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Monday, May 23, 2022

Monkeypox, Covid, and more! (May we please put an end to this?)


With all the talk about Monkeypox and the Devil knows what else his minions have cooked up, I think it is time to share two articles about viruses and virology. If this is too much of "flogging a dead horse" to anyone, just remember, zombie horses are running the world right now, zombie horses and zombie jackasses. You-all know to whom (they are legion) I refer.

The first article is by Jon Rappaport, here at his blog. Jon's been at this a lot of years, and he writes very well. Here are a couple of excerpts (note that were I to yellow highlight them, I'd have to highlight all of materiel):

Here’s another fun fact. The entire medical cartel thrives on the insane proposition—launched with fervor more than a hundred years ago—that people suffer from thousands of distinct diseases, each of which is caused by a single germ, which must be treated by a toxic drug and prevented by a toxic vaccine.
It is this great lie that that has killed millions upon millions upon millions of people.
Therefore, the very real question about the existence of viruses in general is more than a weird preoccupation.

AnP again:
As I have written before, if our natural habitat, our "biosphere" is so murderously dangerous as "scientists" and "physicians" (ahem, who work for Big Pharma) would have us believe, how did we ever evolve in the first place? (Or if you believe in Creation, then the natural question is why God would make so dysfunctional a world? And were you to posit He did in fact do so, why would, on the Seventh Day, He bless it and make His first Covenant with it, with ALL of it, us too? Or if this germy world is the result of the Fall, how does it serve us or make us useful to God to die of all the bugs in it before we have time to do good or evil?)

And then there's this insight; think about this seriously for a full 60 seconds:

NO ONE who is reading this article has ever been in a virology lab and witnessed the step by step process of “discovering a new virus.” I find that stunning. And yet all sorts of people are quite ready to assert with great finality that they know all about isolating viruses.

If by chance, someone reading this article HAS actually been in a lab and “discovered a virus,” you can bet your bottom dollar he won’t let you or me in there with a full film crew and our outlier experts asking very pointed questions about each “scientific” move he makes, as he “isolates a virus.”

To which somebody might reply: “Well, I’ve never seen a car being made in a factory, but I drive one with full confidence.”
Yes, but when the “virus discovered in a lab” results in you or someone you love being dosed with a drug or vaccine that maims you or kills your family member, you damn well should want to get into “that factory where the car is made.”

But you can’t. They won’t let you…
…Despite the fact that, as I’ve documented many times, the US medical system kills, by a very conservative estimate, 225,000 people a year, or 2.25 million people per decade. [0]
(N.B. I've seen it conservatively estimated to be at least 150,000 to 200,000+. And that was before Covid; so, this fits.)

AnP again
Do yourselves a favor and read the whole piece. How many friends do I know who took the "vaccine"? A lot. Some apparently have little problem, others have become extremely ill, most with some sort of blood problems (bleedings, strokes, etc.). Now "the WHO" (not the rock group) are at it again, crying up Monkeypox, supposedly a variety of the dreaded smallpox. (Er...didn't Edward Jenner cure the pox via his cowpox injections? Like you know, over 200 years ago? As I have been a some pains to point out before in these pages, the answer is N.O.!!!)

Then there's the fascinating site: Viroliegy. This particular Introduction article is fascinating. 

An excerpt:

Purification be done various ways and is usually a combination of multiple methods including:

Yet here is where we hit another road bump. Even though the methods of purification exist, virologists rarely if ever use them. In fact, they regularly claim that purification can not be done in order to get the desired particles and they will provide many excuses for why this is the case. Often, you will see excuses such as:

    There are not enough “virus” particles in the sample
    The “virus” particles are damaged and lost during purification
    “Viruses” need a host cell and must be cell cultured in order to grow enough “virus” particles
...the author details a number of excuses from famous scientists...

What virologists call an isolate is the fluid from the sick host with everything included. The unpurified fluids (containing host materials, bacteria, microorganisms, etc) are mixed with many other materials such as antibiotics/antifungals, blood from baby cows, chemicals and minimal “nutrients,” etc. and are added to a cell culture normally consisting of African green monkey kidneys or a cancerous cell line from humans. After culturing for days, virologists look for evidence of cell death known as the cytopathogenic effect (CPE) to claim a “virus” is present within the unpurified soup. There are, however, two problems with this:

  1. The CPE in the cell culture which virologists look for as evidence is not specific to “viruses” and can be caused by numerous other factors.
  2. The mixture of the unpurified fluids from the host with many contaminants and foreign elements is the exact opposite of purification and isolation.
AnP again:
On and on it goes. In the entire history of virology, they've never truly isolated/purified a virus. Dr. Tom Cowan describes virology's "cell culture isolation" as though someone wanted to get a corkscrew out of his kitchen utensil drawer. So he doesn't just open the drawer and root around for the corkscrew, but takes the entire drawer out, goes over to a large box full of utensils and kitchen appliances, of all sorts, then dumps the drawer into the box, shakes it all up, then adds non-kitchen items, and only then tries to sort through the resulting mess for the corkscrew!

Friends, we're about to be inundated with demands for mask-wearing, lockdowns, forced vaccinations, and the Dear Lord God knows what else. Perhaps they hope it will distract us from the coming starvation, inflation, and civilizational collapse. (They just don't want anyone noticing the deaths of a few billion people.) As I have written many times, this is our last summer of freedom (barring some titanic changes), so take the remaining opportunities to learn what you can while you can.

An Préachan

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