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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Bergoglio, Fernández, Apes of the Ape Church and Kinsey's Imp


Alright. This latest revelation about "Tucho" "Kissy" Fernández serves as a klaxon call to get rid of the Apes of the Ape Church.

We can throw up our hands at the general apostasy, or we can see this as an unique opportunity. 

First of all, words can barely express the contempt I have for this Simian Dystopic Duo of Begoglio and "Kissy", a spiritual orangutan and his pet baboon. Yesterday's revelation is that "Tucho" – Bergoglio's chief doctrinal sheriff and Flying Monkey in Chief – wrote a scurrilous and blasphemous book involving certain aspects of human carnal activity, some of the "research" derived from a 16-year-old girl. Fernández has now admitted he wrote the book but would not write it now. Oh, really? No celibate loyal to his vows could know this stuff, and no remotely true-believing clergyman would dare even think of writing such filth. (The news about the 16-year-old girl by itself should get him fired.)
N.B. This is Alfred Kinsey-level depravity. Kinsey was one of the original "sexologists" back in the 1950s, but Kinsey himself was a sexual deviant and his "research" was utterly flawed, taking place mainly among prisoners and the carnally disturbed. Kinsey, and his "work" was utter trash, but it influenced the "Sexual Revolution" that swept through the 1960s and '70s, the decades that formed both Bergoglio and then later, Fernández. All this makes Fernández Kinsey's imp. (Both imp and baboon! "Kissy" is a real winner.)

Dopamine and Physical Reality
Fernández's idea postulated that this carnal activity allows heightened spiritual awareness, such as the Mystics wrote about, and therefore was good. Even sacred or holy. Truth is, certain carnal behavior releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that sends messages to nerve cells, and it often causes pleasurable feelings. It is essential on various levels, and helps physiologically in certain human traits (ability to plan, to strive, to find things interesting). Dopamine is like a drug causing pleasure, like magic mushrooms or LSD or I dunno, whatever. And addictive aspect exists with it, as it does with adrenaline (also involved here). It in no way causes true spiritual experiences, any more than mushrooms or marijuana could. Biologists say it makes carnal activity pleasurable so that we are more likely to reproduce ourselves.
  • So, something as prosaically natural as the urge for animals to reproduce is used by Fernández and who knows how many others to "make up" or constitute a religious experience, but only involves an actually naturally occurring chemical reaction. Fernández's basic idea, then, is utter bunk. 
  • And it is blasphemous, arguing that God can be found in natural chemical reactions in the body, especially ones involving sin. I've seen one blogger, "Alphonsus", make the comment at a LifesiteNews article that this insults the Blessed Virgin Mary, who certainly didn't need or experience any of this to have the closest relationship with God of anyone in all created existence. Spot on.
  • And it struck me that not only was he right, but also how so very Muslim this nonsense is. Islam teaches that the afterlife, the Garden of Allah, consists of nothing but men romping through harems of virgins every day, and that is "Heaven". And indeed, Islam teaches that Muhammad resides there in Allah's Garden with innumerable females, AND that he daily rapes the Blessed Virgin Mary. (I am not making that up.)
How are Fernández's sick fancies any more demented than that? In fact, they are kin.

Truth is: the Vatican II changes via "The Spirit of Vatican II" were all based on lack of faith in God, that Faith derived from the Faith of our fathers, and then propped on two stilts: Sex craziness and the Modernist "making up God", "evolving God ourselves to suit our carnal lusts". That's it. All the rest was window-dressing.

Now what? A Machiavellian observation
One would think that this is so horrifying, so simply standout putrid, that bishops the world over would demand, DEMAND, Fernández be fired, forced to resign. Again, I think the revelation that a 16-year-old girl was involved would force this outcome. Anthony Stine of Return to Tradition is certain that that will not happen: that Fernández will be there until Bergoglio finds out whether God really exists. Probably true, but I am not so sure. That 16-year-old girl news is horrific. It depends on what the bishops do. Don't laugh. As we have seen with Fiducia supplicans, a strong reaction (for the Vatican II Church) has developed against that document. This reaction is worldwide, but strongest in Africa. The Fernández revelation is like the second of a one-two punch, however; how outraged will the bishops outraged of Fiducia be now? Double? Treble? This could be, in short, a cascade event (i.e. "an inevitable, often unforeseen chain of events potentially resulting in a dangerous system failure").

From a purely Machiavellian point of view, I suspect this could easily happen. Really, Bergoglio's stupid gambit of bringing in Fernández to begin with – and BTW, it was one of Bergoglio's first acts as pope to see that Fernández was made a bishop back in Argentina – was a mistake. Sure, "Tucho" will do his master's bidding, no matter what, but Fernández comes with a LOT of baggage. How many more skeletons besides that adolescent girl are stuffed into Tucho's closet? This new one by itself is so over-the-top!

Any hue and cry that Fernández be removed will take up time, attention, and eat up whatever goodwill remains regarding "Pope Francis" among all the "pope-splaners". It will also incite Bergoglio's infamous volcanic temper. How might he react? Fernández's revelation reveals Bergoglio, making him out sharp and clear as an Ogre, a true Beast, a Dragon in God's vineyard. How can Bergoglio push his evil agenda with all this attention on him, and all the ill-will on the part of increasing numbers of Catholics?

Conversely, if Fernández stays, as seems more likely – maybe – he'll be the proverbial albatross around Bergoglio's neck. More like a millstone. In this context, too, only more so, for as above: Fernández will take up time and attention, eating up whatever goodwill remains regarding the tarnished "Pope Francis" among all the "pope-splaners". Fernández's revelation reveals Bergoglio in sharp detail, making him out cold and clear as a hideous Ogre, a true Monster, a scaly Dragon in God's vineyard. How can Bergoglio push his evil agenda amidst all this attention and all the ill-will on the part of increasing numbers of Catholics?

Either way this goes, in other words, Bergoglio loses power, prestige (I can't believe he has any), and tolerance for his papacy. 

For Us Catholics
That's Machiavelli. For those of us who try to be practicing Catholics, Bergoglio and his peeps are painting us into a corner. We have no choice now but to deny this guy's validity as a pope. NO POPE would treat God's Church to all this Hell. NO POPE would monkey around with the Faith as these monkeys have done. And that, in itself, is quite liberating. With every increase in monkey poo they throw at us, we can cast aside the endless cognitive dissonance the Vatican II Church and the "Bergoglio-is-a-true-pope" types try to impose on us. By their own acts, they reveal themselves. By their fruit ye shall know them. Thank God for that.

God rules. Jesus Christ established the Church for our salvation. We can – and I'm sure my readers do – pray for God to cast out these rebels and to restore His Bride, the Church, to her pristine purity. As He told Elijah, "I have kept 7,000 who have not bent the knee to Ba'al.' (1 Kings 19:18)

Amen to that.

  An Préachán

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