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Monday, January 1, 2024

Are We All "Kakure Kirishitans" Now, or What Exactly Is the Catholic Church?

Happy New Year, Friends,

After all the recent controversy in the Church (and the general world mess), it is time to truly raise the question we now find ourselves in a position to ask:
  • What is the Catholic Church, exactly, and has it self-destructed? Or are those of us who follow the Faith as it was taught pre-Vatican II all now "Kakure Kirishitans"? 
Are we Traditional Catholics not hiding out from the Shogun Bergoglio and his murderous pagan sodomite samurai? "Kakure Kirishitans" is the term for Japanese Catholics who went into hiding when the pagan Japanese government tried to wipe them out in the early 1600s.

Something odd is going on.

Look at old news reels of any Church event pre-Vatican II. Old Masses, processions, you name it. Not hard to find. Check out this British Pathé Newsreel of a minute or so. An excerpt:
(0:36)...Honoring of this centenary the apostolic delegate Archbishop Gregory as celebrant sings the Mass in the presence of seven
visiting Cardinals, eleven Archbishops and forty-six bishops at Wimbly celebrations, climax with a pageant of catholic history in Britain followed by Pontifical Mass and a hundred thousand Catholics applaud...(1:08)
Wow. Just wow. Atlantis. A totally lost world. All that, then! Now? I suppose you might find some carnal deviants getting "blessed" by a "priest" sporting a meretricious rainbow alb – maybe. Or a tourist taking photos of a particular structure that hasn't been gutted via "Wreckovation". It's like we've gone through the Protestant Reformation all over again: i.e., churches gutted, vernacular worship services not mentioning Christ's sacrifice (or Christ), a "presider" facing the assembled, in short, a very horizontal "Humanism" replacing the old vertical "Divine Liturgy". One wants to ask, "When did the Anglican Church replace the Catholic Church?" Or really, maybe we're the Methodist Church now?

Before and After Vatican II photos, news reels, whatever. These have been played before because the contrast is so staggering. Where has all that CATHOLICISM gone? Don't you want to know? I know, I do. It seems to have to hide, to become hidden, like the Japanese Catholics had to hide.

Roots of the Disaster
I read a revealing article about Josef Ratzinger giving a speech back in 1964. It has extracts from Ratzinger's December 1964 sermons to students at the Cathedral of Műnster, apparently found in the book What It Means To Be A Christian, which is to be published soon. These talks reveal Ratzinger to have been a Modernist non-Catholic from the git-go. The author of the piece wants to laud him: instead, the author unintentionally reveals a heretic. An excerpt; Ratzinger himself:
“God cannot be found except by going to meet him as the One who is coming, who is waiting for us to make a start and demanding that we do so. We cannot find God except in this exodus, in going out from the coziness of our present situation into what is hidden: the brightness of God that is coming.”
Er...what? Ancient Egypt wasn't "cozy". And what's this: "The One who is coming"? Didn't He come? Didn't He establish a Church? What the tarnation is all this about, exactly? The author of the piece writes:
And yet many “traditional” Catholics also found and still find Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI hard to swallow, because his leadership and vision did not square with the picture of the Church that they have made for themselves: he refused to accept the idea of a Church whose essence was the preservation of the status quo. Instead, Ratzinger relentlessly called the faithful to undertake a pilgrimage – an exodus – whose essential prerequisite is a readiness to make ourselves uncomfortable in order to go forth and meet the Lord.
This is, in a word, idiocy. Look folks, we didn't "make the picture ourselves"! Absolute lie. The Catholic laity only believed what the Church taught, and taught assiduously for 2,000 years: that Jesus Christ IS the answer to everything, that he founded His Church on the Rock of Faith (and St. Peter, apostolic succession, etc.). Be secure and grounded in this belief! The Church taught us THAT THAT IS EXACTLY the "STATUS QUO". Forever. We are not on an Exodus except from confusion and sin, because we've entered the Promised Land of the Faith and Christ's Church. 
  1. We're not the blind leading the blind, as Ratzinger clearly suggests. 
  2. We don't "find God" by wandering around dazed in a new directionless "Exodus", looking for Christ Who is somehow "Hidden". What sort of guano is that? Age of Aquarius claptrap. New Age "walkabout" fantasy. 
  3. A medieval pilgrimage was to a KNOWN place, an established House of God, a font of miracles that had been proven over time via tons of witness, as had Canterbury or Walsingham or Santiago de Compostela. 
  4. Medieval pilgrimages were NOT "off into the blue" to "find I know not what is true". 
  5. The Post-Vatican II theologian hotshot Josef Ratzinger had it exactly backward, and so do all the Modernists who so infest the Vatican II Church.
No wonder we have what we have now.

