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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

More anti-Sede rant...

Just a bit more anti-Sede rant.

To all Sedevacantists, at least those not trying to set up their own little church, in effect:

Look, I don't mean to be unkind, but you are just like meé i.e., a peon in the Church and our "opinion" and whatever "research" we do or did do or might conjure up is immaterial, inadmissible, and irrelevant. 

Repeat this: WE ARE NOBODIES. We're like those low-level imps and hellions in a Possession who do a lot of chatting, and take up time making noises and stinks, but we're the bottom of the totem pole. Heaven and Hell have hierarchies. Should we end up in Heaven, we'll be cleaning the paving stones of the streets using toothbrushes. We're that low.

The Big Shots in the Vatican 2 Church hierarchy could care less what we do -- or think -- or believe. And both Heaven and Hell are far more interested in what we do, than what we putatively convince ourselves we believe. (You can bet they're very interested in what the modern bishops have done: lists are kept, the records are exact, and diabolical teeth are being sharpened.)

And as for prophesy, and those who quote Our Lady from various of her visits: Our Lady is our Shield and Limitless Resource, but for this one Jewish girl, born in utter obscurity and through her own freely-given Fiat, is through Our Lord Co-Redemptrix with her Son, we would none of us be here discussing this.

However, regarding her prophesies, powerful and shocking a warning as they are: I'm sorry: neither you nor I have the authority to interpret prophesy. We can keep our eyes open, definitely. But we're just nobodies trying to account for the absolute disaster that the Vatican 2 Church is. You go "whole hog" whereas I, being Irish and phlegmatic, know all too well how miserable life is. For example, in the last couple of days, Taylor Marshall and George Neumayr posted a Youtube discussion about the recent USCCB meeting in the Harbor Marriott in Baltimore. 

Three-quarters of those lemmings in Roman collars should have been just marched into Baltimore harbor. Listen to it. I get so angry with what's going on that I could chew neutronium.

But the bottom line is, as the Vat2 Church collapses and -- I hope -- the Reconquista Church is born, all we can do is pray for a firm God-given Faith in the New Covenant, regardless of the unbelief of others, and treat our neighbors as Our Lord requested, while staying in the sacraments as best we can. That latter is a problem if you think you can't find any validly ordained priest who's been given the faculty to hear Confession by a bishop who's also valid, but there it is. We're just too low on the totem pole to decide which bishop is which. Thank God there are enough good priests left -- maybe more than we hope for or maybe fewer than we fear -- who can administer the sacraments.

It's called Faith. No one said it would be easy.

An Préachán

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