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Monday, August 28, 2023

Abortion, the Jewel in Satan's Crown, and the Novus Ordo Mass


Abortion is the jewel in Satan's Crown. It's a "twofer". It damns the people involved in it and it kills a human being in the womb. Why, why do we allow it at all? In the U.S.A., that murder rate since 1973, comes to about 65 million dead babies now. 

Think of that. It's nearly unbelievable. But it is true.

If nothing else, abortion conveniently saves the demons from having to temp yet another human to go to Hell. (In the U.S. as noted, 65 million fewer temptations.) But it also spreads, metastasizes cancer-like, a thick, nearly impenetrable damnation through the human societies that tolerate it. It damns from the people immediately involved all the way through to legislators and judges who give it their (dare I say it) "blessings". 

The human condition in the Western World was going from bad to worse previous to the Roe v Wade decision in 1973. U. S. Supreme Court decisions going back the 1950s, such as the 1957 Roth v the United States, began to give pornography a leg up in the culture wars, and the following year's, One, Inc. v. Olesen, is considered "landmark" in the ascent of homosexuality's rule over us. One ignorant Supreme Court justice's idiot comment about pornography, "I know it when I see it" (in 1964's Jacobellis v. Ohio) conclusively demonstrated that America's highest lawyers were moral numbskulls. 
Note: It was Justice Potter Stewart who wrote, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it...". Dead Justice Stewart, porn, like propaganda, is easily defined. They have no ambiguity. "Art" ambiguous, with more than one possible meaning, thus causing one to think, to ponder, to wonder. Propaganda exists to indoctrinate. Porn exists solely to titillate, however, to arouse the carnal appetites, and for no other reason. 

Today we see many of the nation's lawyers are amoral mountebanks, or simply Communist apparatchiks. The Roe v Wade decision conclusively proved they were utterly, wholly, metaphysically ignorant, as well. And I remember seeing a talk show, Peter Robinson's Uncommon Knowledge, in fact, wherein the late Justice Antonin Scalia said that natural law had absolutely no place in Supreme Court decisions!

Explains a lot, doesn't it?

All the flooding Sexual Revolution guano of the later '50s and all of the '60s culminated in abortion being given carte blanc in the U.S. Satan's jewel in the crown had been a long time being excavated and then polished, but with its enthronement, "everything went to Hell". The Church, the modern Church, the Vatican II Church was then fully born. The new, awful liturgy was enacted at the beginning of Advent in 1970. Can it be a coincidence that abortion followed exactly three years later, in January 1973?

As Fr. James Mawdsley so aptly put it, the Holy Mass suffered a horrible "transgender mutilation". That's what the Novus Ordo Mass is, a transgender mutilation of the ancient, God-grown Traditional Latin Mass, a liturgy God began founding before He created the world, and which was foreshadowed and planned and shaped for throughout the Old Testament. Now we are so far down the well that we have an anti-pope charlatan promoting (ceaselessly, desperately), what Fulton Sheen called, "The Ape of the Church", our Vatican II anti-Church. Its a "Church" where the Holy Spirit speaks, but only through committees staffed by Communist cronies of the "pope".

As for myself, I cannot help but think the Novus Ordo Mass paved they way and steam-rolled the pavement once it was embraced, of abortion. Just one example: In the old Mass, the TLM, the priest makes the Sign of the Cross 70 times, many of those at the altar over the unconsecrated and then the consecrated Host, and using the Consecrated Host. That has to carve a profound mark on the priest's soul. Wouldn't such a priest be more likely to be willing to embrace the Cross for the sake of the unborn, then, as opposed to a Novus Ordo priest, whose talky, relatively signless Mass exists to "reaffirm" and "soothe" and "accompany" his congregation? 

Every time one sins, one gives Satan a bit of authority over the sinner. Grievous, mortal sin gives Satan pretty much absolute authority. Notice how Confession is required to break it but notice how Confession isn't stressed any more? (A lot of Confessions in the Vatican II Church are held like psychological counseling sessions, face to face with the priest, etc.) How sin itself isn't stressed from the pulpit? A priest giving hell-fire and brimstone sermons will be "cancelled" if he persists.
Is it any wonder Satan's Jewel in the Crown shines so brightly?

 An Préachán

Friday, August 18, 2023

Christianity, Freedom, the American government and our current free-fall


America is a mess, and the American Republic is just about dead. Why? I think it is, to an essential decree, because the anti-God or simply "No God Need Apply" embodied in the 1787 U.S. Constitution has finally born the fruits its policy was always destined to bear.

In any political discussion à la the U.S., "freedom" or "liberty" is central. It is said whereas English literature is about honor and French literature is about love, American literature is about freedom. The Declaration of Independence is famous for this line: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Yet the right to life American courts have denied for over half a century. It has been denied because Americans, both citizens and supposedly the government, worship not the God of Christianity, but "Liberty". 