Right now, the biggest Church news is that creepy homosexual Cardinal "Tucho" "Kissy" Fernandez backpedaling and even name-calling over his disgusting magisterial document "Fiducia supplicans" about blessing "irregular unions" and the false "pope", whom I just call "Bergoglio" (when I'm being very polite) grunting out his displeasure at that document's reception, when he's not snorting out his hatred of just about everything else that's Catholic. 
  • This is the great shock of the Vatican II Church, that its episcopacy would tolerate such an obviously anti-Catholic ogre as "pope" at all, simultaneously with supporting homosexuals – going to great lengths to support and coddle homosexuals – a group have collectively cost the Church literally billions of dollars (many times over) and who have lashed the Church with the whips of lechery, extracting from it an incalculable amount of respect, honor, and credibility. Not to mention, sanctity.

Honestly, Bergoglio and his regime in control of the Church have reduced the One, Holy Catholic Apostolic Church to utter humiliation. It's a laughingstock. Orthodox and Protestants howl with glee as it stumbles and wallows, indeed, crawls, like an amnesia-afflicted hobo through a swamp it cannot find its way out of.

Too harsh? I check a number of conservative political blogs that run a pretty tight reign on Comments, and the contempt is palatable even there. On blogs not so tightly controlled, Protestants delight in disparaging all things Catholic. And of course "mainstream" blogs and "liberal" Leftist blogs are worse. 
  • I can honestly tell you that after nearly 70 years of trying so desperately to be "liked", to be "a popular girl in school", the Catholic Church is reviled and hated far worse that it ever was before Vatican II.
On the Traditional Catholic side, unfortunately, we've got those who insist, against every iota of common sense and observation, that Bergoglio is an actual pope, but one who must be "resisted" and that the powers of the papacy have to be highly curtailed hereafter. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski typifies such. In contrast, you have the "Hard Sedevacantists" (as at Novus Ordo Watch or AKA Catholic) who insist that not only is Bergoglio not a Catholic, but that this entire Church isn't Catholic; i.e. that the entire Vatican II Church is a fraud. 
  • Delving into their position, which they're thorough to explain in detail – though it's far more difficult to find what solutions they propose – they argue that the only "true" Catholic Church is to be found where a priest who was not ordained by a Vatican II-consecrated bishop runs an outfit of some sort that offers Mass. And you just have to ferret him out. (Novus Ordo Watch helpfully provides lists.)
Considering how bad Ratzinger was, or John Paul II with his plaintive calls for a "New Pentecost" – the Polish pope apparently had NO IDEA of how blasphemous that was (What? God didn't do it good enough the first time?) – one is strongly tempted to agree with them. Though, of course, that would make us all Kakure Kirishitans.
  • I've written here where I think that tempting though it is, the "Hard Sede" position is impractical, to say the least. It essentially entails going out into the Wild to find a Kakure kirishitan bishop or priest. Since I wrote that earlier post, I'd say now that once people, i.e. general Catholics, got the Hard Sede critique of the Vatican II Church fully absorbed, they wouldn't go on "walkabout" to try to find those rare "Churches" that fit the Sedevacantist bill; oh, no. No, no. No. They're not going out into the hills and hollers to find a Kakure Kirishitan church: they'd just walk away entirely.
Bottom Line
What solution do I propose? What equation do I formulate? I'll write about that in my next, what I call Our Jonah Reality. But for now, consider this:
  1. Remember how the Vatican II Church has always, ALWAYS been against what they call "Triumphalism"? Look at the Pathé newsreel again for a minute. Pure Catholic Triumphalism. 
  2. THAT was the Church pre-Vatican II (except for the Modernist Underground waiting in the wings to destroy it). We were all Traditionalists then, and all Triumphalists. 
  3. We were full participants in The Seventh Covenant, the Most Holy Eucharist. We were full participants in Christ's Salvic Offering of Himself on Calvary. 
  4. We were certain sure we were right, and not lost (while avoiding the "I'm Saved!" presumption of certain Protestants). 
  5. The Protestants loathed us for it, and importantly, so did the Jews. (Islam just hates, pure and simple; nothing new there.) The Jews never ceased their work to get the Good Friday liturgy changed, which they accomplished in 1955 (during the reign of "the last pope" Pius XII, ahem). 
  6. But we WERE Triumphalist. we belonged to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church that Our Lord Himself founded. 
  7. We were NOT the blind wandering around following blind shepherds and falling into the Pit of Modernism, as Josef Ratzinger would have us do. No. Not at all. 

And so "The Powers That Be" stole it from us, using a flashy stage show called The Second Vatican Council to bemuse and befuddle even stalwart Catholic leaders, like Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (for a short time). They drowned us in a torrent of words, more words in Vatican II than in all the previous Councils put together! They mixed their poison in with orthodoxy so carefully that they stole our inheritance. They stole our spiritual and religious inheritance, and they stole our cultural and philosophical inheritance, and replaced it all with what? Meretricious navel gazing. By degrees, not all at once, but steadily, till Bergoglio has essentially "made it official" they threw us out into the highways and byways, the hills and hollers, to make us Kakure Kirishitans.

Enough! We want it back. Let that be our New Year's Resolution: We want it all back, and since they're so fond of wandering around on endless "walkabout", they can get out of our way, and take their anti-pope Ogre and his Sodomites with 'em.

An Préachán

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