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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Catholicism, Racism, and the Sins of Pride and Envy

Catholic philosophy, based on Aristotle and the Biblical tests as it is, sees "race" as incidental to the underlying human qualities of the individual. Humans are the rational animals, bodies formed by immortal, rational souls – souls give shape to the body, and when the body dies, the soul departs and thus the body goes back to the natural elements. Height, weight, age, skin color, intelligence level, skull shape, whatever, are incidental compared to the hybrid soul-body creatures possessed of an eternal destiny that constitutes human beings.

However, the races seem to have different graces. They certainly have different histories and different cultures. And in a huge variety of ways, these cannot be just blended together seamlessly. In the frescoes in Pompeii, we can observe women on the beach wearing what look like modern-day bikinis. But in all of the long and fabled history of China, they never developed such clothes. Such dress never – remotely – occurred to them, along with democracy, one-man one-woman marriages (a Western idea that is, from the beginning separated East from West), and so much else.

We're all related through Adam and Eve and "equal" before God, because of the human nature He has given us. But we are different. Most basically, men and woman are different, yet we reside in a culture insisting "sex", i.e., the sexes, are interchangeable "genders" – literally and figuratively (sex-change operations are supposed to create "women" from men, etc.). All that is absolute nonsense, yet it is the regnant philosophy today.

We deal with our very real differences through true Charity, and indeed, no doubt God allows these differences as an occasion of charity – yet Marxism is an absolute war against that charity. Our problems are inherently moral, and the underlying sins of pride, envy, and greed, must be preached against, fervently by the Church -- and demonstrated in its own actions. But the current Church leadership is embracing all the ills, conceits, and even evils of modern society.

None of this can end well.

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