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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Coup d'état in the U.S.A.? – Part II Civilization and the Traditional Latin Mass


After reading my essay Coup d'état in the U.S.A.?, a friend wrote to me, in part:

There is no longer any enforcement of laws in this country. Apparently we are subscribing to the George Soros method of prosecution - I will enforce only those laws that I want to. Uncle Joe continues to break the law at the southern border - surprisingly no one seems to care. Instead he lies that the border is closed, when clearly it is not. Prosecutors in New York, Chicago, San Francisco (all Soros funded), continue to release violent criminals. Illinois just eliminate all of its bail laws. The police are completely demoralized by defunding and lack of support from city governments. Criminals, see no consequences for their crimes - so they keep offending. Shoplifting is becoming the national pastime.
I thought about it and wrote:

They are trying – working assiduously – to turn the country into an insane asylum for unrestrained, berserk criminals. People are frantic! Even in California, where businesses are going on strike: Over 200 Oakland Businesses to Strike on Tuesday Over Crime as City Reports Over 10,000 Stolen Cars So Far This Year. Or how about this, the trial and verdict of those who killed teen Ethan Liming in Ohio. It makes you sick to read it.

And consider this bit of educational news (pun intended) about no children from 13 schools, zero, passing state math exams in Baltimore, Maryland.

Of course, all this is intentional, a program that began running a long time ago, designed by the Frankfurter Schule, the German Communist program from back in the 1920s. When the Nazis put pressure on them, they came over there to the U.S.A. and were given top jobs in the big universities. Brilliant, that. Thanks to them and John Dewey, another Communist, U.S. schools have been teaching Marxism for decades now. Madness.

And in a larger context, all this has everything to do with the Traditional Latin Mass. Why? Am I just being crazy? No. Because "culture" is founded on "cult". We can't escape that. The Supreme Court can't escape that; the American Constiution can't escape that. A culture founded on the worship of Kali or Badhbh (but I repeat myself; one is the avatar of the other) is going to be quite different from one founded on the Buddha, which is different than one founded on Shinto, which is different from one founded on nothing at all (the U.S.A.), which is different from one founded on Christ. And the central institution of Western Christianity is, and has been since before Constantine, the Traditional Latin Mass. One could say, in all seriousness, that therefore Catholics built up Western Civilization around that Traditional Latin Mass: just as the great Romanesque cathedrals were built to stage it, or the Gothic cathedrals in their varied splendor, the Baroque, all that, were all created for that Mass. (I never thought I liked Baroque till I started attending the TLM in one; now I know why they were built the way they were.) Our civilization is just as much a product of that Mass as those church styles were.

And what the Greeks knew, and what the Medievals knew, and what we seem to have completely forgotten or never understood (thank you John Locke and Adam Smith and consumer culture), is that culture has to be built up, either from scratch or from the ruins of previous cultures – all via some new cult, as Western Civilization was via Christianity or the Middle Eastern was from Islam, or India from Hinduism. And cult remains essential in this, especially if one wants to build a civilization
  1. A civilization is bequeathed us by our ancestors but we have to reinforce/restore it each generation. We have to train children into it. That's what EDUCATION, the "calling out" exists for. It doesn't exist to make people a lot of money to feed the consumer culture.
  2. Like a taste for Classical Music or Fine Arts, great literature (epic poetry and high drama) and philosophy, we have to carefully cultivate this civilizational aspect of culture in each generation. It's truly another echo of Adam's task, to "tend and keep" the Garden.
  3. We can't just "let it slide" and assume people are somehow by an undirected Darwinian osmosis 'civilized' into the civilized culture of their birth. A general culture, a traditional farming or hunting culture can do that, perhaps, indeed, but not a civilization. Civilizations take WORK.

I get most of this from reflecting on this excellent article here. An excerpt:
According to this conception, civilization, in its highest form, is made up of components that are the product of a conscious and deliberate effort to reach the highest level of human attainment, and that for the most part substantially succeed in reaching this level. Individual geniuses such as Homer may reach this level of achievement without belonging to a civilization; what makes a civilization is a collective resolve to reach this level as far as is possible, and to preserve what has reached it.

The Greeks knew, and various Romans too, over time, and what the late Medievals learned to their cost, as we ought to be learning now, is that one has to fight not for something abstract like Jeffersonian or French Revolution "Liberty", but for our actual inheritance, and that consists of Western CivilizationBecause various forces try to destroy civilization one way or another (as did the French Revolution itself did), either trying to disintegrate it from within or be conquered from without, we must "keep and tend it". As for "Liberty", it seems basically to mean ignoring our civilizational roots, which are (shudder) religious, and allowing Islam to try to conquer us today from both outside and inside. Islam or hedonism, that's the choice. The moral degeneracy engulfing the Western World perhaps comes from Communism of a sort, or from Liberty gone libertine, but moral degeneracy in itself lies at the heart of the human race and Satan easily accesses it, all the time, screeching, "Liberty!" 
  • Notice how Islam's civilization, which never separated from its religion, is strong although materially and intellectually weak (i.e. poor and backward), whereas we, who are materially bloated and choking to death on "education", are utterly morally weak and demented. Same with secularized Japan, Communist China, much of Europe, etc.

The Greeks fought off the Persians to preserve their cult/culture while their philosophers fought off moral degeneration from within. In that endeavor, they failed. Christianity came, however, and created a new Eastern Empire, the Byzantine, although, alas, the Muslims finally – after centuries of ceaseless warfare – brought it down. They tried the same in the European heartland. The late Medievals/early Renaissance version of Western Christian Civilization had to fight off the Turk in the East and the Moors in the West, and one day starting in 1519 suddenly they found themselves fighting off a new threat to their civilization, the Protestants, at their backs. Emperor Karl V couldn't deal with the Lutheran princes who supported Luther because the emperor had to fight off the Sultan, as well. Suleiman the Magnificent it was who crushed the Hungarians in August 1526, killing King Louis II of Hungary at the Battle of Mohács, and bounding onward into Austria, besieged Vienna in 1529. for two weeks. Failing this, and after 150 years of constant war (that left much of Central Europe and certainly Hungary a  depopulated wasteland), the Turks tried again in 1683, with a two-month siege of Vienna. (In 1565, the Turks besieged Malta for almost four months.) Obviously, this was a life and death struggle for the West. This was a CIVILIZATIONAL life and death struggle.
  • If the Turk was fought off back then, at least until modern Islamic immigration into the West that of itself will destroy Western Civ, Protestantism wrought a destruction of a different type, resulting eventually in a desacralization of the West, secularizing it, removing the cult at its root by privatizing religion. Vatican II is the eventual fruit, a "Protestantization" of the Catholic Church, secularizing it, as we know only too well.
  • Benighted Western intellectuals and "opinion makers" consider this secularization of the West a strength to boast about in comparison to Islam, an advance, not the stake through the cultural heart of Western Civilization that it is.
  • But without its heart, what organism can survive? 
So, here we are in the Western world today, still besieged by Islam and still fighting off forces within our own civilization that seek to slaughter it. Now, however, the official Church has laid the axe of 'cult-ural' destruction at the root of the Tree of the Faith. "Pope Francis" and Company ceaselessly try to remove the very root, the Traditional Latin Mass that the entire civilization was built up around. That's what the suppression of the TLM truly signifies. If you didn't know that before, now you do. 

This will NOT turn out well, my friends.



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