaccine issue, which is still playing out and we've no true clue how bad they will be for the human race, if they are bad at all.

Important to bring up here is that behind the facade of the vaccine push is eugenics, and both Bill Gates (American) and Klaus Schwab (German) have backgrounds in Eugenics. Schwab's father, Eugen, worked for the Nazis, using his company, Escher-Wyss in Schwab’s home town of Ravensburg, to develop all sorts of things for the Nazi war machine, the most significant of which involved the Nazi Atomic Bomb. For a long article detailing these connections, and both Schwab's, father and son, read this article

The author of the piece (and the writer he quotes from within the article) argue that a lot of what goes on behind the facade of "Globalism" involves Nazi ideals and programs. The authors sums up by writing:
"I’ve been trying for years to warn people about a post-war “Nazi International,” an “extra-territorial state” hiding behind a complex tapestry of corporations, funds, foundations, think tanks, and a bewildering labyrinth of interconnections, all still firmly in the grasp of a hideous ideology."
An P again:
"A bewildering labyrinth of interconnections" is an apt description of those promoting both the Global Warming scam and the Covid Hoax, isn't it? And if you think it's a stretch to bring up Nazis, Vera Sharav in her interview with Reiner Fuellmich also makes that connection; i.e., the Nazis said the Jews were vectors for communicable diseases and had to be isolated and "branded" by wearing the Yellow Star, etc., and all indications are that the "vaccine passport" regime that the-powers-that-be want to implement would do something similar. Vera Sharav said, "The Nazi system destroyed a social conscience, in the name of public health, violations against individuals and classes of human beings were institutionalized." Doesn't that sound familiar?

Personally, I know any number of people who have told me they've taken the vaccine. I pray it doesn't adversely affect them – but the one thing Covid "vaccines" cannot do is anything regarding Covid, since Covid doesn't exist; rather, what we call "Covid" consists of a number of illnesses, apparently mostly a version of the flu. Neither I nor any of you know what is in the "vaccines", except what the manufacturers of the Western versions,(Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson, etc.) are telling people is in them. (Moderna is interesting: basically a software/computer manufacturer, and this is their first medical product!) Believe what they say or not, as you will, but don't take them "to put your mind at rest". For one thing, they are not supposed to immunize you against Covid, but just make it milder when you get it. More importantly, they're part of the fraud. They're made by huge companies that in the U.S. at least are immune to lawsuits should they actually give us "snake oil" – we can't sue them. (Talk about "true immunity"!)

On the other hand, we do know the vaccines are killing some people, for example so far over 2,000 in the U.S. alone; now yes, true, in the context of the U.S., which has a population of over 300 million (and Biden keeps adding 100,000s of thousands Meso-American peasants by the week!), so 2,000 deaths are not a big percentage of 300 million.
  • However, in a normal two-three or more year testing of a new vaccine, ANY deaths or injury would probably cause the new vaccine to be dropped.
  • We also know the vaccines are injuring many, many more people, some of them seriously.
  • For most, the injury seems to pass, but it indicates something has happened to their bodies that might re-appear later. Some thing like that is happening now..
  • The VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) says it gets reports on only about 1 in 10 adverse reactions, so that would mean a much larger number of sickness (or death) than we're being told.
  • In Hungary, the vaccines available are the Russian and Chinese vaccines, and one would have to be insane to trust those, at all.
The truth of any of this will only become apparent over time – if honest reporting can be done, of course. One thing you can bet on, however: if there's a cabal of the high and mighty (World Economic Forum, the Bill Gates-George Soros-Klaus Schwab nexus, the CCP, or whoever in whatever combination), they'll not tolerate exposure of the fraud. Should we lose the Internet via some mysterious crash or the "Minority Report" people all be arrested, then yep, you'll know for sure that we're all sheep set for the slaughter. Reiner Fuellmich is especially strong on this aspect of the Covid Hoax, and also the financial side to it, for, as ever, "follow the money" is the best investigative course.

In a world gone mad, we have to search for information about the Covid "narrative" as best we can, we have to decide whether we will live in fear or not, and we'll have to make our own decisions whether to inject man-made chemicals and/or genetics into our bodies to "vaccine" against a disease and a virus that do not exist.

As Appias Claudius Cæcus, a famous Roman engineer, said, "Faber est suae quisque fortunae" – "You are the author of your destiny"; i.e. your life, for better or for worse, is in your hands.

And of course lets not forget Sterqulius, for Acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt. (Mortal actions never deceive the gods.)
For what Sterqulius can do, see the old Roman deity in action.:
(We all need a laugh.)

An Préachán

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