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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

We Want Satan, and We Ain't Waitin'! Ohio and Kentucky's vote


Vox populum: We want Satan and we ain't waitin'!

The notion of collective punishment revisited. 

Regarding the November 7 election: If I still resided in Ohio, I'd leave. 

God was not exactly mocked in this latest election – more like utterly ignored. And note this wasn't the case of some idiot judge somewhere who had absolutely no idea of embryology, genetics, or even metaphysics and natural law. This involved instead a majority vote of the Ohio demos for the devotees of Moloch, a.k.a. Satan, to damn all and sundry in the entire state.

That's mob rule, a.k.a. "democracy". Kinda like Original Sin. Everyone gets to be damned, you see? Unless God is particularly merciful on Judgment Day. And unless we bend over backwards to earn that mercy through prayer, fasting, and good works. No "cheap grace" this round. No Lutheran snow on a dunghill or Calvin's pre-predestination warm glow inside. The Ohio vote bore a collective out-and-proud affirmation that "We want Satan and we ain't waitin'!"

The forces of evil won in Ohio on November 7 via popular vote. They even voted in "recreational marijuana use". 24th state to do so. Great. Get stoned so you cannot notice Hell opening for you.
  1. In the American context, the old way of putting this was vox populum, vox Dei. The voice of the people is the voice of God. I.e. final authority, the ultimate judge. Public opinion, solely, is God.
  2. To which Ohioan General Sherman wryly commented, "Vox populum, vox humbug." ("Humbug" being a 19th century version of something much sharper today.) 
  3. They want to damn us with collective guilt, much like Israel is applying to the Gazans. Most Gazans probably strongly support Hamas, but whether they do or not, the Israelis are applying collective punishment. Truly, the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23
  4. Democracy implies as we benefit collectively from the actions of the majority, so the actions of the majority can damn us collectively.
Lot and Sodom
Let me solemnly assure you that Lot was saved from Sodom SOLELY because Abraham was his uncle. That's it. But a damnation resulted anyway, because Lot had chosen to live in Sodom. He had a free choice. Could have separated from Abraham and then lived most anywhere. But nope, the dope chose Sodom, which archaeology has clearly identified in Jordan northeast of the Dead Sea: a site called Tell el-Hamman. (See the videos of Dr. Steven Collins.) Collective punishment followed Lot. So, Lot's wife looked back and died and later in a cave his daughters committed unspeakable (and unthinkable) sin with him to found two bastardized "nations" of imbeciles. One daughter turned out to be the mother of what would become Moab, a hopeless pagan enemy of Israel (yet God saw to it that the nation of Moab eventually produced after many generations one Ruth, who became an ancestress of Our Lord.) What happened to Lot after that, though? Vanished from history. In inexpressible shame.

Kentucky meanwhile voted to keep its Democrat governor, who will take the first opportunity to lock the people down and force them to wear masks in the next fraudulent "plandemic". Democrats have never left off being slave masters. He'll support the national Democrats in stopping next year's election (don't think for a moment that that isn't coming!) I thought Kentuckians were smarter than that. Was I ever wrong. 

What about the Church?
I've read where the bishops of Ohio didn't campaign too diligently against the referendum. When have American bishops ever? 
  1. The bishops are Siamese Twins with the Democrat Party, and today live off the largess of the Federal government paying them to manage all the illegal hordes (er, excuse me: "refugees") flooding the nation. 
  2. They could have stopped abortion in its tracks back in 1973 by excommunicating any politician, starting with Ted Kennedy, who promoted abortion. 
  3. Don't bishops know they have supernatural power? 
  4. Don't they know exorcists can make demons scream and howl just by showing the devils a photo of the local bishop? 
  5. Regarding Soros and all those financing this pro-Abort vote, the bishops could at least recite at Holy Mass the "cursing" psalms of 68:20-29 (Psalm 69 in the Jewish Masoretic/Protestant numbering) and 108/109, and others. 
  6. So, they did little or nothing? Whether true or not, we needed a Fr. Altman in every parish and seated on every bishop's cathedra. Instead, they cancel him.
  7. The FBI and Deep State will shut the Church down anyway; might as well go down fighting.
And please believe me when I say that Fr James Altman was and is quite right that a Catholic cannot vote for a Democrat. Democrats have not only gone full abortionist, they've gone full communist. (Someone recently wrote that if you don't believe that, look up the Democrat's national website and then look up the Communist Party USA's website and try to find any differences.)
  • Being part of a "democratic" governance makes each of us responsible for what happens, and certainly a Catholic who votes for a Democrat (or a pro-Abortion "RINO") has put a millstone around their neck, one they don't usually feel, though deep down I think they know what they've done.
  • God knows exactly what they've done and will confront them with it when it is too late for them to "change their mind" because in Eternity, one experiences the "Boundless Now" as Boethius described it, and it is too late to change one's damnation.
The Secular Explanation
In terms of secular politics, the general consensus is that "Big Money" from outside of the state bought the vote for abortion in Ohio. No doubt. Many George Soros types exist, and as Elon Musk says, Soros clearly hates humanity. Butchering babies is as inhuman as it gets. (He definitely needs a psalm read against him.) But Ohioans have to be so utterly heartless as to not care, for surely they now ALL know what abortion is and what it does. Therefore they tar all Ohioans as pro-Aborts by association: Ohio, the place where abortion RULES. And now where parents cannot stop their children from mutilating themselves.

As I say, because we can vote, when the vote is for evil, we all get tarred with that sticky sulfur-stinking offal. Myself, as well. Of course, I had requested an absentee ballot and my county Board of Elections sent it to me and I marked it to turn down the proposal, but as noted, the vote was widely in favor of adopting the amendment. Naturally, the sacraments will wash off the carrion, but we have to be ever more scrupulous in our spiritual lives because now all Hell (literally) has us in its armpit until the Tribulation – which I think has begun – runs its course.

Truly, in the words of St. Paul, we need to work out our salvation in fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12-13

I think I shall listen to Tallis. Lamentations of Jeremiah.

  An Préachán

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