Yet what is liberty? Are we at liberty to murder unborn children? Or are we at liberty to molest born children, or castrate and spade children? Or for that matter, run wild in the streets? Flash mob rob stores? Parade naked down streets or as in San Francisco, stand on sidewalks openly doing the most obscene things with our private parts? (Not to mention filling those streets with manure and urine.) If homosexuals are allowed to legally marry under the U.S. 1787 Constitution, something so absolutely NOT in that document that nothing could be more obvious, then why not? "Liberty" triumphs over everything else, including Truth. And this is because we think of liberty as the no-holds-barred, purely narcissistic "Pursuit of Happiness". The worship not of God but of Self. Actually, Jefferson's use of that latter "Pursuit" phrase actually means the pursuit of virtue, for traditionally, to be virtuous is to achieve true happiness. But very, very few seem to know this today. Today, the "Pursuit of Happiness" means doing whatever one damn (literally) well please it means, regardless of the consequences. 

Now, I should mention that the Catholic idea of "freedom" is not the big box store model. A big box store might offer 20 or 30 choices of canned peas, for example, and one is supposed to have greater liberty of choice in such an environment than one would have in a mom and pop store with two or three pea choices. But Christian Freedom means we are free to choose what God wants for us, what He made us for, the why of our existence. Instead of being forced to do what He wants, God wants us to chose it freely, of our own will, conforming His will to ours. It is like a gasoline engine being said to be "free" to run on gasoline, and not kerosene, or diesel, or airplane fuel or whiskey. A gas engine running on any of the latter is not "free". It will destroy itself. A human being choosing against God is not "free", but enslaved, and will destroy himself. Clearly, this is different in its essentials from the 18th century ideals of the Founders about "Liberty", and definitely not what modern narcissistic people mean by being "free" and pursuing their self-centered" happiness".

And Christianity in the U.S.? Today, Christian "freedom" sounds like how Christians survive in Muslim countries: i.e. underground, hidden away, being Christian out of sight. One might argue that the Faith starts in the home, and on a personal level, it does. Yet then too, Christianity has always been, or tried to be, a public religion, proclaiming Christ and Him Crucified "in season and out of season". Whenever they could, Christians became very much influencers on secular government, monarchical or democratic, imperial or republican, and acted as the conscience of the secular state, establishing what are called concordats with states demanding the right of public worship and the right to influence law, culture, and government decisions. There's been a separation of Church and State since the religion's Founder said "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but to God what is God's." The Byzantine Empire and the Reformation German princes and Henry VIII did the Church no favor by making it a department of state. But God's portion has always included public worship and (dare I say it?) freedom to influence the secular state. 

Since the U.S. Constitution of 1787 didn't mention God at all, however, and formally stated the U.S. would have no "religious test" (Article VI, Clause 3*), slowly but surely, God has been driven from the American public square, until post WWII, when God got removed from pretty much all things governmental, much to the strengthening of the godless, and thus lawless, "Deep State". Jack Kennedy in 1960 actually publicly affirmed his religion (he really didn't have any) would not affect his governing. But just what IS that, actually? Hell demanding its influence be not challenged, is what.

Unfortunately, God is not allowed to illuminate anything in DC, the federal government "state". Especially in the "Ape of the Church" that is the official Vatican II Church in DC. Totally lawless, on many levels. President Trump is finding that out, and through him we can all recognize how insane things have become. Actually, NO courts should exist in DC, or any trials, because it is a one-party "statelet", fully "woke" and Communist. It's the nightmarish model of what Democrats and RINOs and all the innumerable narcissists want to turn the whole country into. No one in Washington, D.C. is "free" at all. And that's the reality planned for all of us.

* Most Americans, or the Remnant possessing some rudimentary education, think of the First Amendment to the Constitution about "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". This prohibited a national Church, such as the European countries had at that time. It also "freed" or gave "liberty" to people about religion, thus allowing the U.S. to be a "religious country". But actually, it served to remove the new Government from religious "checks and balances". There would be no moral counterweight to the government, except the easily manipulated or ignored "will of the people". It really existed to prohibit the government from being influenced in any official way by any Church whatsoever, atomizing the religion to each individual as a private, personal thing, only. None of the citizens had thereafter a collective moral outlet, except via voting. This clause in the Amendment was especially needed to preserve American chattel slavery, but also saved the government from being challenged legally by Churches over how it treated American Indians (breaking treaties with them at will, forcing them off their land, denying them the old English Common Law "Castle doctrine"), and so on. In short, it made "the Church" utterly irrelevant to the State. And, eventually, to most Christians.


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Ohio Referendum Vote: the Smog of Satan


No one, NO ONE, should "pretend" about abortion.

