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Friday, December 31, 2021

The statement that got Dr. Robert Malone banned from Twitter...

 ...and it is a doozy.

Thanks to the Treehouse for posting it. 

I myself have watched this video; all I can say is I knew a lot of this beforehand, and anyone could have found this out with a bit of internet research. But if the man who invented mRNA technology, etc., upon which the "vaccines" are based, cries dire warning, and no one listens, well, that's that.

Malone joins Michael Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi, Peter McCullough, famous and prestigious luminaries in science and medicine all. And all of whom Wikipedia labels "prominent sources of misinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic" – didn't no one ever tell the Wiki/MSM liars that you go to Hell for lying about people? Literally thousands of other doctors and scientists across the world stand in opposition to the Covid "vaccines", but the "sheeple" rather put their belief their false shepherds.

Finally, note Malone speaks today directly about children. Puck, in Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night Dream, famously says, "Lord, what fools these mortals be." So it is. And consider this: if, as Malone says, damage to children's internal organs are permanent, what of adults? Do adults magically restore their damaged organs? If the young and growing can't do it, adults aging toward their exit cannot.

I assume that should individuals not listen to the other scientists about this, they won't listen to Malone. Malone believes this strongly enough to throw his entire career in the balance against the Covid Narrative. Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse wrote this about it:

According to his statement, the consequences of that harm will surface in the future life and health of the child.  These are remarkable words that stun the viewer when absorbed in their totality.   If what Dr Malone is saying in this video is accurate, the consequences, not only to the children – but also to the larger society of all future generations, could collapse global social structures.

Think about the ramifications to families, communities and the construct of the global relationship of all citizens to their government, if what he is saying is accurate.  Additionally, if these words are true, there’s no way any institution of government could ever admit them.  The consequences are unfathomable.

AnP again: So be it. The unconfessed, the unshriven, the formally unrepentant, will reside with the Damned, all of whom could not bring themselves to admit their sins. And institutions, like governments or Churches (Bergoglian Church, I'm speaking to you), that don't admit their wrongdoing and at least try to repent and make amends, will be cast down and salt sown on their ruins. 
  • Remember Medea, the witch Jason brought back from the Caucus? When she found out later that he betrayed her, she murdered their children. Such is the burden of what Dr. Robert Malone is saying that 2022 might well be filled with Medeas whose children were murdered for them
As for myself, as I have written repeatedly, the whole "vaccine" business is a fraud. Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccine didn't work, what with England suffering its worse historical smallpox epidemic AFTER Parliament mandated "Jenner Jabs", and the disappearance of polio coincided with the cessation of arsenic (and later DDT) fruit spray. The Great Spanish Flu occurred after tens of thousands of military men were literally pumped full of all sorts of primitive "vaccines", not to mention the rise of wireless/radio use world-wide. They can even trace 19th century flu spread in America: it followed along the lengthening lines of telegraph wires! "Flu" seems based on electronic emissions, and Wuhan was the first large city fully wired for 5G; soon, Elon Musk will have the entire planet inundated in 5G). 

So on and so forth. We KNOW this, but it is generally kept from everyday people's knowledge. And that's where inflation, which is making food and fuel fantastically expensive, comes in very handy for those who rule us.

At least, barring economic and starvation distractions (war has to be next, of course), Covid may finally expose this perpetual "vaccine" insanity and put a stop, permanently, to vaccines. I never used to be a "vaccine skeptic" but the historical and present-day evidence is simply overwhelming.

Now it would be traditional to wish everyone a "happy new year" but honestly, can anyone see 2022 other than Purgatory on Earth? 

An Préachán

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Biden tosses in the towel on Covid! A Christmas present to us or is he admitting the economy is about to collapse?

 Probably both!

Joe Biden Officially Taps Out on Covid Crisis "There is no Federal Solution". Here's the article at The Conservative Treehouse. This is an earthquake. It's the beginning of the denouement of the Covid fraud. 

Here's a related article at The Conservative Treehouse. 

An excerpt from the latter:
[Prequel: Hopefully y’all have done your preparatory diligence, and are well situated to assist your family, because everything in the U.S. economic system is now around 30 days from entering the SNAFU phase.  This CDC shift is predictably part of it.]

Last week the narrative was “the winter of death” is coming.  That effort didn’t faze anyone; the White House shifted messaging within days.

The latest public guidance from the Centers for Disease Control [full release here] gives the first impression of the narrative shift being laughable; however, when you go deeper into their motive a righteous sneer disappears quickly.

