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Saturday, December 23, 2023

How to Break Free from the Changeling (Synodal) Church

Well, Friends,

The fox is among the chickens now. Bergoglio, the anti-pope (definitely an anti-Christ is his miserable way; at least a Changeling "pope") has let the fox in among the hens. I would love to ask Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, perhaps the most famous (amongst Trads in the States) of the "Francis is really pope!" apologists, "Well, Professor, Bergoglio has just gutted the Catholic Church like gutting a fish; he's opened it with a sharp knife titled Fiducia supplicans to endless discrimination lawsuits, as "Gay, Inc." will be providing "couples" calling conservative parishes asking for a "blessing (with flowers, invited guests, special music, the works – but of course it isn't marriage, wink-wink, nod-nod) and who will be absolutely geared to sue the cassock off any priest who denies them. They can legally raise all Hell (literally) via Fiducia supplicansSo, Kwasniewski, what sayest thou now?"

Not very charitable of me, and I'm sure the Prof is a very nice man. But, his fence-sitting has betrayed us. 

John Zmirak at The Stream has sharply harped on this homosexuals-suing-the-Church here, adding his voice to many, many others who have argued this is some way. Myself, I would ask readers to pause a moment and reflect: How much money have the homosexuals cost us? Sure, they've cost the Changeling Church millions of members who have left or are leaving in utter disgust, and they've cost the Church her priceless reputation, respect, and MOST OF ALL, T.R.U.S.T. 

But just consider how much actual cashola they've cost the Church. One study I saw from 1986, I think it was, stated that only 26 percent of Roman Catholic clergy were heterosexual. Homosexual men prey on, or if somehow they resist, still lust heartily on, teenage boys. Grown men and teenage boys is the classic paradigm. It was that way in Ancient Greece's Golden Age (adult men had to train teens in the art of war, using weapons, etc., and over time this morphed into carnal activity). It was that way in China during periods of decadence, and it is that way in the Arab Muslim world, as first detailed for Westerners by Richard Francis Burton, the famous English 19th century explorer. 

So put them in among boys and the lusts of such perverts will wear down even the strongest willed of them. No one trying to break the chains of alcoholism takes a job in a liquor store or a bar. Sodomites have cost the Church literally billions of dollars – and again, the spiritual and morale disaster these degenerates have cost us is beyond staggering, and beyond counting..

Even the new Mass, the Novus Ordo, is effeminate, and encourages a flashy "performance" from the Cranmer's table (er, a.k.a. "altar"). It is like it was designed for narcissists.

Now Bergoglio has opened the floodgates to simply endless litigation and the "cancellation" of endless numbers of what true-believing, orthodox heterosexual priests remain.

And of course, here's the kicker: the laity won't remain. They've left Catholicism since 1965 by 100s of millions, literally. But now it is the turn of the remainders. The Remnant. You are a father or a mother of kids you want to raise in righteousness (justice, God-fearing and God-respecting), and after much searching you found a TLM or a N.O. that at least truly tries to be orthodox. And BANG! the bishop removes your parish priest for Non-Compliance to Gay Inc.'s demands. What are you going to do? By DEFINITION, the replacement can't be orthodox or a real believer (or he would fear God too much to do such a blasphemous thing). Solution: Vote with Your Feet. Leave. Soon, the mainstream Church will only have "Church Ladies" (a.k.a. "Karens"). The carnal vampires that are 'Gay, Inc." certainly won't fill the pews. Haha, NO ONE in his right mind would think they would, even for a second.

So, Amici, my friends, the only question is:

How do we break the "Roman Catholic Church" free from the Synodal "Changeling" Church? Will Bishop Strickland be the only one (I doubt it, but Grace accomplishes miracles) to stand up and say, "I announce and promulgate, as heir of the Apostles, that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has abandoned the chair of Peter and the See of Rome, and my banishment is null and void, and I call ALL the "cancelled" priests to me to accept faculties that I will bestow on them to confect the sacraments, either by the Novus Ordo or the ancient, glorious Vetus Ordo."

So, who will this be? Strickland? Schneider? Schneider's Archbishop, Tomasz Peta? Some African bishop, or bishop's conference? Probably one of the latter.

However it is to be done, it has to be done. And the sooner the better. No more Professor Kwasniewski fence-sitting.


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