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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Bergoglio Is an Unconscionable, Diabolical Liar


Such is my takeaway after listening to Fr. Charles Murr discuss Bergoglio with John-Henry Westen and Liz Yore here at LifeSiteNews

The first half of this episode is Fr. Murr detailing (and I mean detailing) how Bergoglio, as a young Jesuit and then a bishop and archbishop, would come to Rome and "pump" Vatican insiders for inside information. Bergoglio also represented himself as a strong conservative and very much the anti-Communist, so much so that he fooled a good friend and mentor of Fr. Murr's, a friend who had been raised in Northern Italy, knew all about Communists, and was a die-hard enemy of Marxists. So Bergoglio fooled everyone, and it was one of the ways The Ogre got himself eventually elected pope. (Along with all the other behind-the-scenes nefarious goings on the Freemasons were plotting, naturally.)

And of course this proves Archbishop Viganò's idea that Bergoglio isn't a valid pope because he accepted the papacy illegally in that the Argentinian devil had NO INTENTION of serving as a pope is supposed to. He lied there, too, in other words. Yes, yes, yes, it may be that Benedict didn't abdicate the papacy correctly, and other aspects factor in, but clearly Bergoglio has never had ANY intention of serving the office as a successor of Peter is supposed to. Out with the vermin!

WHY do we commit suicide? Why does Europe flood itself with Muslims who have no intention of ever becoming "European"? Why do we tolerate that evil child molester Joe Biden flooding the U.S.A. with enemies while he drains the economy and the military and impoverishes the country by sending its wealth to a dictatorship in Ukraine? (Well, there the U.S. politicians are laundering money and "farming" child sex slaves.)

And most of all, WHY do we Catholic tolerate – even obey (Bishop Strickland, among so many others, I'm looking at you!) – a putrid hypocrite con-artist like Bergoglio, so obviously the son of his father, the Father of Lies, in fact? WHY? Has Catholicism become a suicide cult?

To every and any Catholic or "popesplainer" who says, "But he's pope! The world's bishops say he is!" I shout back: "Fool! If someone tells you to shoot yourself between the eyes, do you do it? No matter who he is?"

Listen to Fr. Murr tell what he knows about the younger Francis and how he slimed his way into power in the Church, and then try to tell me Jorge Mario Bergoglio isn't a true son of the Fallen Lightbringer himself.

Not dealing with this travesty is wrecking the Church, from top to bottom, as we see now with this blasphemous "funeral" of a deviant and promoter of deviancy from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. Of course they claim they didn't know. Right. In the Empire of Lies, even the Truth looks guilty.


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