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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

News from Dom Alcuin Reid and his Benedictine Monastery: Good News indeed!


The Lord God knows we need some good Church news, and buíochas le Dia, we do have some.

Good news comes from Dom Alcuin Reid in France. Here at Rorate-Caeli is in an exclusive interview they conducted with Dom Alcuin very recently. Everything is going great for the monastery of Monastère Saint-Benoît, and though the situation is challenging – it is no "cakewalk" – the Lord God is clearly on the Monastery's side.

You-all remember that Dom Alcuin Reid received priestly ordination in late May-early June from a high-ranking bishop or cardinal who is still not being named in order avoid being savaged by that wild boar, Bergoglio. This ordination was "illicit", against Church orders, because Bergoglio and his henchmen are fighting tooth and nail against Tradition. Reid's Benedictine community had no priest, and without one, it would soon be scattered. So, it was necessary to ordain Reid, as necessary as Archbishop Lefebvre ordaining bishops.  Naturally, Bergoglio pounced: Read's illicit, unapproved ordination resulted in his, and his monastic group's, suspension. Typical of the fools prancing about the Vatican, they couldn't even do that canonically, i.e., according to the details of Canon Law. Read is appealing, yet as his team owns their own property, the official Church can go blow it out its nose. (My attitude might shock many Catholics, but honestly, what does Bergoglio have to do to prove he's not Catholic, at this stage? Declare Muhammad to be an actual prophet?)

Dom Alcuin and his brethren ignored all Church huff-and-puff and have gone full-steam ahead. ("Huff-puff"; see Cardinal Cupich's dragon business below.)

His bishop, one Msgr Dominique Rey is ordinary of the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, which lies on the Mediterranean coast of southeastern France and includes the territory of the ancient Diocese of Fréjus as well as that of the ancient Diocese of Toulon. The monastery itself includes medieval buildings and church. A choice bit of real-estate, to be sure. Bishop Rey had been a friend to Tradition, and had invited Dom Alcuin in to begin with. However, the Tyrant Bergoglio noticed what was going on and began to put pressure on Bishop Rey through the anti-pope's control of the Church hierarchy, and Rey began to back away from his commitments. From what Dom Alcuin says, we can expect Rey to be removed entirely, and soon.

Notice how the wild boar Bergoglio roots out Traditional Liturgy at every opportunity, yet allows his highest-level henchman in the U.S., Cupich the Unspeakable, allow Masses like this; examples could be heavily multiplied.

Notice how the evil Cupich can bless a pagan Chinese dragon, but crap himself all over traditional Masses. I ask every one of you, is that "Catholic"? It is not, indeed.

To the interviewer's query about whether they will just continue on, unimpeded, Dom Alcuin Reid answered:
That is our vocation and our duty to which we are vowed before Almighty God. We must be faithful to that. We can do nothing else without becoming mere hirelings that flee with the onset of the wolves (cf. Jn 10:23).

If we must be canonically independent for a while, so be it. We do not wish this, of course, and shall ensure that we maintain good relations with other monastics and shall invite appropriately experienced monks to make visitations every three years, and so on. If we must be independent, we must not become insular. In time, in God’s Providence, the authorities will come to recognise the integrity of our life and grant us the appropriate authorisation—as has happened in the not-so-distant past.

Dom Alcuin notes about their situation that:

The most obvious parallel is that of the first two decades of the history of the Abbey of Le Barroux: its founder, Dom Gerard Calvet, was suspended and expelled from the Benedictine order for having his men ordained without permission (those ordained were suspended also)—only for him to be blessed as an abbot by a cardinal sent by the Vatican some fifteen years later.

Let us not forget the origins of the Fraternity of St Peter or of the Institute of the Good Shepherd: they would not exist today if it were not for the conscientious disobedience of several decades ago that ensured that the Society of St Pius X continued on when it was canonically suppressed in the 1970s.

People who benefit from the good work of these Institutes today, or indeed who admire the Abbey of Le Barroux, should not forget the fact that they exist today because historically their founders took conscientious decisions to ignore parts of canon law and decrees of suppression that would have otherwise brought about their death. Our times, unfortunately, seem to be becoming as extraordinary as were theirs and may well necessitate similar actions.

AnP again:

You-all see the pattern. God's supposed servants on Earth, the official Vatican II Church, does what it can to wreck, sink, and otherwise put down actual Catholicism as it has always been. How long do we Catholics (i.e. Catholics who love and venerate Traditional Catholicism as opposed to "Spaghetti Protestantism") have to listen to the stupid refrain: "Croppy, lie down!" (as the Ulster Orangemen put it). We always have to listen to that sludge: "You ignorant Catholic swine," now even from our "own" Churchmen. (But of course, they're not, are they? How can they be "Catholic" Churchmen?)
  • Protestants traditionally loathe Catholicism because it insists on both full explanation (in precise theological detail) and full, formal liturgical celebration (Traditional Liturgy) of the Transubstantiation of the Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. ("Transubstantiation" comes from the 13th century but it describes what the Church always taught.) 
  • Protestants used to complain, "You re-sacrifice Christ!" which is just woefully ignorant. 
  • On the other hand, the haughty, overbearing Fourteen Orthodox Churches also insist Catholics are too precise in our theological understandings of the most Holy Eucharist. They supposedly intentionally want to keep understanding vaguer, apparently in order to increase "the mystery". Whatever.
  • The Latin Church, like the road-building, highly organized Romans, has always striven to for precise definitions and laws and dogmas of belief. It is in the nature of that ancient Church.
  • So we end up with these Vatican II eunuchs trying to please both sets of heretics, although more the Protestants than the Orthodox, as Bugnini himself said. That of course pleased NO ONE on any side on the divide. How could it? The essential, basic, foundational idea of changing the Mass is intrinsically flawed. Can we admit that now?
Therefore, my friends, we can all praise God for raising up these humble warriors of the Monastère Saint-Benoît, fighting via prayer and labor for True Faith and their "humble obstinacy" (if I may so put it) in support to the clear will of Almighty God. And we can be certain, as the Bad Guys push this ever further, ever more strongly, that an ever stronger reaction will be created. Mainstream Trad T.S. Flanders has an interesting article here at OnePeterFive: Traditionis Custodes One Year Later. Flanders points out that the current reaction to Bergoglio's anti-Mass promulgations and edicts are not remotely like the surrender Churchmen provided the Vatican in the early 1970s. And that is very true. We just won't surrender now like we did then. At least half of the world's bishops have done nothing to restict the TLM, Flanders says. Although he correctly points out that the Bad Guys are so ensconced in the Vatican apparatus now that they will maintain their position for a long while yet. Anyway, a good article to reflect upon.

Church of Mirrors
As I have been saying for years, Bergoglio & Co. think they're pushing us out of the Church, but what they're doing is pushing themselves out. It's like one of those magic themes where some fakir is visited in prison by his enemies, who laugh that he's in their prison, only to see, in shock, that they're the ones in prison, and he's on the other side of the bars, the outside of the bars, as he walks away.

The heretics are in the same illusion. The more they exert control to better implement their bizarre changes, the more obvious they are not 'Catholic' at all, and the plainer that becomes, in turn, the more Catholics realize what's going on. It's a descending loop Bergi and friends cannot escape from – but the more and more they nosedive, the more Catholics do escape from. Ironic. They're busy doing God's will when that is the last thing they want to do!

   An Préachán
Psalm 146 of the Douay-Rheims: verse 9:
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon him.

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