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Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Can Kari Lake's lawsuit win in Arizona? What it means for American and World elections.


If you're interested in elections and government, read Kari Lake's lawsuit she has filed to win the governorship of Arizona. Some say it reads like a "thriller" and of course others dismiss it entirely, as does the Arizona Mirror and Arizona Central.
Lake makes the case in her own words here (third interview down) with Steve Bannon. 

Plainly, the Arizona Mirror and the Arizona Central above are two partisan news orgs against Lake, and whether their arguments have merit depends on the judge, ultimately. We'll see how the judge rules on the upcoming petitions to throw the lawsuit out. Were the judge to order the suit to trial, however, the trial would begin this coming week. I would guess that if the judge keeps the suit and tries it, Lake might well win. Should she win, the Democrats will appeal it all the way to the Arizona Supreme Court, which I believe leans more Leftist than not.
  • Given the state-controlled power in American government, it seems unlikely it will go to trial, or if it did, that Lake would win, because such a turn of events would demand attention focus on just how badly U.S. elections are run. The Deep-state rulers do not want that.
  • Conversely, if it is dismissed or obviously dispatched with contempt, the people of the country will be both educated and enraged, producing a revolutionary environment. After all, if ballots are suppressed, bullets rule. Polls suggest some 70 percent of Americans already think their elections are rigged. 
For anyone wanting a "deep dive" into current election rigging and theft, this article has a lot of detail, and many worthwhile links.

As Covid and the longer-running "Climate Change" frauds show, the "Powers-that-Be" in the world – those who control most governments – have a plan to reduce us to serfs, or more likely genetically impoverished slaves. (A good portion of humanity suffering as slaves is the traditional human scheme, actually. The World Economic Forum, etc., are just depriving us of our 300-plus years of Western Classical Liberal birthright for the older paradigm.) As part of that, they cannot allow Kari Lake or Donald Trump or Jair Bolsonaro or even Viktor Orbán to last. (See the excellent essay Hungary, the Only Country in the West.) They must suppress these leaders, and because Lake was so popular and such a prime, superior campaigner, they had to go "over the top" or "jump the shark" in Arizona, ridiculously messing up their election rigging so badly that the whole world will see it. The Arizona election is that significant.

Hence, my friends, the stakes. Allowing the Democrats to steal the 2020 election put a Chinese Communist Party operative in control of the U.S. (Biden's probably mostly just a figurehead, of course, but still a "gopher" for Xi): Read Sam Faddis interview here. We simply must stop this insanity if we want a future other than perpetual servitude. (That is, those of us who are not eliminated already via the "vaccines".)

  An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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