AnP again: Time to stack up on canned goods and get ready for the denoument of the Covid scam, my friends. At least, I pray it is it: in NYC, as you can also read about on The Conservative Treehouse site, the cops are arresting and shoving brutally around citizens who don't have a Covid passport. I've American friend who assured me "we are a good people" and it would never come to that. Right.

To this article, I wrote in the Treehouse Comments:
I remember reading about MacArthur's orders to the troops in Bataan: "When the food fails, you will attack". The old Viking/Norse way of courage was to fight on even when you knew you lost. The Sci-Fi show SG-1 had a character, T'ealc, who would say, when faced with death, "I die free."

"I die free". It may seem like a contradiction, but the only way to live free is to die free, to be willing to die free. The thing to remember about courage (and cowardice and brutality and stupidity, etc.) is that they are contagions that can spread. The bad guys on the other side, however, know they don't have the spiritual-moral guts to face courage. Cowardice and brutality do not take courage; they only thrive in its absence. And they wilt when confronted with it.

This is why revolutions often work, turning on a low-level major or colonel saying "NO" to orders. It happened with a tank commander in Moscow a few decades ago and it can happen now.

An Préachán

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas 2021...


Christmas greetings and blessings to all. It's been a crazy year, and isn't over yet. So here are a few Christmas musings, for what they're worth.

What Christmas means for Christianity
Christianity is the hardest religion to believe partly because it demands you practice a profound moral code that puts yourself last, and others – even those who hate you and even seek to kill you. Judaism and especially Islam know nothing of this, but this is almost central to the Faith and is non-negotiable. But of course most Christians do what they can to get out of it, including leaving the Church.

Yet the above exists because of what is truly central to the Faith: our own incarnation in Christ.

Basic Points in what that means, exactly:

·      The Incarnation: Absolutely necessary and central to salvation

·      It makes Christianity completely different from Judaism or Islam.

·      Different versions of Christianity understand this a greater or lesser degree, as is obvious not just from their theology, but from their worship.

·      God, in His Second Person, the Logos, becomes a human person: Jesus / Joshua: Yeshu'a (Yehoshu'a: meaning "Yahweh is salvation").

Why the Incarnation? Why did God have to become man? It's a blasphemous idea to both Jews and Muslims, after all. They don't remotely see the need for it. That answer: to make Infusion of Grace possible. Christmas is significant because it is God's public opening act in this Grace infusion program, which the Lord God began to prepare for via His Covenants.

·   God’s Incarnation didn’t lower God so much as elevate human nature, in Christ, enabling…

·   "Theosis" (Divinization) which by grace – not by nature – is our incorporation into Christ, raising us up to participate in His Divinity (as St. Peter teaches in 2 Peter 1.4). Usually described in the Western Church as an Infusion of Grace, our natures are changed. Protestantism teaches Imputation of Grace: God assigns grace to us but doesn’t actually divinize or change our nature.

·   St. Athanasius: "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God." (De inc. 54, 3: PG 25, 192B) and [CCC 460]

·   St. Thomas Aquinas: "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods." (Opusc. 57, 1-4) [CCC 460]

·   This teaching is stated in many ways throughout the New Testament, which is the teaching about the Seventh Covenant: the Most Holy Eucharist. Examples:

·   John 1:12 “But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” (Obviously, a new creation)

·   2 Cor 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (Again, a new creation) 2 Peter 1:4 might well put it best; see also Romans, 6:4, 7:6, 12:2; Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:8-12. St. John's gospel, however, teaches it best, and John uses the Greek philosophical word "Logos" baptizing it into God's service. (St. John knew how to speak to philosophical Greeks better than St. Paul did!)

·   Two Old Testament examples: Isaiah 65:17; Ezekiel 36:25-26

·         Note: In general, The Baby born at Christmas grows up to demand the impossible of “ordinary” humans. In Matthew 5, during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives the Beatitudes, then says we are “salt of the earth” and “light of the world”, and discusses how He has come not to do away with the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill them. He discusses elevated behavior regarding anger, adultery, divorce, making oaths and not retaliating (“turn the other cheek”) and love our enemies. He ends with "You, therefore, must be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect." (5:48) All that is something manifestly impossible for “normal” human beings to do, but possible if one is incarnated into the Incarnation.

