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Monday, February 28, 2022

What's really going on in the Ukraine? Competing narratives, for a few more days, at least...


The Ukraine-Russian War is a morass of lies and deception and propaganda and most of all, "narrative building". And I'm not referring to the combatants only. Certainly, the U.S. government is so up to its neck in graft, money-laundering, human trafficking, all that, much of it involving the Ukraine, that they – from elected officials to bureaucrats  and their media slaves have every reason to lie about the war.

As bloggers have said, this Russian-Ukrainian war is in large part a segment of a great globalist technocracy jihad against what independent peoples and governments who even half-way support traditional values such as still exist. Vladimir Putin, the former KGB officer, is hardly St. Nicholas, the patron saint of Russia, but at least Putin's "narrative" of support for the Orthodox Church and traditional morality stands as the antithesis of Soros-Schwab-Gates/Big Pharma/BlackRock/Western moral depravity.

Neither I nor anyone pointing this out necessarily approve Putin's invasion, but a "Matrix-builder" like baby-faced Mark Zuckerberg and the Schwab/World Economic Forum Bond-movie wannabees, not to mention global owner BlackRock and its ilk, are far more dangerous to sanity, morality, and human freedom. Proof of that is the Covid hoax. And proof of how far the West has fallen morally is the Covid Hoax. So, this is a war where we have few, in any, good options. That's especially true because Putin has allied himself to China and Iran while the American government hass hopelessly surrendered to equally evil people, mostly in China!  The Biden Administration has shut down U.S. investigations of Chinese espionage. Why? Because they have bought him lock, stock, and barrel? No! Because according to the regime, it is racist! (America has fallen, my friends.)

That said – and it is a mouthful! – I've been saying for some time that we cannot trust the news coming out of the Ukraine, and we cannot (absolutely, truly most sincerely!) trust our Western news services about it. A case in point Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse writes about it here

I wrote some time ago that "God is on the side of the Big Battalions", a lesson the American Confederacy learned to its mortal cost. (America would not have won the Revolutionary War without the Royal French fleet, either.) Germany lost to the big battalions in both World Wars, as did the Imperial Japanese. Ireland, historically, perpetually lost to the British because the Brits could field large armies, when necessary, and the Irish simply could not.

Here, in this war, Russia has the big battalions. And Putin is clearly attacking in as mild a fashion as he can yet still maintain it is a serious invasion (colorful nuclear threats notwithstanding.) He neither wants to kill a lot of the Ukrainian part Russian/part Ukrainian but all Slavic population nor, obviously, destroy a country he's about to absorb (the rebuilding cost would be dire).

And yet, hour-by-hour we are inundated with all sorts of news stories how the plucky Ukrainians are fighting off the Russian Bear. Fox News, CNN, the "alphabet broadcast news companies, etc., are all playing the fiddles very loudly. And the Ukrainians play along, today saying they demand immediate entry into the EU. (Why? Why, so they all can flee their hopelessly corrupt government and spread their corruption throughout Europe, of course.) But other voices are speaking out, as well, as in the case of Col. MacGregor in the Sundance article or another writer here linked here at Gateway Pundit. This one is worth reading for the plain common sense of it .

Meanwhile, we keep finding out that what we're told by the MainStream Media is getting "debunked" daily, like the "Ghost of Kiev" fighter pilot. They've lied five years and more about Trump, they'll lie here about this war. Therefore, while people whom I respect are talking up the meme that Russia bit off more than it could chew: i.e., like this version of events. "Putin rolled the dice of war and didn’t beat Ukraine. This, in strategic terms, probably means he lost the campaign." C'mon, it took the crack Wehrmacht six weeks to reach Kiev (or however it is now spelled) and seven more to capture it.

So, I think the "narratives" are falling all over themselves, tangled in their own strands, choking themselves into incomprehensibility, and we have yet to see what's happening. Even when the war is over, we'll be drowned in false "narratives". But because the Ukraine is such a cesspool of U.S. government (Democrats, Biden family, RINOs) corruption, we can't believe what we're hearing. Truly, in this case, seeing is believing.

So, don't trust the news. Trust God, and yourselves, but not much else.

An Préachán

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