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Monday, December 20, 2021

"The Pope of Mercy...Has he nothing better to do at Christmas? Is he possessed, or just senile?"


Alas, another day, another shockingly insane edict that goes against everything we've known throughout our lives to be worthy and good. This time please note it alights on us from Pope Francis' henchmen, creatures, and hangers-on, rather than Tony Fauci or Joe Biden or Boris Johnson or the governments of Austria or Germany or Australia/New Zealand/New York/California (i.e, the creatures and hangers-on of Bill Gates, George Soros, and of course, Klaus Schwab).

Yes, indeed. And at a Christmas, too. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a.k.a. Pope Francis, a.k.a. anti-pope Bergoglio, a.k.a. The Pachamama Papa has just made it clear, through a thuggish brute of a bishop sadly bearing the Irish surname Roche (this Roche slug was known for being the nastiest piece of episcopal work in all Britain when he was bishop of Leeds and so of course Bergoglio elevated him to the Vatican bureaucracy), that the Traditional Latin Mass is kaput, cut off,drawn-and-quartered, extinct, and thrown under the bus and backed over repeatedly. Then drowned. Buried. Dug up after that and sealed in a basement wall with a sour cask of wine. Etc. As Fr. Hunwicke recently put it (I paraphrase) "Yes, let's rush from 2021 not into 2022 but back to 1970!" (1970 was when the Novus Ordo was hatched upon our heads and the world.)

It's quite stunning, this news. Jaw-dropping.

I cannot exaggerate this one, my friends.

You-all know that a while ago "Bergi", that "Pope of Mercy" and "Accompaniment" and "Dialogue" issued an order, a motu proprio that was actually an insidious fatwa, titled "Traditionis Custodes" (correctly translated as "Jailers of Tradition") that severely restricted the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) after Pope Benedict tried to free it from its Modernist chains in 2007 with his motu: "Summorum Pontificum", issued on the seventh day of the seventh month of 2007, emphasizing that there are seven Covenants in the OT/NT upon which are founded the Seven Sacrament, the last of these, the Seventh Covenant, being itself the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist, the "New Covenant" via which our humble participation in makes us "New Creations in Christ", (as St. Paul liked to say, repeatedly). Benedict freed THE Sacrament/Covenant from its modern-day Babylonian Captivity.

And now today you may have heard Bergoglio and his peeps have just rung the TLM's death-knell, or so they hope. It's supposed to be the second of a "one-two punch".
  • Theoretically, of course, this is impossible. Popes and bishops and priests and theologians are guardians of tradition, not its jailers or rewriters. A pope can't just overturn a previous pope's dicta, assuming those were in accord with Tradition and Holy Writ and accepted by the Faithful, especially so after which much time has gone by. No pope sits on on the U.S. Supreme Court, cancelling precedent at a whim. Should a pope assume such power, then every new papal election would produce a new religion. But the pope is not the prophet of the Mormon Church, a position of which the man who occupies it can change anything he wants, whenever he wants it.
  • But Pope Francis apparently is a Mormon, or at least a TV preacher: he thinks nothing of tossing aside Sacred Tradition as he has demonstrated time and time again. That's not something a valid pope can do, let alone would try to do, so I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.
  • And anyway, tossing aside the central act of worship of the Church, the Seventh Covenant and greatest Sacrament, something in which the Most Holy Eucharist, itself the New Covenant/New Testament and the means of our salvation, has been worshiped in the West in for nearly two millennia, something in place since the early Christian "dream-time", is literally insane. As Pope Benedict mildly put it, something that "was sacred, remains sacred and cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful."
  • Bottom line: whereas Paul VI cried (he was always weeping) when he found out what the infamous Freemason "Grace of Ba'al" Bugnini did to the Liturgy, Pope Francis grins.
For details, here's the report from The Remnant Newspaper, written by Michael J. Matt.

Please note The Remnant provides the actual dubia, questions and Roche's answers.

