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Friday, October 13, 2023

Israel, the Crusader States, Muslim Violence and Gnostic ranks, and Baron von Sebottendorf


What a duplicitous world we live in. One that keeps replaying a sad tale, like a broken record.

Israel, the U.S. Government, and Terrorists

The American government supports a lot of folks via American taxpayer money. Much money goes to Ukraine, obviously. About a 100 billion dollars, in fact, for a war American surrogates and proxies lost. Yet another war, in other words, that the U.S. lost. At least, short of some nuclear disaster, this war will be over soon. The U.S. is broke, if for no other reason.

But the American government (and the EU, no doubt) support in various ways Mideastern bad buys like the Iranian mullahs, who terrorize their own people as horrifically as Hezbollah or Hamas do theirs. Joe Biden is really big on the Iranian regime, as literally everyone knows. And of course he's a wholly owned subsidiary of the Communist Chinese. You know, like Bergoglio's church.

But really, the whole Mid-East thing is such a mess that one can be justified in washing one's hands of it. For example, check out Emerald Robinson's details on how (and why) Israel "created" (encouraged the development of) Hamas for their own political ends.

Their creation, like Frankenstein, got out of control and attacked its creators, sci-fi style. Just incredible. But true.

Neocon American foreign policy has often been stupid. Vietnam comes to mind, as does American involvement in the Balkans, and the endless Middle Eastern wars. But Biden himself always was stupid, even before he lost what little mind he had. Now, to complicate matters even more than usual, it has come out that Benjamin Netanyahu and those Israelis who opposed the "Two-State Solution" for Israel and Palestine, sabotaged it with Hamas. I suspect most leaders on both sides believed it would have never worked, anyway. Those who promoted it were hypocrites about it. Why? See the fate of the Crusader states below for details. But as noted, those Israelis who opposed the Two-State solution created – or really better to say, encouraged – Hamas as a religious fanaticism sect against Yasser Arafat and his secular Palestinian crowd. Well, their plan worked, sort of. (Hamas is now just another part of Muslim Jihad against the West in general, for whatever that factoid is worth.)

Thus,  the Israelis are in an impossible position today, of course. Hamas has demonstrated they'll release the very Hounds of Hell on all Israelis. Far beyond any political violence any government could tolerate. Hamas clearly demands Israel "martyr" them. Were the Israelis to ease off on Hamas, that would just embolden Hamas and all the Arabs, terrorist or not, to push Israel into the sea. If the Israelis destroy Hamas, on the other hand, some other group will just replace them. 

Islam and Violence
Violence and grievance are endemic to Islam. Why? Partly because Islam is a "Shame-Honor Response" culture, where insults, real or imagined, must be paid in blood. No "I am the Lord, I will repay" (Romans 12:19; Deut 32:35) teachings in Islam. Just the opposite. Besides that, there's an endless supply of young Muslim men for violence because their leaders are terrorists or thugs and they can't get good jobs or an education outside of crazy "Islam for the Masses" type stuff. (Traditionally, the only "science" Islam recognizes is Muslim religious studies.)
  • Tecnically, the word for "Islam for the masses is "Ibara". That's the one form of Islam most Muslims you could ever meet would know about.  
  • N.B. Very few Muslims reach the level of Ishara, the next highest level up. That's for the spiritual, i.e. Gnostic, elite; above that is the latā'if and then the highest, the 33rd degree Mason equivalent, is the "haqā'iq". That's Moon Goddess worship territory.
  • (These are courtesy of Lloyd de Jongh's work; he culled this info from the Latā'if al-Isharat bi-Tafsīr al-Qur'ān, a famous tome and complete Koranic commentary by Abu l-Qasim Al-Qushayri, who died in 1074.)
Not only that, but because a Muslim man can have up to four wives (and numberless concubines) the average young Muslim man can't very easily find a wife – even if he has a job! So, all that, with a religion calling endlessly for vengeance, murder, and mayhem, with an entire people "shamed and dishonored" by Jews and the larger world, one can see how becoming a terrorist would work off a lot of in-built aggression in that culture.

