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Friday, September 29, 2023

Pope Francis and the strange case of Marko Rupnik: Francis' undoing?


It's hard to keep up with "Pope" Francis and his sado-masochistic destruction of the Vatican II Church. So many scandals. So little time. One could pick just one sordid tale, say the scandal of the attempted "rehabilitation"of the loathsome Theodore (Uncle Teddy) McCarrick, and after due consideration, one would think that were Bergoglio's actions in McCarrick's regard more widely known in the Catholic World, Bergoglio would be out on his ear – regardless of the fact the Church (now, since 1917) has no legal mechanism to remove a misbehaving pontiff.

Maybe. Maybe not. But perhaps this newly erupting scandal involving yet another putrid human being wearing a clerical collar, this time a diabolical artist named Marko Rupnik, becomes more widely known, then, indeed, this might take down Bergoglo. For a detailed article on the subject, read Damian Thompson here at unherd. Blogger Anthony Stine offers his take on it here at his Return to Tradition. Regarding the actual art:

  • Rupnik's putrid, rancid images are just everywhere now, all over the place. For example, the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C., Blessed Sacrament chapel in the Almudena Cathedral in Madrid, Spain, Facade of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary at Lourdes, France, Holy Family Chapel, Knights of Columbus headquarters, New Haven, Connecticut. Check here for a wide collection of this creep's "art". 
  • Notice how the eyes are ALL black – and dead. Every  single image! Creeps me out! As others have noted, they look like the black, liquid eyes of "aliens" in the movies. This is seriously foul, and yet Rupnik, a rapist, mind you, a rapist of nuns, yet, for decades, has his "art" ALL OVER the Catholic world now. Can anything bespeak the moral, cultural, civilizational putrescence of the Vatican II Church's bigshots, the ones with the money and connections to commission art? It all needs removed and – one would hope, destroyed – as the product of a sick, lecherous mind of a black soulless fiend. 

  • Do NOT Despair
    Being the student of Sun Tzu that I am, I look at it a bit differently. I suspect that another John Paul II-type of pope, a Vatican II Church mega-star, would just continue the "killing us by degrees" that Paul VI and (alas) Benedict XVI ended up doing. The underlying problem obviously isn't Tio Jorge Bergoglio, is it? He could have been tossed ten years ago. He need not have been elected. Benedict need not have run away. Instead, Cardinals Müller, Burke, and Sarah, and the host of craven time-serving bishops in the Church today are the essential part of the problem, and I think the esteemed and excellent Fr. James Mawdsley has the reason why. The ordination rite for bishops was changed! He explains in this 16 minute video titled provocatively: What have the sedevacantists got right? Why we should listen to them. He's not a sede himself, but here he delineates many problems the Church has, and the consecration change for bishops is one of them. They went from servers of Christ and defenders of Tradition (which IS the Deposit of Faith, remember) to rulers, bosses, managers. CEOs. Specifically, the wording of the consecration was changed from "Fulfill in Thy priest the completion of Thy Ministry, and adorned in the ornaments of all glorification sanctify him with the moisture of heavenly unguent" to "So now pour out on this chosen one that power which is from you, the governing Spirit whom you gave to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Spirit of him given to the holy apostles, who founded the Church in every place to be your temple for the unceasing glory and praise of your name." (Just as an aside, note how pronouns referring to God are not capitalized? Modern usage. Ugh!) And isn't that what we see today around the world? Bishops as rulers, bosses, managers? CEOs? They're like corporate branch managers and certainly Bergoglio treats them as hirelings, mere branch managers who can be dismissed at any time, as he did with Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres.

    The goddess Athena herself poured "the moisture of the heavenly unguent" over Odysseus (a certain Crow was so envious!) in the Odyssey. It was a gooey, divine gift. Christians used the same word Homer used, χαριτόω/χάρη for the transformation in Christ that is Theosis, and χάρη in Latin is Gratia, Grace. But Fr. Mawdsley explains how the new consecration of bishops tosses all those meanings and replaces them with sheer power. What happened to bishops being the servants of the servants?

    God's Use of Imperfect Vessels
    Be of good cheer, my friends. God sent Bergoglio and uses him just as God uses the Devil. The Devil cannot do anything to us that God doesn't allow him to do, and He makes sure what the Devil is allowed to do will ultimately enable us to grow in Faith and "earn a crown". Similarly, and I've said this before, Bergoglio is leveling and humiliating the Vatican II Church from the scene. When the smoke clears and the klaxons die down, the True Church, the Church of Tradition, of the Deposit of Faith, will have weathered the chaos. Just as during the farcical Covid lookdowns, when the Traditionalists, such as the SSPX, kept offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the everyday Catholics actually began to notice the Traditional Latin Mass was still among them, so it will be after the destruction that Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his band of spiritual delinquents wreak upon the Church runs to its end.

    The Chastisement – for this round – will be over.

        An Préachán

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