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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

So is this why Pope Francis is a Communist? Or at least very friendly to "serious Sociailsm"?


It's been well remarked upon that Bergoglio is either a Communist or a Communist/Socialist sympathizer. His comments against Capitalism and in favor of some sort of Socialism are legion, that's for sure. 

Whether Bergi himself is or not, it is essential to make plain that in the morality of the political realm, Socialism is evil because it strokes envy; indeed, it is built almost entirely out of envy. It pretends to be sourced in Our Lord's charity, and a call for true "social justice" but, alas, it is clearly evil, stoking the fire of envy in every way. 

And envy is famously the ONE sin that has no pleasure in it, unless spite is considered a pleasure. (It is in Hell.)

And in a sense, that is the real, underlying problem with the Novus Ordo Mass. With everything else that can be said for or against it, the N.O. seems designed to so easily stroke the ego. It's format, one can argue, is built almost entirely out of some aspect of pride; for example: pride the priest faces me, pride the priest talks to me and pride that I "understand" every single word, pride that I don't pray at my own pace but in rather lockstep with all the others; i.e. "we're all equal; no one is spiritually better somehow."

Those messages are there; they're built in. Many can ignore them, the saintly, the truly humble, but for the rest of us, that "ignoring" hard to do. 

So, is it no wonder Bergi & Co. all seem to be very, very Communist friendly?

An Préachán

The Novus Ordo Mass and Watching the Priest's Face

The perils of the ad populum Mass

I have occasion to go to a N.O. from time to time, and it is amazing, when one attends an N.O. only rarely, how "face-centered" it all is. Even with me, myself, and I, all three of us, constantly thinking, "No, I'm going to focus of the liturgy and Our Lord, focus, focus, focus...", helplessly find myself contemplating the priest's face, his every blink, angle of head, raised eyebrow.
It's just incredible. And then, of course, POW! I've got to shake hands! Er, wait...what? It is incredibly disconcerting experience, and one that is -- shall we say -- "not conducive to prayer."

It's just best to sit in the back, or look out a window, if by God's grace, there's a nice one to look out of.

None of that makes the rite invalid, I hasten to add, because God is always faithful (Romans 3:3), and we have entered into the New Covenant with Him (and thus into all the old ones), and He is always faithful, whether we are or not. But wow, I thank the Lord I only experience an N.O. rarely now.

Closely related to this: there's no way to attend a Traditional Latin Mass for the first time and not be surprised at the ornateness of the priest's chasuble. (A chasuble is the outer most garment of a priest who is vestured to say Mass.)

The ornate chasuble a TLM priest wears, of which we mainly see the back, prevents all that "face-watching" endemic to the New Mass. The chasuble symbolizes the royal robe the Roman soldiers threw over Our Lord, and when the priest vests, he prays of the chasuble as the "yoke of Christ". And on top of all that beautiful symbolism, it acts as a mobile iconostasis, an icon screen. separating us from the Mysteries at the altar as the iconostasis does in an Eastern Liturgy.

An Préachán

How to witness to a non-TLM Catholic about the TLM Mass

First, never rag on what they experience, for how are they to know any better, being brought up in it? Always remember: People like what they're used to. An old adage, and a true one.

Secondly, pray and really live the beauty of the TLM in your life outside the Liturgy, or I suppose one can say, bring the Heavenly beauty of the TLM into your public life, live as through Heaven -- and the Eternal Presence of Our Lord -- is here, for He is. Stress ever the Real Presence, and that that is the great aim of the TLM and the ancient Eastern Liturgies: to celebrate Immanuel, God with us, in His Real Presence. That's the reason for all the art, the exquisite music, the vertical worship. The Lord God of Hosts became Incarnate in us in order that we could become incarnate in Him. Theosis. It's that "Faith made manifest" that attracts. Always has, always will.

An Préachán 

More anti-Sede rant...

Just a bit more anti-Sede rant.

To all Sedevacantists, at least those not trying to set up their own little church, in effect:

Look, I don't mean to be unkind, but you are just like meé i.e., a peon in the Church and our "opinion" and whatever "research" we do or did do or might conjure up is immaterial, inadmissible, and irrelevant. 

Repeat this: WE ARE NOBODIES. We're like those low-level imps and hellions in a Possession who do a lot of chatting, and take up time making noises and stinks, but we're the bottom of the totem pole. Heaven and Hell have hierarchies. Should we end up in Heaven, we'll be cleaning the paving stones of the streets using toothbrushes. We're that low.