Such talk is only sane – literally – if the talker Himself is the Logos.
Logos: The Word, the Divine Mind expressed, also equally the Decree and Mandate of God, spoken in Himself, the faculty of speech in the Divine Mind referenced in Genesis One: "God said, let there be light." Logos is also the Reason, Cause, and Ground of the Divine Being manifested in act (God is Act: He has no potential), and of course eternally expressing the Reckoning and Score and Judgment of God, all of these is a PERSON, a Person Incarnated in a teenage Jewish girl by the Holy Ghost and laid in a manger, a feed trough for animals, to represent His being our new Manna, i.e. the food of our present desert for our transformation in Christ.

Salvation “works” in us as individuals through the sacraments, formal covenant oaths, by which we partake of the nature of God, in Christ (God’s grace is infused in us).

  • Baptism removes Original Sin, thus we’re free to…

·   Receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist…

·   And to keep this “New Creation” and grow in the Divine, we have Confession, a sacrament of vital importance because it restores us to our baptismal purity.

Christmas is significant because the Divine Logos publicly becomes one of us to elevate us into God's nature. Theosis. That's its importance. (He began the Incarnation when the Blessed Mother conceived Him by the power of the Holy Ghost, but, except to family – St. Joseph, St. Elizabeth, the unborn John the Baptist – it was yet a secret.)

It is our spiritual and conscious embrace of this doctrine, this dogma, that enables to to do what I first mentioned: embrace all those living men who would resist it, to the point of killing us. That's the significance of Christmas.

The Novus Ordo
With all this in mind, then, consider that the big religious news this Nativity is Pope Francis' reiterated attack on the ancient liturgy, a far more "vertical" God-focused liturgy in its nature than the usual Protestant style of non-Grace infusing "praise and worship of a community" of the Logos-God. The Novus Ordo is a way-station between Catholic/Orthodox liturgical worship and Protestant worship. Intentionally set up that way by "Grace-of-Ba'al" Bugnini and accepted by Paul VI, it embodies the vertical officially with an over-all horizontal community praise and worship service. The community is the point of the latter worship, and thus after 50 years or so of the NO Mass, 70-some percent of Catholics don't believe in the Real Presence. (Or even heard of it. This should have been foreseen, and many did. But these prophets were ignored.)

So, obviously, the vertical TLM loses a great deal of its meaning through its forced appearance in the horizontal NO, yet Christmas is significant because it slaps diapers in our faces, it forces on us this monumental meaning of the Logos nursing at a young woman's breast, looking into her eyes, seeing humans as a Human for the first time in his Mother face, learning to speak from her: the reality-creating Logos learnig to speak from young Miriam (hence the exhalation of Mary and her title of Co-Remptrix, with Bergoglio denies). Those are the reflections Christmas gives, if we bother to contemplate it.

Bergoglio's actions toward the ancient Liturgy (more than a thousand years older than the Council of Trent, BTW: it should not be called "Tridentine") is shocking, cruel, putrescent, and so incomprehensibly stupid. Traditionis Custodes and the just-released Roche Dubia response commentary on it are stupid to begin with, and full of contradictions, illogic, and illegalities. As pointed out by Roberto de Mattei in

Furthermore, as the abbé Claude Barthe has observed, in the very act of presuming to abolish Summorum Pontificum, Traditionis custodes condemns itself to receive the same treatment in the future, exactly as happened for the new principle of religious freedom of Vatican II, which in presuming to invalidate the Magisterium prior to Pius XII relativized itself.

The most attentive jurists have also noted how the need for synodality, proclaimed by Pope Francis, is contradicted by the centralization of decision-making power established by the Responsa, which, without specific pontifical approval, nullify the operation of one of the linchpins of Canon Law: canon 87-§1, according to which “a diocesan bishop, whenever he judges that it contributes to their spiritual good, is able to dispense the faithful from universal and particular disciplinary laws issued for his territory or his subjects by the supreme authority of the Church.” 

Both the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes and the Responsa ad dubia are therefore intrinsically illegal acts, carried out while the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, guardian of the Church’s canon law, idly looks on at a massacre of the rules that seems to have become the only rule of the pontificate.
Excellent points, my friends, are they not? What is sauce for the goose will be sauce for the gander, a simple principle Bergoglio and Roche are ignorant of. They are "hoisted by their own petards" in classic fashioned: the very things they do in hubris against their perceived foes is exactly what Hubris (the avenging angel) will smack them down with.

