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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to witness to a non-TLM Catholic about the TLM Mass

First, never rag on what they experience, for how are they to know any better, being brought up in it? Always remember: People like what they're used to. An old adage, and a true one.

Secondly, pray and really live the beauty of the TLM in your life outside the Liturgy, or I suppose one can say, bring the Heavenly beauty of the TLM into your public life, live as through Heaven -- and the Eternal Presence of Our Lord -- is here, for He is. Stress ever the Real Presence, and that that is the great aim of the TLM and the ancient Eastern Liturgies: to celebrate Immanuel, God with us, in His Real Presence. That's the reason for all the art, the exquisite music, the vertical worship. The Lord God of Hosts became Incarnate in us in order that we could become incarnate in Him. Theosis. It's that "Faith made manifest" that attracts. Always has, always will.

An Préachán 

1 comment:

  1. Theosis! Please, read my text carefully.

    The Father of the Poor
    Look at the mass readings of the critical days of the Amazon Synod:
    OCTOBER 4, the day of the spiritual birth of Antichrist on the lawn in Vatican's Gardens:
    The FIRST READING [Baruch 1,15-22], [verse 22]: "Everyone walked according to the intentions of their evil heart, for we served foreign gods and did evil before the eyes of the Lord our God."
    The RESPONSORIAL PSALM Ps 79.1-2.3-4.5 and 8.9; [verse 1]: "God, pagans have invaded your inheritance, they have desecrated your holy sanctuary,"
    The GOSPEL (Luke 10,13-16); [verse 16b]: "... but he who despises Me despises Him who sent Me."

    OCTOBER 27, the de-sacralization of the papal altar on the tomb of Saint Peter.
    The FIRST READING (SIR 35, 12-14. 16-18); [verse 12]: "The Lord is a judge who has no regard for persons." ... [18]: "he will stand up for the righteous, and give the right judgment."
    The RESPONSORIAL PSALM (PS 34 (33), 2-3. 17-18. 19 and 23); [verse 17]: "The Lord turns his face against evil doers, to erase their memory from the earth."
    The SECOND READING (2 Timothy 4, 6-9. 16-18); [verse 6-7]: "My blood is already to be poured out for the sacrifice, and the moment of my separation has arrived. I performed in good competitions, finished the race, guarded my faith." Saint Paul the Apostle is a member of the Mystical Body of Christ, so in the context of pagan rituals at the Vatican, the Militant Church can say about herself: "I have finished my race, I have guarded my faith."
    THE GOSPEL (Luke 18, 9-14); [verse 14]: "Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

    Did the daily sacrifice cease on October 27, 2019? Is it only in the Vatican or in the whole Catholic Church? Was Christ's Mystical Body upon earth killed on that very day? A dead body cannot give birth, so the Church can no longer give birth to the Eucharist (through the ministry of the anointed priests). Perhaps the Eucharist remained only in the form of previously consecrated hosts, i.e. by noon of the last Sunday of October 2019 [CET] - something like children born just before their mother's death.
    Catholics may be extremely surprised by this, but not God. There is no more urgent reading today than the Revelation of Saint John. What does Almighty God give his faithful children in return? I think his answer was in the character of one of the patrons on October 27: Saint Abraham the Poor, also called the Child ( The Father of the Poor is the title of the Holy Spirit, but also the Paraclete - he is probably an Old Child, so no one pays attention to him, except for the Holy Virgin, his sister, ladyfriend, bride and spouse.
    November 24, 2019 on the feast of Christ the King of the Universe and the Iveron-Montreal Icon of the Mother of God (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, an Icon began weeping golden myrrh, 1982)
