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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Modern IQ test...


Jerm Warfare reports that a certain Alex Sheppard has Tweeted:

"People are having heart problems because they injected mRNA. Now Moderna and AstraZeneca are working on an mRNA 'vaccine' to treat cardiovascular disease. Are people really this gullible?"

The question answers itself.

"Jerm Warfare" (Jeremy) posted that, and he writes about a new interview (highlights mine):
Simon Goddek: Simon is a German-Dutch scientist who moved to Brazil to escape Europe's "Covid" tyranny. (What is happening around the world has absolutely nothing to do with a virus or health. If you believe there is - or was - a viral pandemic in the last two years, then go sit in the corner and be quiet.)

Simon's research focuses on permaculture (which is, basically, living off the grid) and eating healthy.

A foundational principle of the United Nations' Sustainable Development framework (also known as 'Agenda 2030' and 'The Great Reset') is to make society more dependent on public-private partnerships (such as governments and Big Business) through science and technology. Patrick Wood explains this with finesse.

On a related note, please watch a newly released documentary called Planet Lockdown. A number of individuals featured have been on my podcast.

Simon's conversation with me covered why old-fashioned living is superior to the modern nonsense that is restricting our performance. He lives away from the city; collects his own fresh water; has decentralised electricity; grows his own vegetables; keeps chickens; and is largely self sufficient.

Which, of course, is the polar opposite of the zeitgeist. 

Throughout this fake pandemic, how many times did the corporate media, or any authority, recommend a healthy diet, spending time in the sunshine, or improving one's fitness? You know, the things that our parents and grandparents taught us.

I can't think of a single example.

Instead, people were arrested for walking on the beach. Police forced everybody indoors. The elderly were isolated, away from their families. A "vaccine" was introduced (and is still being propagandised) as the only solution to an imaginary contagion.

AnP again:
Amazing stuff. The bad guys – Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, for only three of them – just keep at it. I read where the French government has unilaterally cancelled 4 million Covid passports because the people with those only had two "booster" jabs; the government apparently wants its citizens to take at least two more.

C'mon (as Joe Biden would say), c'mon. They want you to take the damned jabs, at all costs, regardless of your own bodily rights or ideas. And all for yet another version of the flu (the "kung fu flu"). So, what exactly is in these jabs, since it's  laughably obvious is that the jabs don't work? The beautiful Dr. Sam Bailey has some answers here at Odysee

Pass this sort of information on to everyone you know. Friends don't let friends be like this guy:

Justin Trudeau's report card

An Préachán

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