An excerpt:
AnP again:

And of course, you can read about this new development from the Bergoglian Vatican in many articles that will be propping up over the next few days, and all the videos released, and so on. Representatives of every Catholic persuasion will be offering their opinions. But this action is so drastic that Trads of all tribes will unite against this evil. And and the "Conservative" Catholics like Robert Royal, etc., have no wiggle room any longer.

As for me, I agree with Michael Matt: i.e., Keep going, Francis. You are whistling up a firestorm, you are seeding the wind and your Modernists will inherit merely the typhoon. This is not the late 60s and early 70s; you can't get away with what the "Wrecknovators" did then. You're obviously unhinged by loathing of Trad Catholics and of the most vital, most clearly faithful branch of the Church, the wing of the Church that is growing in every way. You have a visceral fear of it. Francis, your hatred is tangible in all this. So keep going. You are the tail-end of the viciousness, and naturally you are going to go all out. But your days are numbered as were those of King Herod.
  1. Standard Catholics content with the current liturgy might ask: have the Trads been actually persecuted?
  2. They have. I mean this: since Vatican II ended, they've been openly persecuted by the Official Church since the 1960s, for Heaven's sake.
  3. And that "persecution" included being shamelessly lied to from the beginning. I mean in every way they've been treated like guano for a half a century.
  4. They were not welcome in the New Church, and they weren't even remotely understood by most of the ecclesiastical bigshots.
  5. They're the only segment of Holy Church to endure this perpetual flogging, and if some might have been either confused or cowed by it as my mother's two brothers were, graduates of Aquinas High School in the 1930s (and you in Columbus know exactly what that means, the laity elite of the elite), others "went with the flow" and their children largely abandoned the Faith (as in my extended family)...
  6. Yet a few resisted through Sauron's long Dark Age, and clearly "the signs of the times" indicate the Babylonian-Mordorian captivity is now breaking down against the obvious "Satan-Rising" age we languish in.
  7. The Vatican II Church is being whisked away by indifference, total apathy, and of course Covid and all it represents: materialism, selfishness, and the new totalitarianism of The Great Reset.
In his terminal segment of Vatican II's "long march" to turn the Church into was is essentially a crappy NGO, Bergoglio talks to everybody on the Left of the political lines and embraces social and economic spectrums inimical to the Faith as it has been understood since the beginning. The "Pope of Mercy" wants to "accompany" all the sexually confused and economically illiterate, he wants to "accompany" adulterers and fornicators (sexual and otherwise) while actually he's quite busy desacralizing the Church. The Novus Ordo Mass – and I must brook no wobbly fence-sitting here because I lived through it, a decades long spiritual die-to-the-last man Tarawa-like (Betio Island) fight – is a desacralizing tool. (I do not mean its sacraments are invalid; that's a red-herring Modernists love to cast at us: I mean as many have been said, attending a TLM means it is impossible not to know a miracle is taking place; attending an NO needs a miracle for you to know a miracle is taking place.)

I attended NO Masses of all sorts for 40 years, and can compare them to both Melkite Liturgies and the TLM. I also grew up with Protestants and have been in and out of Protestant churches all my life (and as coincidence would have it, right now I am editing a finely crafted Presbyterian theological essay). Even now I myself could give a "down-home" sermon that would have set Billy Graham's hair on fire. Through no strength of my own (it is God's doing alone that I'm not among the standing stones of Lugh Lámhfada Samhaildánach), I am a religious-minded survivor who attended wholly secular schools that would have made Caligula blush, and trust me, I know the iconoclasm madness when it screams at me.

The excellent priest and psychologist and exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger, has recently said Satan told him during an exorcism that God is soon going to cut Satan's power. Soon. The timeline is set and the denizens of Hell are besides themselves with spite (Spite is the characteristic cast of mind of Hell). The denouement is almost here, though of course that doesn't mean we won't be suffering ourselves like all Hell through the long fallout.

Pope Francis' recent actions against the TLM mean his time is about over and the TLM will triumph. Bishop Athanasius Schneider says the TLM's restoration is clearly the work of the Holy Ghost and can't be stopped. Review this lovely video to remind yourselves of its ancientry and beauty, and its conformity to God's will.

An Préachán

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