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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Victor Davis Hanson discusses the politicization of the military...

... military coup possible against President Trump. Very sobering podcast. The podcast is here; titled: Winding the Coup Clock.

Here's an excerpt I transcribed from the end of Prof. Hanson's talk:

We're in a really precarious position once the generals and admirals dominate the media and the cultural landscape and tell us that an elected president has no moral authority to do anything and then unelected officers and unelected intelligence bureaucrats have the higher moral ground to oppose him, and when you have an admiral saying he should leave sooner and the better, and another person said we can unite without him, I'm not sure that that doesn't enter Trump's mind that if he gave an order to a four-star that to send in the 82nd or 101st into Seattle and restore order, that that general would say "No," and what would be the reaction if he did say no: Would everyone say, "Oh my God; in the 232nd year of our republic, we now have a military coup!" or would they say, "Aha, this person was a genuine Patriot; he stood up to a tyrant; he protected the Constitution." And he would be canonized. And with those options and differences in reaction be known to the military, and how would they react to them once you will erode the authority of the commander-in-chief, for whatever reason of your dislike of him and once you politicize the military and once you have 93% negative coverage of an administration, and once you've already established the precedent in the Director of National Intelligence and the CIA and the FBI that you have the president and the vice president in 2016 that you have a moral right to the Constitution to oppose that president -- whether that's surveilling his national security advisor or doctoring documents or redacting names and leaking them or -- when you've already gone there and cross the Rubicon, I wouldn't  be surprised at anything anymore.

An Préachán again: In other words, if you're not afraid, you should be.

Such a coup would cause absolute chaos in government, economic crash (just as good economic news is coming out) and probably open warfare in the streets. Real warfare, not the garbage rioting by ignorant thugs and Antifa whites. An American coup would also be the greenlight for China to attack Taiwan and anyone else they wanted to.

As for a true civil war in resistance to the generals, Forbes says about a million people have signed up for Trump's Tulsa rally. Don't believe the polls saying his support is at 45%. Those same polls predicted Hillary would win. (I think the polls fake the number for a variety of reasons, not least of which is to adversely affect pro-Trump morale; but also of significant importance is that the big urban political machines need "cover" for their vote stealing, and strong polls for Biden today can explain how he gets the usual Democrat Black vote in those urban areas.)

We are in seriously dangerous waters, my friends. It is no joke. And all this idiocy of Russian Collusion (I know people who insist Trump DID collude with Russia, or who insist that the Mueller report did find collusion, etc.) and endless effort to delegtimize Trump from the get-go (Obama clearly intended to have Trump in a confrontation with Russia when Trump took the oath of office) have created the environment where what these retired generals and admirals are saying is WWII aviation gasoline poured on a fire.

Here are two Victor Davis Hanson articles related to this:

An Préachán

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