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Sunday, August 7, 2022

I renounce, denounce, and repudiate Bergoglio as pope – because...

...Because it is obvious he's out to destroy the Catholic Church.

Yes, that's right. It is obvious, especially after this doleful trip to Canada wherein Bergogio engaged in a pagan seance, opening his stupid self – and the prelates there with him – to demonic possession! It's insane. INSANE. And so I'm taking off the gloves. No more Mr. Nice Préachán. (And anyway, after 60 years of "turning the other cheek" to these people, enough is enough.)

Attack on the TLM intensifies
As we approach the establishment of One World Religion with the opening of the Abrahamic Covenant House in Abu Dhabi, attacks on the TLM intensify. And now the anti-pope Bergoglio is directly attacking the TLM, trying to close them wherever they are, using Cupich in Chicago,  Gregory of Washington D.C., and now the bishop of Arlington, Virginia, Michael F. Burbidge, to do so. (This tactic is being repeated all over Europe as well as North America or anywhere on the planet.) Of course Bergoglio's attack on the Traditional Latin Mass is a direct attack on Holy Church. Why?
  1. Because a Church or any religion "is how it worships".
  2. The traditional Latin saying for this is Lex orandi, Lex credende. "As you pray, so you believe". 
  3. Its the style, form of worship that creates a religion's paradigm.
  4. Making Muslims worship like Mormons or Hindus like Baptists is just as insane as making Catholics worship like Methodists. (I grew up with Methodists, and the Novus Ordo is often exactly that style of worship.)
  5. The leaders of the Catholic Church have been launched on one huge "psy-ops" for over a half-century now, a cognitive-dissonance psy-op. The results are obvious.
More and more "mainstream" Catholics are cottoning on to the truth that is Lex orandi, Lex credende; one's worship forms one's belief. As the soul is the form of the body, so the liturgy forms the Church. When the soul departs at death, the body putrefies. We have all of us, Catholic, Protestant, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, have see the Catholic Church literally decompose over the past half century. Benedict tried to reverse it with his Summorum Pontificum. and was overthrown. His 'installed' replacement, Bergoglio, has wielded his axe against S.P.

This is inherently cruel. Bergoglio's cruelty is not remotely Christian. It is not honorable pagan. We KNEW Bergoglio was bad news when he crucified the Franciscans Friars of the Immaculate, which various "Church Lady" busybodies, true imps, "accused of focusing only on the Extraordinary Form", so the bureaucracy under Benedict in 2012 launched a visitation (a formal investigation) and Bergoglio, installed March 13, 2013, in 2013 smacked them down. Hard.  

What about the current TLM smack down?
Consider this sorrowful lament – and damning indictment – of both the remorseless cruelty of Bergoglio an the screaming stupidity of Bergoglio and his henchmen. The author describes the devastation wreaked on a southern Maryland TLM parish:
"Catholics who don’t hew to the official program of mind control which views 2,000 years through the exclusive lens of one pastoral council, which occurred over a period of a few years in the 1960’s, must be monitored closely and accompanied into the true Church as envisioned by prelates promoting LGBTQ+, transgender ideology and Communion for adulterers, just for starters." (We should all memorize this!)

The author of this excellent article, Father Kevin M Cusick, notes that the parish simply cannot afford to lose the TLM: only 20 to 30 Novus Ordo parishioners show up on a Sunday, and the parish just spent a bunch of money on restoring the Church for the TLM, as well. Just a mess. People are, to use that poignant Irish phrase, "gob-smacked". In this one area, three-hundred TLM parishioners from three parishes will be herded into a mission church with room for only half that number (and apparently with little or no parking). Father Cusick likens the parishioners to being prisoners of war, herded into official camps, or to 19th century American Indians forced onto the reservation.

With all this, we can truly say, Damn you, Beregoglio, and the horse you rode in on.

Then in this article, well-known and widely respected mainstream "Trad" Dr. Peter Kwasniewski writes another of his very learned and wise articles on how the Church is in such a free-fall catastrophe, and at least we can toss the "forced optimism" that has characterized Catholic prelates and commentators for 60 years. Prelates and theologians and priests galore smiled their Joker-smiles and repeated ad nauseam how much better things were getting. Liars. The Vatican II reforms, at least as implemented by those "in the spirit of Vatican II" are an unmitigated disaster. We don't have to pretend any longer. Also, Professor Kwasniewski "goes for broke" and clearly says the Novus Ordo has no future, that the TLM will be fully restored:
I will regretfully but more truthfully stick with the language of crisis. We will never find a solution to this churchwide crisis until we reclaim our Roman Catholic birthright, our innermost identity through the celebration of our traditional sacred liturgy. When the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Divine Office, and the sacramental rites of the Church are once again offered to God in a manner truly in continuity with tradition, then, and only then, will come that “Second Spring” about which postconciliar Popes have spoken with such premature confidence; only then will a new age of evangelization begin in earnest, with the Mass of the Ages as its pulsing heart.
In short, if the Catholic Faith survives in any given diocese of the West, it will survive either by embracing the Tradition of the Church, or by dwelling beneath the shadow of the wings of that Tradition. Liberal territories are drying up; the moderate or eclectic approach has shown itself weak and spineless, incapable of responding effectively to the aggressive and even demonic secularism of our time.


