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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The People vs Bergoglio, the Inimicus Ecclesiæ


Like a great ship steaming at high speed takes time to change course, so the Church takes time for a "course correction" regarding its current trajectory. But certain signs suggest such is finally happening.

Crises everywhere

Once again curiously mirroring the revolution in the U.S. (Speaker McCarthy out, "RINOs" exposed at UniParty hacks, etc.), the Catholic Church undergoes its own and parallel revolution. In both cases, one can say it's "Us against Them", the American people in the one instance against the "Deep State", the Catholic laity against the Modernist Synodal Church in the other. Regarding the Church, I put the crisis as "The People vs Bergoglio". A rather unique case, but as in the American situation, one long building up to this moment.

Things ecclesiastical are heating up and push is coming to the long-awaited shove. The pressure builds. LifesiteNews reports that a Swiss bishop is supporting Cardinal Müller's open endorsement of the five Dubia Cardinals. Unlike the typical Bergoglio pick for cardinal (mostly men of mediocre achievement, but also many first-rate "yes-men" disasters such as Cupich in Chicago, McElroy in San Diego, and of course "Tucho" Fernández in the Vatican), these Dubia Five are a very impressive cadre:
  1. Walter Brandmüller, former prefect of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences; 
  2. Raymond Leo Burke, former prefect of the Apostolic Signatura (the Vatican's Supreme Court, more or less), and removed chaplain of the Maltese Order; once Archbishop of St. Louis;
  3. Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, former Archbishop of Guadalajara, Mexico, and apparently a supporter of the TLM; 
  4. Robert Sarah, the widely admired former prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (his parents Archbishop Lefebvre converted from paganism); and...
  5. Joseph Zen, the venerable, the saintly, former bishop of Hong Kong, persecuted by Bergoglio's friends the Communist Chinese and like some of the others – Cardinal Burke – cruelly abused and "dissed" by Bergoglio. (Both Brandmüller and Burke signed the previous 2016 Dubia submitted to Bergoglio; remember that one? The one Bergoglio utterly and permanently ignored; two of the four cardinals who signed that one died waiting for Bergoglio, who, like Godot, never showed up.)
So, I wondered why Cardinal Müller hadn't signed on. But he quickly published his whole-hearted support of the Dubia Five. Bishop Athanasius Schneider has done likewise. Now the auxiliary bishop of Chur, Switzerland, Bishop Marian Eleganti, has also published his support. His eight-points of truth, listed here by LifeSiteNews, are quite excellent and to the point. Please read them.

Also, the exceptional (literally, the singular) American bishop, Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, offers his support of the Dubia Five by firing a broadside at Bergoglio's Synod on Synodality with a new episcopal letter to his diocese that states the traditional Catholic teaching on marriage and carnal matters outside of marriage. Bergoglio, to the extent he remains sentient, has to be "hating him some Strickland" right now.

Also significant, as this Synod on Synodality convenes in Rome, 600-some Catholic women have gone on record opposing its aims. 

I'm getting the feeling, now that the "Dubia Five" have acted, and tag-alongs sign up and others, on their own, join in, as these Catholic women who are getting involved – I mean CATHOLIC women who embrace the Deposit of Faith – that finally, FINALLY, we're seeing some traction with "The People vs Bergoglio". We're finally seeing the ship's rudder turn a bit, at least. Or it's like the first hints of a change in the wind in The Return of the King before the Battle for Gondor. 

The five Dubia Cardinals, (three new ones and the two 2016 Dubia survivors) are also maneuvering Bergoglio into some sort of curtailment of his antics, as in a formal declaration of heresy. In Matt 18:16-17, Our Lord explained how we are to try to correct someone, and after the third time, if the troublemaker won't listen/reform his ways, then treat him as "a pagan or tax collector". Many (Taylor Marshall, etc.) suspect that's in play, here. We'll see. But one thing I think everyone can agree on, and this obviously these 600 women are insisting on, is that this papacy can't continue the way it's been going for the past decade. The rising chorus (still low-voiced, for now, but rising) is an indication that more and more of the laity see this, as well.

Prosecutor for the People
Perhaps the People's chief public prosecutor facing off against Bergoglio is the estimable Archbishop Viganò. LifeSiteNews carried his latest letter here. It is truly a tour de force, this masterpiece of an argument must be read in full. Just a few direct quote highlights (I've highlighted one sentence in yellow but all of these should be so highlighted):
  • The recent case of Marko Rupnik is evidence of one who exercises power like a despot, legibus solutus, who considers himself free to act without being accountable for any of his actions.
  • I think of the shameful handling of the Rupnik case, which in addition to having rehabilitated a criminal responsible for horrendous crimes, in contempt of the numerous victims, has also discredited the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Ladaria. 
  • The silence of the Episcopate in the face of the Bergoglian nonsense confirms that the self-referential authoritarianism of the Jesuit Bergoglio has found servile obedience in almost all the Bishops, terrified by the idea of being made the object of the retaliation of the vengeful and despotic satrap of Santa Marta.
  • The proliferation of declarations and behaviors completely foreign to what is expected of a pope – and indeed in contrast with the Faith and Morality of which the Papacy is the guardian – has led many of the faithful and an increasingly large number of bishops to take note of something that until some time ago seemed unheard of: the Throne of Peter is occupied by a person who abuses his power, using it for the opposite purpose to that for which Our Lord instituted it.
  • An enemy who, precisely because he occupies the Throne of Peter and abuses papal authority, is capable of inflicting a terrible and disastrous blow, such as no external enemy in the entire history of the Church has ever been able to cause. The worst persecutors of Christians, the fiercest adherents of the Masonic Lodges, and the most unrestrained heresiarchs have never before succeeded, in such a short time and with such effectiveness, in devastating the Lord’s vineyard, scandalizing the faithful, disgusting the Ministers, discrediting its authority and authoritativeness before the world, and demolishing the Magisterium, Faith, Morals, Liturgy, and discipline.
  • The evidence of Bergoglio’s alienity to the office he holds is certainly a painful and very serious fact; but becoming aware of this reality is the indispensable premise for remedying an unsustainable and disastrous situation.
  • In these ten years of his “pontificate” we have seen Bergoglio do everything that would never be expected of a pope, and vice-versa everything that a heresiarch or an apostate would do. There have been occasions when these actions have appeared manifestly provocative, as if by his utterances or certain acts of government he deliberately wanted to arouse the indignation of the ecclesial body and urge priests and faithful to react by giving them the pretext to declare them schismatic. 
  • We must ask ourselves if the 2013 election was in some way invalidated by a lack of consent; that is, if the one elected wanted to become pope of the Catholic Church or rather head of what he calls “our synodal church” – which has nothing to do with the Church of Christ precisely because it stands as something other than it.
The People's Prosecutor makes his case. The whole essay is an essential read for anyone remotely interested in our current phase in "the clash of civilizations". Remember my essay about cult being the root of culture, and the Traditional Latin Mass being the root of the entire Western Civilization as it developed from the Dark Ages on? (An essay derived from excellent articles.) How the attempt to quash and prohibit that Mass since the Vatican II Council strikes at not only the "source and summit of the Christian life", the Holy Eucharist, but at the root of Western Civ itself? What can we say, therefore, of the attempt to entirely replace the Catholic Church with a "Synodal Church" professing the moral blindness of the mainline Protestant Churches? (You know, those empty shell denominations ignored by almost everyone?)

We are experiencing a true clash of civilizations, indeed. Everything is at stake. We each must make our Joshua statement. (Joshua 24:15)

   An Préachán

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