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Thursday, September 1, 2022

It takes the vaccines an average five months to kill – Steve Kirsch


Keeping in mind how statistics can be manipulated, and how I myself know a good number of people who developed blood-related illnesses after their vaccinations, yet a year later are still alive and kicking 
Given all that, if you are going to be part of the rising vaccine death rate at all, then yep, according to Steve Kirsch, it's a "five month average" to die from your last booster (and I think it also depends on the vaccine "batch" yours came from). This is five months for those dying of blood-relate problems and apparently for those who are diagnosed with a sudden, savage, and unexpected vaccine cancer that mysteriously develops post-vaccine that the insurance actuaries are reporting.

This is from the latest Steve Kirsch articles is one of those "must reads"
An excerpt:
We’ve always assumed the vaccine kills you quickly (in the first two weeks) because that’s when people notice the association and report it to VAERS. This is still true; it does kill some people quickly.

However, most of the deaths from the vaccine are happening an average of 5 months from the last dose for the second dose. It may be getting shorter the more shots you get but there are arguments both ways (since there can be survivor bias).

But this explains why the life insurance companies got off-the-charts all-cause mortality peaks for people under 60 in Q3 and Q4 rather than right after the shots rolled out.

The five month delay is also consistent with death reports where people are developing new aggressive cancers that are killing them over a 4 to 6 month period.

So when you hear of a death from stroke, cardiac arrest, heart attack, cancer, and suicide that is happening around 5 months after vaccination, it could very well be a vaccine-related death.
And just where did Steve acquire this info? (Italics mine.)
I got this chart from a whistleblower who works for HHS. This is data you are not supposed to see. The mortality increase (60% at peak) is huge. That sort of increase can only be caused by something novel that affected massive numbers of people.

There is only one possibility that fits that: the COVID vaccine.
A commentator to this article of Steve's wrote:

AnP again:

It is a complicated mess, of course. Governments and the MSM "see no evil, hear no evil" of the jabs. So, see the whole article for the details, and as is usual with a Steve Kirsch column, the Comments are often very enlightening. 

If you were only vaccinated once and never had an resulting illness, maybe you were just lucky or the vaccine "batch" your shot came from was a milder, less mortal batch. Your personal body chemistry might also be such that these vaccines have little (apparent) effect. I myself had an aunt who couldn't take any medicine at all without becoming deathly ill. (Doctors kept giving her meds because they were required to by the Standard of Care, and eventually she died in agony.) Only time will tell. What Steve is on about involves statistics, and his report is quite detailed. Ergo, make of it what you will.

Special Note
I commend Mr. Kirsch for his tireless advocacy. I disagree with Steve over the existence of viruses, of course. Some call me "dogmatic" and "rabid" about my rejection of Germ Theory, specifically my rejection of viral theory. My only answer is twofold: first, read the history of viral theory, a detailed history, but be certain read histories both by supporters of the theory and those who reject it (the "Minority Report"; in previous times in America, you could pick up the Democrat newspaper, read their take on things, then read the Republican one, and the truth lay somewhere in between); second, simply show me who in the last century ever found a virus! I mean not just pictures gleaned from electron microscopy labeled as such or loud titles claiming such from otherwise unread science papers, but who has retrieved and isolated a contagion-causing virus and then injected that isolated virus into test subjects who subsequently came down with the specific sickness. This HAS NOT happened, not even once, even though today we have the technology to easily filter 70-140 nanometer wide viruses. (That's the width they're supposed to be.) We've used nano-tech to get the full genome from living material even smaller than viruses, and IBM can make two-nanometer wide plates! The fact that virologists refuse to use this new tech, and instead rely on 70-year-old cell-culture methods, proves (PROVES!) to me virology is a fraud. (That, and their refusal to do control experiments.) For otherwise, they'd use it and trumpet their virus finds.

Steve Kirsch has challenged those of us who reject Germ Theory by putting up huge bets none of us can afford to take. But aside from his acceptance of "mainstream medical science" regarding viruses, Steve is a blood hound after the Covid vaccines; he's relentless. And that is a good thing because not only are the vaccines deadly, but they're also crippling, an even sterilizing, as Naomi Wolf reports here at Lifesite

In any event, be prepared, be knowledgeable, and always, ever, be curious. And take a skeptical eye on things; in other words, be a ...

   An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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