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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

"Don’t be shocked at anything our ruling regime does from here on out."


The Biggest News since Pearl Harbor, and probably even Fort Sumter. The bad guys in the Deep State went for broke last night.
  1. First, they're fishing for a crime. That's what they did with the two impeachments, and the Mueller investigation, and fishing for a crime is not how police work in a free country is supposed to proceed. They've been auditing Trump and investigating him for years, and there's no politician alive who could have survived what Trump has gone through that way. That's how incredibly squeaky clean Trump is.
  2. Second, a N.B. regarding Trump having classified documents: 1, Trump's daughter-in-law says Trump's team was cooperating; this raid was unnecessary except as theater, and of course to set precedent; 2, they can easily reclassify documents that were previously unclassified in order to bring charges against Trump, and 3, Barack Obama's people took many boxes from the White House when Obama left, and these were gone through in Chicago, without anyone saying anything about Obama stealing documents, while Hillary Clinton took not only documents, but antiques from the WH, and she was never charged with anything. 4 Besides, the question is actually about whether some documents should have been sent to the National Archives instead of home with Trump – honestly, this is the lamest joke excuse.
  3. We can pray this is so over-the-top that it will produce a backlash that will finally force change in the U.S. We can at least pray it does.
Anyway, Demon worshipers of Moloch and Ba'al and Xochiquetzal are all liars. (Just ask Bergoglio.)

A lot of articles are being published on the American police state's raid on former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home last night, but for one excellent essay, look no further than John Zmirak here at 

If you've never read him, John is my kinda Catholic. Review his articles. This one about last night is excellent, and he also references and quotes from and provides a link to conservative scholar Michael Anton's prophetic piece published a fortnight ago.

As it is clear the mainstream Republican politicians are going to do nothing about this, we need a nation-wide strike to get their attention. At this stage of the American government's collapse, though, nothing will probably work except full-scale confrontation. As former New York police commissioner Bernie Kerik says herethey'll stop at nothing to prevent Trump from being president again, including assassination. Read Zmirak and also Michael Anton for why "The Powers That Be" hate Trump so badly. 

The USA has three months to make sure a November Congressional election takes place at all, and that it isn't egregiously stolen. Were I still in the US, I'd probably end up arrested myself. As it is, I'm going to read some medieval Irish poetry.

   An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon Him.

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