Abortion is so egregiously wrong-headed, so manifestly evil, so utterly selfish and callous as to be beyond belief. Literally. I can't believe people are not instantly horrified and disgusted by the very thought of it. It is not only murder and death to the babies slaughtered, but simply the greatest spiritual wound possible to women. It is the greatest spiritual calamity to women's central role, motherhood. It is the vomit of Hell on fatherhood. 

Obviously, though, a large portion of people are OK with it or OK with "it being a private matter." That "OK" is incomprehensible to me. Yet clearly they do NOT understand there are no "private" matters. What we do in the dark affects us profoundly, for good or ill, and it has instant ramifications to all those around us, as much as what we do in the light. It impacts the overall environment of all things human. Including our spiritual dimension – our souls, our angels (good and bad: hurting the one and helping the other) and ultimately God (who notices and records everything, and is the Judge of All). That's because we are spiritual beings, not merely animals.

The whole ethos, the struts and architectural support structure of the modern world, is founded on the ridiculous, illogical Theory of Evolution, that posits we ARE just animals. We are not. So the spiritual reverberations, our spiritual "echoes", abound. When we sin, we can be said to "shed" evil like those polluted by the Covid vaccines are supposed to "shed" spike proteins. (Everything to do with Covid is a fraud.)

There's been 65 million or so abortions in the U.S. since Roe. That's a lot of evil "shed". 

The Kingship of Christ, the 'Lawfare' of Satan

Now, when our bishops and priests don't fight tooth and nail for God's sovereignty, for the Kingship of Christ on Earth, they themselves radiate or shed or echo evil. And they have to fight because the Prince of this World does not want to lose one atom of his control. Our Lord Christ conquered Hell and death, but by their inactions (and all too often their actions), the heirs of His Victory cede to Satan fractions of Christ's triumph, fractions of the grace they were bestowed by baptism. Abortion, and all the lesser moral and carnal dementia we soak ourselves in, is like a series of parliamentary resolutions ceding authority to Satan. (When you play with a Ouija Board, you cede to the devils some authority over you, even on that scale.) And every devil, down to the very Lowest, are legalistic "lawfare" warriors. They claw and bite to keep every bit of authority they're given. They're quick to complain to God for their "rights" over us, rights we gave them through sin.

Our Churchmens' actions or inaction infect all of us, therefore. Our own clergy and bishops "smog" the spiritual air. It's the "smoke of Satan" Paul VI mentioned. (Being an "environmental polluter in this spiritual sense, he ought to know!) Especially, this is true of bishops, who are responsible for not only the laity and clergy in their dioceses, but for all the non-believers (of whatever sort) in their dioceses. So many Catholics don't seem to know that. So many Catholic bishops don't seem to know that! 

For myself, regarding this referendum vote in Ohio, I particularly want to know where the new bishop of Columbus, Bishop Fernandes, was on this? Apparently, none of Ohio's bishops actively campaigned. Blessed Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, came and helped campaign, so you know The Ogre (Bergoglio) will send his imps, pixies, and pucks gunning for Bishop Strickland again.

BB Before Bergoglio vs PB Post Bergoglio
The Church stood four-square against abortion since Our Lord Christ founded it, though after 1973, the American Church being so hand-in-glove with the Democrat Party meant a great many of the American Church leaders "slow-walked" or tip-toed their opposition to it. Just as the reason the Church embraces all the illegal immigration that is destroying America (and Europe) is because the Church gets government monies to help the "refugees". They're still politically "joined to the hip" with the Democrats, even now that the latter should be properly labeled "the Communists".
PB Post Bergoglio: It's now a different story. Since his imposition on us by the sexual deviants and Freemasons in the Church, Jorge Bergoglio has dismantled all of John Paul II's efforts to align the Vat II Church against the increasingly strident Globalist forces for abortion (and homosexuality, etc.). What else would one expect from a homosexual, or "homosexualist" unbeliever like "Bergi"? I would guess that in November, when the Ohio vote comes up on this insanely evil referendum, the deceptively titled “The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety,” to change Ohio's constitution to allow unrestricted abortion, the Democrats and RINO Republicans will, by hook or crook, get it to pass.  Some judge or other has already permanently suspended Ohio's new "heart-beat" law. A law passed through regular electoral order is canceled by unelected trolls. The U.S. judiciary is largely filled to the brim with mountebanks, imbeciles, and outright fiends, all of course paid for from the taxpayers' squeezed-out turnip blood.

Now, of course, in John Locke's political theory, the one upon which the U.S. independence and 1787 Constitution is founded, the people are supposed to be sovereign, not God. God was left out of the U.S. Constitution, and left out of the French Revolution entirely, and so on since, totally transforming Western society. So, we're handing ourselves the tickets to Hell. Legally, by our own governmental theories. We don't even need the Fallen Lightbringer and his infernal law firm for it. What a hellish "lawfare" that turns out to be, what a dodgy, depressing irony, what a smoky, rancid smog to breathe in.


