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Sunday, May 8, 2022

War with Russia is (apparently) imminent. "The most reckless foreign policy in our history..."

My friends.

A week ago last Monday, Tucker Carlson, now the most popular cable news host in the U.S., presented a very disturbing commentary about the imminent war – quite possibly a nuclear war – between the U.S. and Russia

I've been reading scores of articles, posts, interviews, about the coming civilizational disaster. (Even Bergoglio is sounding the alarm! Imagine that!) But I'll choose this article from Tucker Carlson as one to send around to you. It appears on LifeSiteNews.

Carlson demonstrated that major figures in the U.S. government are hell-bent on war with Russia, and provided a number of clips of Democrat Congressional bigshots talking up such a war. Then Carlson explained the main reason for all this had nothing to do with Ukraine, but everything to do with Democrats seeking revenge for Donald Trump's 2016 election victory. For details, if you are interested, watch Carlson at the LifeSiteNews link, or read the article at the link. For a taste of it:
“This is the most reckless foreign policy in our lifetimes, in American history,” Carlson said. “You are watching a group of decadent, in some cases, senile leaders, casually dismiss the consequences of going to war with the nuclear-armed nation, dismiss the consequences of nuclear war, like it’s not even worth thinking about.  But it is worth thinking about!”
AnP again:

And it isn't just the Democrats. A large portion of Republicans seem as utterly mindless and stupid about this as the Democrats. They are consumed by "Neo-Con" and other imbecilic hubris. A senseless blindness seems to have turned them all into 'bots ('robots). 

As this is going on, we have Democrat mobs rioting outside Supreme Court justices' homes and pro-abortion (also known as Moloch worshipers) attacking Catholic (and a few other types of) Churches in an effort to punish and intimidate pro-life Catholics. In general, we have mobs of pro-abortionists (a.k.a. Baby-Killers "R" Us) shrieking much like the demons sometimes do when they are expelled from possessing a person (e.g.: Mark 1:26, 9:26) or a place, as witnesses reported happened at the Pantheon in Rome.

And have any of you asked why Western Europe is committing cultural and population suicide via insane immigration policy, as highlighted here regarding Sweden? It is much like the U.S. open borders with Mexico, actually, when simultaneously we're also blithely going to nuke millions of Caucasian Europeans (not to mention millions of Americans of every color)?

Doesn't this sound/seem utterly diabolic? On every level?

And doesn't this remind you of God blinding Pharaoh so that God could punish him? "I will harden Pharaoh's heart." (Ex. 4:21) And "He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them." (John 12:40, quoting from Isaiah.)

And of course it is a literal, living manifestation of the ancient saying, "Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad." (Wrongly attributed to Euripides.)

My friends, a wise man lives as though each day were his last, but it takes focus, and prayer, to bear such doom as we face. Pray. For if this isn't the maul of Armageddon we're walking into, I would hate to see what is.

An Préachán

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