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Friday, January 3, 2020

Comments on Two Major Secular News Events

A New Year, some shocking news: Two Items of note.

Iranian leader killed in Baghdad
Big news today, the U.S. killing of top Iranian special forces leader in Baghdad, and his Iraqi associates. Wait, what? Wow, bolt out of the blue, right?

Maybe, maybe not.

I'm providing no links; this is all over the Internet.

Many expect full-scale war, while others don't think the Iranian regime leadership has the ability to do that, esp now that Kassem Suleimani, the Iranian al-Quds leader, is dead. Suleimani was a major player in the Iranian regime, you see, and in its military actions outside of Iran, a man who was responsible for a whole host of nasty things in various countries, as in even ballistic missile deployment. Another man killed was one Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, Suleimani's top Iraqi associate. Al-Muhandis was founder and leader of Kata’ib Hizballah, an Iraqi Shia paramilitary group, and was directly involved in the attack on the U.S. embassy. Of course, De Gaulle once said (I think it was him) that cemeteries are full of "indispensable men". Maybe so.

Yet another (indispensable?) associate, one Hadi al-Ameri, whom Obama had once invited to the White House, was arrested yesterday (I guess it was) by US forces in Iraq. Al-Ameri had led (or was one of the leaders of) the recent attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Al-Ameri was also head of the Badr Organization, a Shia political party and Iranian-officer d militia.

Sure looks like a liquidation of high-level anti-U.S. people, doesn't it? No need to have a full-scale war like George W. Bush was talked into when you can just "headshot" a few leaders and end all the trouble.

Everyone in the loathsome Islamic Republic regime leadership must be aware of what this signifies. Certainly, at the very least, they know none of them are safe, and Donald Trump isn't Jimmy Carter or Barrack Obama. They're breathing fire an brimstone, the regime leaders are, as one would expect, but they know they could be taken out at any time. What good does it profit them to have militias and suicide brigades -- even vast if poorly trained conscription armies -- when they themselves can be killed instantly, anywhere?

Of course, the de-masculinized Western leaders will be in shock. Nothing new about that. (Did everyone see this? Pope Francis tells teens they’re not a ‘disciple of Jesus’ if they try to convert non-believers." ) Ben Rhodes, a close Obama associate and involved in Obama's Iranian -- uh -- love fest, is outraged. Rhodes is famous (infamous) for commenting on how easily it is to manipulate MSM reporters. (He was right about that!) And Democrat Senator Chris Murphy has written, "Soleimani [sic] was an enemy of the United States. That’s not a question. The question is this – as reports suggest, did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war?”

1. If Suleimani was the second most powerful guy, the new second most powerful guy, not to mention the first, must be underground, in hiding. 
2. As for massive regional war, well, they've been having that off and on for millennial The Iraqis and Iranians killed over a half-million of their young men (wasn't it?) during their 1980-1988 war. (That was an interesting war in that it showed how stupid the high-level military leaders in both countries were, and how little they valued the human lives of their miserable subjects.)
3. Congress? Who would trust them for anything?

Also, the Washington Post called Suleimani "most revered". That's actually vomit inducing. It was Suleimani who led the IED program to kill U.S. and Coalition military people. He's responsible for the death and maiming of thousands of such, and Allah only knows how many of his own people he's brutally murdered. No doubt he never heard of Matthew 26:52.

Logically, this was also a serious retaliation against Shia forces in Iraq who staged the attempted U.S. embassy takeover. Now, it is said that when one of these staged protests occur, as happened in November 1979 in Tehran when "students" seized the U.S. embassy there during the feckless Jimmy Carter presidency, and then recently in Baghdad, the way to deal with it is not hand wringing and surrender, but "headshots" of the guys running the show. Drop them, and the curtain falls. (It's not necessary, in other words, to solve the problem the way Napoleon solved the problem of Parisian Revolutionary mobs: he turned the cannons on them.) But if such precision is not possible, give headshots to the first "protesters" over the wall. That ends such "events" promptly; indeed, with celerity. (As in Kent State, "back in the day.") This killing of Suleimani & Co. (and also arrest of others) is the equivalent of that, on a different, much higher, level. 