Monday, August 7, 2023

Sedevacantism – Pros and Cons


With Bergoglio, commonly called "Pope Francis", it is hard not to be a Sedevacantist. I, for one (and what's my opinion worth as a layman, whatever my background and experience, to the Catholic Powers-that-Be?) am certain that "Bergi" is not a valid pope. He's so much the heretic that there's not much left for him to do except declare a "Holy Duality" and nix the Holy Trinity, or add Muhammad to the Catholic calendar of saints. 

At this point, I think that even were his "election" incontestable, he has abandoned the office of the Papacy (he's never let himself be called "Vicar of Christ" anyway). Actually, except to those who refuse to see, Bergoglio's "election" was an installment – an imposition – by the Vatican II "Deep State" (the Freemasons in the Church, the Communists – Chinese and otherwise  the Saint Gallen Mafia, the Lavender Mafia, but I repeat myself, and so on). Yet as I say, even were his election uncontested, he's abandoned the job. Or closer to the truth, he's burned down the job and is sowing salt on the ruins. Much as Joe Biden is doing with the U.S. presidency.

But then is sedevacantism the answer? Is the papacy vacant? I think it clearly is since Benedict XVI died. But was Benedict himself a proper pope? Louie Verrecchio at AKA Catholic is a true sedevacantist. His columns are excellent, and his criticisms cogent. True "Sedes" like him usually consider Pope Pius XII to be the last valid pope, and Verrecchio can make, and does make, an excellent case about the various popes after Pope Pius being anti-popes. Some of the crazy things John Paul II occasionally did and said were very bad and unCatholic, like kissing the Koran and so much else. And of course, JP II is considered VERY orthodox by the majority of Catholics.

Most damaging of all, of course, was the insurmountable stupidity of Paul VI and JP II about the Traditional Latin Mass. Paul hated it and John Paul "just didn't get it", and how could a true pope not comprehend what the Novus Ordo represented? Or why Catholics began the wholesale abandonment of the Church after the 1960s? Their obdurateness is incredible, as the TLM was so ancient, so uplifting, so essentially Catholic; if one didn't understand its centrality to the Faith, what else did one not understand? 

Benedict did, indeed, seem to "get it" to some degree, yet then he didn't celebrate the TLM himself (that I am aware of). But we can't forgive him for running away. He should have suffered outright "red" martyrdom (as most early popes did, in fact), rather than betraying us to the eccelesial "Deep State."

Anyway, were these men NOT actual popes, then we don't have a Catholic Church, because the last priest ordained by the last bishop Pope Pius XII assigned a diocese to has probably passed away by now. Invalid, false popes cannot ordain or assign bishops, and invalid bishops cannot ordain valid priests. Therefore, Catholicism is dead.

Remember the priests exist to validly ordain the Sacraments, especially the Most Holy Eucharist. (It's by Baptism and the Holy Eucharist that we participate in all the ancient Covenants. The Covenant system God set up with the First Covenant, when He blessed Creation and established the seventh day for the remembrance of it. The Holy Eucharist, capstone of the system, is required for salvation, as St. John makes clear in the sixth chapter of his Gospel. So it can't come to an end, until The End.) And the bishops exist to ordain valid priests and keep an eye on them. And in their turn, popes exist either to ordain and assign bishops or approve the election of bishops elevated by local cathedral canons, etc., as it was in the Middle Ages and before. Actually, popes would send the pallium, a special ribbon-cloth, to a local bishop to create him as an archbishop, and the archbishop (or Metropolitan") would then manage the bishops in his ecclesiastical province. Medieval England had two such ecclesiastical provinces, while Ireland had four.   

So, if valid popes have not existed since Pius died on the 9th of October, 1958, (or I suppose since June 3rd,1963, if one assumes Roncalli was a valid pope), then the Church is an illusion, a "maya" as Buddhists say. That cannot be true, either. Not if God actually exists and if Jesus Christ is indeed God. So, how to square this circle? Maybe it is just me, but I've never seen a sedevacantist explanation of this: a clear one, concise, instantly recognizable to one's reason, as are the First Principles of Logic and the Truths of the Faith.

For my own sanity, I accept Ann Barnhardt's position that Benedict XVI was indeed pope, despite his many non-orthodox Catholic ideas (not least of which is that he could resign the governing aspect of the papacy and yet keep the position spiritually, and remain a pope, though retired – that's Bubulum Stercus to me; a true manifestation of Sterculius).

One thing is certain, my friends, what with the absolute horror of the World Youth Day (see the first half of this discussion at Lifesite News about how bad that is), we're in the most desperate times the Church has ever entered, bar none. (Yes, the Arians were bad, but the Modernists are ridiculous.) 