The Big Shots in the Vatican 2 Church hierarchy could care less what we do -- or think -- or believe. And both Heaven and Hell are far more interested in what we do, than what we putatively convince ourselves we believe. (You can bet they're very interested in what the modern bishops have done: lists are kept, the records are exact, and diabolical teeth are being sharpened.)

And as for prophesy, and those who quote Our Lady from various of her visits: Our Lady is our Shield and Limitless Resource, but for this one Jewish girl, born in utter obscurity and through her own freely-given Fiat, is through Our Lord Co-Redemptrix with her Son, we would none of us be here discussing this.

However, regarding her prophesies, powerful and shocking a warning as they are: I'm sorry: neither you nor I have the authority to interpret prophesy. We can keep our eyes open, definitely. But we're just nobodies trying to account for the absolute disaster that the Vatican 2 Church is. You go "whole hog" whereas I, being Irish and phlegmatic, know all too well how miserable life is. For example, in the last couple of days, Taylor Marshall and George Neumayr posted a Youtube discussion about the recent USCCB meeting in the Harbor Marriott in Baltimore. 

Three-quarters of those lemmings in Roman collars should have been just marched into Baltimore harbor. Listen to it. I get so angry with what's going on that I could chew neutronium.

But the bottom line is, as the Vat2 Church collapses and -- I hope -- the Reconquista Church is born, all we can do is pray for a firm God-given Faith in the New Covenant, regardless of the unbelief of others, and treat our neighbors as Our Lord requested, while staying in the sacraments as best we can. That latter is a problem if you think you can't find any validly ordained priest who's been given the faculty to hear Confession by a bishop who's also valid, but there it is. We're just too low on the totem pole to decide which bishop is which. Thank God there are enough good priests left -- maybe more than we hope for or maybe fewer than we fear -- who can administer the sacraments.

It's called Faith. No one said it would be easy.

An Préachán

Sedevacantism and Romans 3:3

I myself have never had much interest in Sedevacantism, unless it would be discussing whether Josef Ratzinger could be said to still be pope. My guess is that some future pontiff will declare Ratzinger's quasi-abdication/retirement/whatever-you-call-it to have been invalid, and thus that Bergoglio -- an obvious heretic, if ever heresy was practiced, preached, or professed -- was (past tense, since this is a future pope talking) an anti-pope.

But of course I don't know that will happen, and though I can clearly know "Bergi" is a heretic, and a rank one, especially odious in that he has no time to answer the Dubia Cardinals, nor the collection of theologians and laity who have asked him pleadingly to clarify his teaching on divorce and remarriage, and God-knows-what-else, but yet he somehow he manages to find the time to give lengthy interviews to old Eugenio Scalfari, that ridiculous Communist "journalist". Whatever. He may validly be pope, or not; but he's definitely a heretic. For what that's worth. 

So, I understand the Sedes' frustration. Declaring the popes since (who? John 23, Paul 6? Or...?) whomever to be invalid popes solves one aspect of the absurd Modernist Church. But it creates even worse ones, such as I wrote to a Sede at OnePeterFive:

Will you just stop about the Sedevacantist garbage? Just. Stop.
The Vatican II Church is a mess, true. But Sedes throw the Infant Lord out with the dirty bathwater. You, and all Sedes, need to re-read the opening of Romans chapter 3, especially the context of that chapter's verse three, which famously says, "For what if some of them have not believed? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid." That is what should be the engraved-in-gold motto of all Trads regarding even the most absurdly celebrated N.O.

You write, "Maybe the [New] Mass created by enemies of Christ isn't even valid." Subtle, as a brick. Oh, yeah, and like you KNOW that, do you? You blaspheme God, actually, for you're writing that the unbelief of the servants of the New Covenant are making God's side of the Covenant, His signature on it, without effect. Outrageous.

It's as simple as that, and what St. Paul wrote about those Jews of his day who rejected the New Covenant through their unbelief, applies to all Sedes.

Most Sedes are just desperate Catholics trying to hang on to their Faith in an Age of Heretics in High Places. Some of them, though, do commit both Blasphemy and Protestantism. I.e., they say God is not faithful, and they say that they themselves somehow have the authority to assert this and that. They don't. 

But St. Paulo had it right, in spades. So what if a bunch of these clowns are unfaithful. Does that invalidate God's side of the Covenant? Not. One. Iota.

An Préachán