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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Ukraine in the history of coups d'état from 1953 on


The Deep State is an enemy of the people. (As the corresponding Deep Church is an enemy to the laity.) President Dwight Eisenhower said as much in his farewell address to the nation, broadcast on January 17, 1961, referring the "military-industrial complex", the terminology of the time. The rulers of that "Intelligence-military" state-within-a-state would have said, and perhaps many believed, they were doing what they did for "democracy". 

Someone wrote me the other day, speaking of the Ukrainian war: 

Who the hell wants dictatorship when they could have democracy?

Upon reflection, I wrote back that the Ukrainians haven't got democracy; the Europeans don't, either: "Europe" is mostly a totally bureaucratic wage-slave empire run by unelected elites via an overwhelming (actually, an underwhelming, cement-brained) bureaucracy. Hungary, so far, as kept itself from going the full European route, which garners it abuse by the European Parliament (a powerless, window-dressing body of political eunuchs). Ireland is supposed to be a democracy but the Irish had no control over Covid dictates and I see tens of thousands are emigrating from the country because they can't find jobs. After a century of independence (of a sort), they still can't figure out how to fix this. Their "democratic" government doesn't give a damn. Ireland could be the Singapore of Europe if they'd get out of the E.U., as a first step. I'm not holding my breath. 

Americans themselves have no democracy. The Great American Republic is a train wreck. Full socialists, as in Communists, infiltrated the American Federal government after Franklin Roosevelt recognized the Soviet Union on November 16, 1933. Today, the voting systems are corrupt and the people are being divided by the Biden regime and civil war is imminent. The Democrat-controlled cities are unlivable – Chicago and the others are horror shows and murder matrixes – the Federal government controlled border lies wide open, spread supinely open to assault. American youth are being poisoned to death by Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is 80-100 times stronger than morphine, which floods the country through the open borders and is killing thousands. 

Justice is notoriously "two tiered". We have "January Sixers" awaiting trial after two years! Imprisoned for two years for walking into the Capitol when the building's police opened the doors and invited them in, spider-trap like. We have opposition party people, Maga Republicans, being rounded up and their papers and phones confiscated while RINO Republicans meekly watch and stay silent. We have have a recent president suffer his home invaded and his papers confiscated papers he had every constitutional right to de-classify before he left office and do with as he saw fit. On top of all that, we have endless sexual deviants trying to force kids and adults into toilets belonging to the other sex and they're also presenting "drag shows" to even little kids in school. This sodomical madness should not be presented to ANYBODY, especially children of any age. 

Insanity. All this is utter dystopia. The United States of Dystopia. If such stands as a product of "democracy", who but the "crotch-minded" would want it?

  • And why isn't the Catholic Church in America calling down fire and brimstone on all this? Because they are so gutless a bench of bishops they'd make Henry VIII's bishop bench look like the Achaean heroes before Troy. 

Back to Ukraine and coups d'état: Ukraine stands emblematic of the modern, immoral world. It's become a football to be kicked around by the Big Powers. And right now that is all it is. Cut the "window dressing", cut the pretense; we're seeing both West and East in a naked power grab squashing between them a helpless people. 

My interlocutor wrote me about the former Ukrainian president Yanukovych, whom the CIA staged a coup d'état against in 2014 (he refused to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, obviously a "high crime and misdemeanor" to the American Deep State), saying that:
The CIA couldn't have ousted him without the consent of the majority of people.

 After a face-palm – when has a majority welcomed sudden, violent change, at least since they cut Nero's throat? – my initial thought dwelt on the fact that still, it was an illegal coup and the Ukrainian people have not been in control of their destiny ever since. It is a maxim in life: once other people or countries intervene in your affairs, they strongly tend never to leave. Check Irish history for proof of that. Check Hungarian history for proof of that. Look at what China is doing today in Africa and South America and the Pacific. They clearly do not intend to leave. 

And we're not in Ukraine because of any reasons other than greed. That region, and much of next door Russia, consist of natural resource nirvanas. That's why the Europeans want it, that's why the Chinese want it, that's why the Russians want to keep it. And this remains how the world operates. We need to take the golden-shaded sunglasses off.