To sum up, Israel crushing Hamas and Gaza would result in the whole world erupting in Jew-hatred, something it seems to be inbred with. There's even a lot of Jews who hate Jews. Leftist American Jews seem to hate Israeli Jews or Conservative American Jews. They hate Trump whose daughter converted to Judaism and who backs Israel 100 percent. But then even Netanyahu seems to hate Trump (couldn't wait to congratulate Biden on his fraudulent presidential election win). 

Ergo, all in all, my friends, the future, like the present, is grim. 

The Crusader States
Being destroyed en mass was the fate (well, being conquered and enslaved en mass to be specific) of the Medieval Crusader states occurred in exactly this same geographic area Israel now exists in. It took a 100 years or so, but the Muslims were relentless. These statelets, the "Outremer" as they were called in Medieval French, lasted from 1098 to 1291. The Kingdom of Jerusalem remains perhaps the best-known. It existed from 1099-1291. The states were little Europes in the Levant sea of Muslims (with submerged continental shelves of indigenous Christians slowly dying out). They had sheriffs, courts of law, lawyers, all the details and minutiae of a European state of that time. All that was swept away with the Muslim reconquest, of course. Islamic rule meant absolute personal rule by the sheik, or amir, or sultan, who did whatever he wanted, whenever and however he wanted. By the time Mark Twain wrote "Innocents Abroad" in 1884, the entire area had been rendered into one miserable desert of despair, backwardness, and misery. (Sort of like most of the rest of the Muslim world.)

This quote is perfecto; Twain could have written it (but didn't):
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apa­thy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Written by none other than Winston Churchill. (He says a lot more in the same vein, but has a few good words for the fine soldiers of the empire some Muslims could make.)

So, not long after Mark Twain visited that most depressing and bleak region of the Earth, the idealistic, romantic, and mostly Socialist Leftist Jews from Europe began their Zionist effort to resettle their ancient land. At first, no one cared. It was a wasteland. Landlords in Istanbul were happy to sell it off. But slowly the Quixotic Jews began to recreate it, showing that it could, indeed, be a land "flowing with milk and honey" – if it just had other people than Muslims in it  and then the Arab peasants, many of them Christian but all such dhimmis under the thumb of the Muslims, began to fight back against the colonization. Then Hitler intervened. The rest, as they say, "is history". His murder of six million Jews shamed the world into granting Israel its existence.

Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Occultist
Ah, but here's "the rest of the story" as Paul Harvey used to say. The WWI veteran corporal sporting the goofy mustache was tutored after that war by an odd character named Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf (1875-1945), a ne'er-do-well swindler originally named Glauer who somehow became a Turkish citizen and got adopted by the von Sebottendorf aristocratic family (I'm not making this up). He was into the occult, rose through the ranks of the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians, converted to Islam in Turkey, became a Sufi mystic (high-level Gnostic Muslim of the latā'if rank in other words) and returned to Germany as WWI ended. He founded the occult Thule Society, which, after a bit of metamorphosis, ended up renamed the National Socialist Workers' Party by Sebottendorf's groupie, ex-Corporal Hitler. He taught Hitler to hate the Jews in true Islamic fashion, and if Hitler hated them from his days in Vienna, he bore a blind hatred after Sebottendorf's tutelage. 

Eventually, Hitler fell out with Sebottendorf. The latter wrote a book "Before Hitler came" about how he, Sebottendorf, started the whole Nazi thing. Hitler, the ultimate narcissistic nutcase, didn't like that. So, "the Baron" escaped back to Turkey, where during WWII he worked as a double-agent, for both the Germans and the English, committing suicide (ahem, we think that's what happened) in 1945.

Now, today, here we are. Amazing, but NO answer exists to the Mideast mess short of either nuclear war or everyone there converting to Christianity, which neither Jew nor Muslim will tolerate the thought of. 

One last word from a saintly source: Pope St. Pius X (hat tip to the essential Ann Barnhardt):

I wonder if John Paul II apologized to the Jews about this? He apologized to them a number of times, after all. (An Préachán writes that with sarcasm.)

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