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Friday, January 10, 2020

Trump the Conqueror, or Donaldus Victor Superbus

What a first week in the New Year! The "Number 2" man in the Iranian regime whacked, and a MASSIVE rally in Toledo. Wow. Trump just glides along, victory to victory, such as this great job news
The passing of the USMCA Trade Agreement is a huge success for Trump now, before it is actually passed, and for "Mainstreet America". Think how good the economy will be by November!

So what is it about "The Donald" that works so well? We were told by mavens such a Paul Krugman that if elected, Trump would trash the stock market. Instead, it has reached record highs and kiddie porn is found on Krugman's computer. (An example of the famous "Trump Curse"?)

Ronald Reagan was "The Teflon President" as nothing "stuck" to him, and of course the Dems threw mud at him for his two terms, the second term bogged down in "Iran-Contra". But nothing stuck to Reagan himself. Trump seems to be a repeat of Reagan, except far greater, because more has been thrown at him than was at Reagan, and Trump has achieved far more of his agenda than Reagan did his, and that despite the most incredible – and ceaseless – Democrat attempts to sink him.

Yet, of course, Democrats and "Never-Trumpers" keep howling how "stupid" Trump is. Are they going to keep that up for four more years of Trump success?

One interesting article here attempts to offer something of an explanation. It excoriates American elites (in government, academia, entertainment, etc.), and makes the case that anything his enemies accuse Trump of, the public knows the accusers are just as guilty of, if not more so. Quite an interesting take on it. The idea is that they see the immoral elites' hypocrisy of "the pot calling the kettle black", ("in spades" to keep the ebony metaphor).

Below is a long piece I quote in full. It's Well worth the read. Trump's handling of the Iran crisis was superb – we got the terrorist general Suleimani killed and the Mullahs had an impotent, flaccid response to the death of their main terrorist Mujahideen killer-of-infidels bad guy, despite all their tough talk. Their missile attack reminded me nothing so much as an American Indian hitting you with his coup stick; they even got word to us the attack was coming!) As the Mid-East is a "shame-honor response culture", this is huge. Trump shamed 'em and they're stuck with that.

In fact, there's some suggestion that Suleimani was plotting against the Mullahs themselves -- what with his private army and world-wide terror connections, he'd be a formidable enemy to his erstwhile "masters" -- and they got his location info to the Iraqis/U.S. to wack the guy. You can imagine Stalin making use of such a chance to remove Trotsky, or vice versa, depending. It's how these regimes operate.

But Trump. He's humiliating the Democrats, too. Yesterday, the first Democrat committee chair in the House to call for Pelosi to release the Impeachment articles, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, asked her to release them. A number of Dem Senators are saying the same thing, including Pelosi's fellow Californian, Diane Feinstein. (Has that state's name changed to The Poop Republic? The flag with that bottom red stripe now turned brown and the bear image pooping away?) If, indeed, Pelosi was waiting for the courts to approve Democrats' request for the Mueller grand jury testimony, pressure is building fast for her to cave. J.R. Dunn writes about that below, along with a host of other things. (If she caves, no matter: she'll just leak the grand jury info to the Dems' PR arm, the WaPo and the NYTimes.)

Anyway. Trump. Sui Generis. Here's J.R. Dunn's American Thinker article
Nota Bene: Note: the author, J.R. Dunn is a novelist, editor, and political commentator online and in print. His three novels include This Side of Judgment (1994), Days of Cain (1997) widely hailed as one of the most powerful novels to deal with the Holocaust, and Full Tide of Night (1998). Dunn’s the author of an interesting book review I've read about a very interesting book, indeed; i.e.:  

1 comment:

  1. The voice of an another American thinker:
