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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Covid, banking, and Dr Pete Chambers relieved of duty for telling the truth...


The Covid scam is still very much with us. If we do not stop this nonsense NOW, we're all dead. Or enslaved.

A proper informed consent leads to 99.8% of army soldiers refusing to get vaccinated

Army doctor Dr. Pete Chambers gave an informed consent briefing to 3,000 soldiers. After that briefing, just 6 soldiers wanted to be vaccinated. Chambers was subsequently relieved of his duties.

Steve Kirsch interviews Chambers here. Go to 38 minutes in and and listen for just a few minutes.

Absolutely terrifying. The military must be wiped out with this Covid "jab" poison. And then there's this: the Supreme Courts supports the bogus Biden regime against Navy Seals.

The Covid lie just won't go away. The bad guys find it too useful. Kennedy Hall at Lifesite reports on how the CDC has now slashed Covid death toll in U.S. by over 70,000. You know they could "slash" it to nothing, but we'd need a true revolution for the truth to be revealed. 

Bottom Line:
We're already destroyed, militarily, economically – see how India and Russia are arranging things for themselves, sans the U.S. dollar; and spiritually. It is not paranoia to write that when the U.S. dollar is no longer the world's currency, the fiat money the U.S. prints won't be worth anything, even the paper some of it is still printed on. But it may be paranoid to say that whoever it is who runs Biden might intend just this as a prelude to a one-world electronic currency. However, paranoid or not, it sure looks like that is the case.
  • The Covid fraud is a lot like the world banking fraud, the other great issue of our age. Both of them utterly control our lives. One locks us into a ceaseless 'health' slavery and the other into a ceaseless wage slavery. Both are about money, and money is about control.
  • In theory, a horrendous fiat dollar crash into nothing might be good – in the long run. If we got rid of the Federal Reserve Board and put the dollar back on the gold standard, we'd be infinitely better off – and if Federal Reserve dollar truly crashes, we'd really have to. But these "central banks" around the world are at least 85 percent of our problems. Why? They accumulate too much power. They lord over governments. Representative governments obviously plays second fiddle to them, or tertiary fiddle, as has the government of England since the founding of the Bank of England. And they ceaselessly concentrate wealth through what Holy Writ calls 'usury'. I.e., the actual producers of wealth (material goods) go into debt and pay their profits to the banks. Real money, like real labor, loses value, and the actual wealth of the world eventually ends up owned by BlackRock and Vanguard
  • Since the bigshots created the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (December 23, 1913), the dollar has lost actually value every year. Compare that to its worth when before "the Fed" appeared. Ever notice how misleading that "Federal Reserve Board" title is? It's not the "Bank of America" for a reason: Americans knew too much about the Bank of England, which played a major role is starting the American Revolution. The Feds' founders did that intentionally to con people about what it was; the citizens of the U.S. have a long history of total and violent opposition to a central bank. Since 1776, in fact. And the fact that paper money – as opposed to coined money – has been the province of private banks is a fluke of history and governments should never have allowed it. If nothing else, and beside the poverty of laborers, allowing banks to have so much power has been the single greatest reason for anti-Semitism in the modern, non-Muslim world. If modern banking and especially central banks are truly an international Jewish banker creation, then it has not well served the actual Jewish population per se, has it? Just its elites. And as we are finding out all to nastily in the U.S., elites do not care for the "little people". 

An Préachán

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