So, what is all this really about? We have only speculation at the moment, but FWIW, the initial word is that Kassem Suleimani and friends were in Baghdad to run a coup d'état against the current Iraqi regime. This might be true, it might not. Whether there's any validity to that report, certainly it is obvious, though, that this "culling of the bulls" while there's been an ongoing, nation-wide protest in Iran against the hated and loathed regime, is an extremely significant event. It has got the attention of every leader in the violent Mid-East, that's for sure. News has spread through Iran itself, and Iranians online are cheering the event (while Iranian leaders fiercely vow vengeance, of course). Are we witnessing the beginning of the fall of the Islamic Republic? Was this Trump's plan when in strengthened sanctions against Iran, thus causing the domestic shortages that sparked the newest uprising?

We'll learn more as things develop, obviously. Otherwise, we've just got speculation. But a major player in the Iranian regime's military is now dead. Major Iraqi associates of Iran are dead or arrested. That has to weaken the regime significantly. How far would Lenin have gotten without Trotsky? This is especially true in the Mid-East where you have a few leaders and a lot of ignorant, low-level cannon fodder following them.

One final possibility: this is an attempt by the U.S. government "Deep State" to take out Trump because one of his main campaign promises was to keep us out of such foreign war imbroglios. Many pro-Trump people want us totally out of the Mid-East (and the UN, too). This is quite possible, but we'll have to see.

Impeachment Development
The other big news, however, is an item you need not speculate about at all. I haven't written much of anything on Trump's impeachment because I've been waiting for "the other shoe to drop;" i.e., this isn't about impeachment, but rather accessing the Mueller Team's opposition research on Trump. Huh? Yeah, the whole odd-ball impeachment thing is a joke-show, but actually it is cover for something else.

While it was up and running, the Mueller Team (Mueller not having too much to do about any of it except serve as a quasi-respected figurehead, and who lost all respect after his embarrassing Congressional testimony) was using grand jury testimony to dig up all sorts of non-Russia hoax personal dirt of Donald Trump and his family as "oppo research" to run against him in 2020. Yes, tons and tons of info was garnered by Democrat lawyers and activists against Trump over the two-year period the Mueller investigation went on. That info is of course extremely valuable to the Democrats. Now that Trump has been impeached, the Democrats have filed for the courts to release it, "because we need this information now that Trump is impeached."

Actually, right after the impeachment vote, a week or so ago, the House Dems went to the courts (DC Court of Appeals) with this, and now, today, they'll make oral arguments before the court why this info needs released to them. THIS IS WHY THEY DIDN'T SENT THE ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT IMMEDIATELY TO THE SENATE. Clearly, all this was "in the works" for some time before now.

If the court rules in their favor, the Dept of Justice will appeal it to the full DC appeals court, and if that full court approves the Democrats' request, it'll go to the Supreme Court. But none of that really matters. The Democrats have the info now, and have had it through the impeachment sham. If they don't get official permission to mine it, they'll leak it to their allies in the press.

It's what they do.

For the full story of all this, check out:

And that's about all there is to say to that.

I will note that this whole Russia Collusion hoax was similar: it wasn't about Trump being in cahoots with Putin. Everyone involved knew that wasn't true. As Doug Wead, presidential historian, said the other day, every intelligence service in the world knew that Russia story was untrue within 24 hours of it becoming public.
there's no way on Earth that such a series of investigations and wiretaps and so on that led up to "Crossfire Hurricane" (the investigation of the president) and "CH" itself, could have happened without multi-level knowledge and approval in the FBI and DOJ, and in the Obama White House. (Read Watt's article; it is excellent.)

Now, if a 22-year FBI veteran can write so plainly about what happened, you know full well that Attorney General William Barr knows it too, as does John Durham, U.S. attorney for Connecticut, whom Barr charged with investigating it. If serious indictments of many high-level people don't happen in a few months, wow, NO ONE is going to believe anything out of the U.S. government again (as in why we kill certain terrorists, as happened in Baghdad).

But my point is that just as Trump's impeachment is about getting "oppo research" on Trump as opposed to the officially stated reasons for it, so the Russia Collusion hoax was to cover up the Obama Administration's long term, multi-year plundering of the NSA archives and data for political opposition research. That was what the then NSA Director, Admiral Mike Rogers discovered during 2016 and why he went and reported it to Donald Trump when Trump was president elect.

If you don't know this story about Admiral Rogers -- who relinquished the NSA command in May 2018 and retired a month later, wow, you really don't know what's been going on. He's the real hero in all this mess, the true "whistle blower", and the word is -- "scuttlebutt" to use an old Navy term -- that Rogers has been working with John Durham.

So, two big news items today. "Never a dull moment, really." One we can only speculate about, and the other we should all know about in cold, clear detail.

Happy New Year,

An Préachán

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