Coups in the last half of the 20th century
As for coups, they're usually never supported by the majority. In the American Revolution, only about a third of the American colonists supported creating a fully independent country. Even fewer supported creating the Constitution of 1787 and the powerful national federal government it created. Assemblies were organized in each state of like-minded individuals who voted for accepting the Constitution. The states of the time did not hold a state-wide vote for or against adopting it! The state governments didn't vote for it. A minority of Southerns supported breaking away from the Union in 1861, but "secession conventions" were organized where it was voted for, regardless. 

In more modern terms, the American "Deep State" staged a coup that overthrew the Iranian government in the 1950s (1953: Mosaddeq) and installed the Shah, and propped him up thereafter. We let the Hungarians hang, on the other hand, in 1956 because the Deep State didn't plan that uprising. We tried to overthrow Castro (Bay of Pigs, which didn't work because JFK redrew the plans at the last minute and the invaders could not link up with anti-Castro forces waiting for them; thanks, Jack), and we overthrew the Vietnamese government (1963 in the ousting and assassination of South Vietnamese President Ngô Đình Diệm). Do you really think Kennedy's assassination a few weeks later was what the government and media said it was? Diệm's assassination sickened Kennedy and he wanted out of Vietnam, but LBJ, the vice president, had military-industrial contracts and wasn't going to tolerate a withdrawal. (No two American politicians hated each other more than those two, Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. Kennedy is said to have planned to arrest Johnson but Johnson struck first.)

In 1973-4, the Democrats and the MSM overthrew Richard Nixon – who had been elected by a large majority of Americans – for doing no more in the 1972 election than Lydon Johnson did in the 1964 and 1968 elections! Nixon's removal was a farce and a true coup 'état. (And he stupidly played right along into it; perhaps he was some sort of political sadomasochist.) Reagan himself was nearly assassinated (so conveniently) in March 1981 right after taking office. Just a fluke, right? C'mon, as Joe Biden would say. In 2020 the Deep State ousted Trump, whom 80 millions love and voted for and installed a mentally non compos Biden, who could not during the election, nor now, get anyone to attend his rallies or public gatherings. Biden is mocked and loathed, even by the MSM. The Brits mocked him in London. "Let's go Brandon!" The Brits sat him and his cultureless wife (she wore a cheap-looking bow instead of a hat; I'm actually surprised she didn't wear fish-net stockings) in the back corner at Westminster Abbey for the Queen's funeral. Some months ago that worthless Deep Stater John Bolton boasted on TV that he had overseen many coups d'état. Boastful fool. A proper interviewer would have flayed the hide off of him for admitting that. But it's what the Deep State does. They're despicable.

And I hardly need write about the two Gulf Wars, or Obama in Libya or Clinton in Serbia, etc.

To lay it all out like this is to see the patterns. This is the evil world we live in.

Russia, no stranger to strongman regimes and brutal "regime change" (ask Tsar Nicolas II), does its own assassinations and coups (via the Bulgarians, they tried to assassination John Paul II in 1981) From the time of the Moscow duchy, Russia has always been an aggressive power, but now they have nukes. Nukes, and oil, the gods of modern industry. Messing about with them will freeze Europe this winter and might bring nuclear war next year.

It all that worth adding Ukraine to the European hive-mind economic collective? Is all that worth swamping Ukraine with sexual deviants and "groomers"? Ukraine's youth are already the prey of sexual predators of all stripes. That is the modern West, even in the Church!

So, it it worth it? I think not.

How much misery need we put people through before we stop this madness?

Europe could have kept on paying for gas, oil, and foodstuffs from Ukraine and Russia. It's a symbiotic relationship. Ukraine would have been better off than it is now. Far fewer people dead, far less infrastructure destroyed. Far fewer children raped or basically sold into carnal slavery. None of this was necessary. Any sane political leader would be trying to tamp it all down and defend the symbiotic relationship, to restore energy flow before Europe erupts in revolution.

But we have leaders known only for their greed and stupidity. Joe Biden, the bought-by-the-Chinese, is a perfect example. Yet he's merely the product of coup in a century of coups. 

As the saying goes, "There's an app for that." Well, surely there's now the similar saying: "There's a coup for that."

    An Préachán

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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