The Canadian Trip

This article at LifeSiteNews is an excellent source what what happened in Canada, while this article details some of the shocking things Bergoglio is saying about the TLM. He clearly has no clue about what attracts people to the TLM and thus you get all his commentary (and his supporters ominous wording) about how Trad Catholics need to be "re-educated". Sounds like Communist re-education camps, doesn't it? Many of his people are saying the TLM will only be allowed as a half-way house to full-scale re-education.  

The Irony of it all
Ironically, if Bergoglio's goal is to destroy Traditional Catholicism, he'll only succeed in destroying Pope Paul's creation, the inherently "disgraced" Church John Paul II kept going for 30 years. (Somewhere in these articles, one of the insightful authors wrote of the Novus Ordo that the only thing that distinguished it was the collapse of Mass attendance it caused!) Whereas another John Paul II-type pope would have killed us with a thousand cuts, Bergoglio is the axe wielder. God allows all this because the Lord wants His bishops on Earth, what used to be called the Church Militant, to show themselves to themselves (and everyone else) to be gutless cowards, knaves, and "disgraced" fence-sitters. It's a divine effort to get them to "wake up" and "repent" before they die. And as Bishop Athanasius Schneider says, the restoration of the Latin Mass is the work of the Holy Ghost and cannot be stopped. They need to get on board, or drown.

Destroyer of Church Government
Before I finish, let me take a moment to explain just how bad it is if one pope undoes, formally declares null and void, what a previous pope promulgated. Take birth control for an example. The Church has always damned artificial birth control and counseled abstinence, etc., instead. Love it or hate it (and if you hate it, you don't understand the teaching), that's the Church's rule. But if Bergoglio refutes that and supersedes it with a contrary law, then he's murdered the Papacy. Sound crazy? It's not. Why? Because the Church operates on Stare Decisis. It's governing system stands or falls on Stare Decisis.
  • A pope is chief legislator and chief jurist and chief exec of the Church: he has carte blanc power – but only to defend the deposit of Faith.
  • He's like Aladdin's genie, unlimited power but confined to a lamp – he has a very restricted use of his power.
  • Unlike the president of the Mormon Church or a willful Protestant, like Luther, a pope cannot break precedent.
  • As St. Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 2:15 "… 14 To this He called you through our gospel, so that you may share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 Therefore, brothers, stand firm and cling to the traditions we taught you, whether by speech or by letter."
  • A pope is as bound to that as is any lay Catholic or parish priest.
Luther broke the Tradition, coming up with a novel revelation about Romans 3 while sitting on a toilet; in contrast, a Mormon president can make it by saying he has had a prophesy to reveal, such as the decision to repudiate "plurality of wives" that Mormon president Wilford Woodruff made in 1890 (after a business trip to San Francisco). No pope can do that. If a pope were to start overturning precedent, he has dynamited the Church's government. He's cut its throat.
  • Bergoglio has already done this on a number of levels, such as with capital punishment, a Church teaching since St. Paul himself. See Romans 13:4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. John Paul II tried to nibble away at that, and Bergoglio has broken it, changing the Catechism (which no one reads anyway). His next step would be to excommunicate Catholics who still hold the traditional teaching.
  • Because Bergoglio has set this new precedent, the next pope can overturn everything Bergoglio did, without even having to declare him an antipope. Or a pope could overturn any basic dogma. Recreate the religion in his own image. This what Bergoglio has done, and the world's bishops let him get away with it.
Bergoglio is also clearly relaxing (previous to truly changing) Church teaching on homosexuals and their behavior, (Many Progressive bishops, esp in Germany, have already done so! See this LifeSiteNews article for details.) But regarding the Traditional Latin Mass, Bergoglio, with Traditiones Custodes and its later supposed Dubia, and Archbishop (and Progressive flunky and former ice-skater) Arthur Roche's anti-Trad rulings, Bergoglio the Accursed is clearly moving toward an outright suppression of the TLM. Many commentators expect this to come in 2023. As noted above, he's allowing it a limited existence now in order to "re-educate" us.

Again, taking off the gloves, not trying to mince words and not trying to be "nice" about it, the New Mass has been an act of cognitive dissonance. It has never been accepted by everyone in the Church, beset as it has been from the beginning by controversy, bringing with it rampant abuses, scandal, sacrilege and loss of faith. (Did you see the news from Italy of the priest who celebrated Mass in the surf, on a floating altar?) As noted above, the only constant by which the Novus Ordo can be measured is a continuing decline in attendance.

So, my friends, all things Catholic are in turmoil. But secluded havens exist, such as Dom Alcuin Reid's haven in the South of France, the Monastère Saint-Benoît. And there's Silverstream Priory in Ireland. About them, too, "allegations were made" but investigation by both Irish police (The Garda) and Church authorities found "no cause of action". (It just never lets up, does it?) And of course Clear Creek Abbey in Hulbert, Oklahoma. And everywhere, too, we'll be seeing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered in the proper way despite the screechings of the Progressives. (Can't someone tell them the Age of Aquarius has passed?) With God's blessing, we'll have a myriad of other such havens of the True Faith. So, keep praying!

  An Préachán

Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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