In my spare time, I've been reading widely and my gut feeling (worth what you paid for it) is Bergoglio, Ol' Bergi, massively overstepped himself and will see widespread opposition and outright defiance, as he'll also see the spineless/faithless kowtow to him. But what is that good for? They'll cravenly kowtow to whoever replaces him, Trad or not. They're worms, not men. 50 years of evidence that the Novus Ordo Mass doesn't work, and they still obstinately insist it does? And naturally enough, even such a disparate, stark range of extreme reactions will overthrow what little mind the Argentine has left. (And using that evil Arthur Roche as his foil was a mistake: that former ice skater is just loathed in the Church outside the hard Left.) I'll provide a few links to articles I think excellently comment insightfully on this, for those interested:

First, this article from some months ago (July 28): by "Cristiana de Magistris"

An excerpt:
In conclusion, the motu proprio, if one wishes to read it in depth, is the recognition of a defeat. It is an apparent act of strength that covers a basic weakness and incompetence. The reformed missal has been a catastrophe on every level: liturgical, dogmatic, moral. The result, plain for all to see, is that it has emptied churches, convents, and seminaries. Not being able to impose it by virtue of tradition, which it does not convey, one wishes to impose it by dint of law. But this is an underhanded operation, founded on deception, and therefore destined to fail. It is not a fatal stroke dealt against the Roman Rite, but the euthanasia of the modern rite. It is not a death blow, but a life-giving pruning of the missal of St Pius V, which – by the hatred it arouses among the modernist fringes of the hierarchy – confirms that it is “the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven”, handed down to us by our fathers for us to pass on to our children, even if we should have to crimson it with our blood.

Christmas for myself:
I think it curious that I never liked the Novus Ordo. Why would that be? Consciously, it's the only one I really remember from childhood. Consciously, I find, but I discover the older Mass has left roots in my unconscious mind and soul (see below). But it never "worked" for me. Maybe I was too used to Protestant services? I knew them well, or well enough. Thus the NO was just too Protestant for me? Or maybe I subconsciously "mind-melded" with my very Traditionalist mother, who was always careful never to openly denigrate the NO. Or was it something else? Angelic influence? Or just dumb luck? I must say that after my first restored TLM at the old Holy Family downtown in Columbus, Ohio, I had a weird (in every sense, certainly "fated") onset of memory to suddenly recall vivid pre-Vatican II memories I had totally forgotten. Just amazing, and a blessing (albeit an eerie one). It was like waking one morning to remember you had lived in Atlantis.

A few other articles:

This one from the Traditionalist Dominicans, written by Br. Louis-Marie de Blignières, is excellent: (Someone pass it on to the Fr. Hayes and the priests at St. Patrick's.)

And Fr. John Zuhlsdorf has this important info about the Bishop of Phoenix maintaining the TLMs in his diocese: As Fr. Zuhlsdorf puts it: "In effect, this doesn’t exactly “round file” TC and the DD. It is more like to…
… leaving it out on the steps in the rain."

A "War of Position"
Perhaps. It's obviously a holding action. Clearly many bishops who want to defend the TLM are planning an incremental "war of position" rather than fighting a "war of maneuver." Much depends on how long Bergoglio lives. We need true stand-up, spit-in-your-face fighting, however, like that that unequivocal statement by the Dominican Br. Louis-Marie de Blignières, noted above. We need the "Molon Labe" spirit! Such responses as Bishop Olmsted's are more like "running out the clock" at a ball game. We'll see.

Anyway, this Christmas, what with the continuing Covid fraud and the Bergoglio farce, we should probably ponder at some prayerful depth just what the Incarnation means, and the best way to "Do this in memory of me."

Merry Christmas, friends.

An Préachán

Donald Trump Is Preparing His Own Political Crash and Burn via Covid Vaccines


Thanks to Dianne for sending these links, i.e., from Lifesite News (Trump Doubles Down on Covid Shots), Twitter, and The Dailywire (Unscripted with Donald Trump).

AnP again:
Over at The Conservative Treehouse, "Sundance" has this article up: President Trump doesn't support mandates

Sundance is trying to salvage the situation, but Trump is doing himself in, signing off on his own political doom, and he Just. Doesn't. Get. It.

I wrote a comment there that I'm passing on here (with slight modification), in my reply to R. Iacoveo and Variable Man, who see exactly what's going to be happening to Trump.
You're right on the money, R. Iacoveo and Variable Man. Truly, President Trump will be 'left holding the blame' and '2022 will become the year of “Blaming Trump for the vaccines that don’t work.” And this narrative will continue on into 2024. By then he will be accused of genocide; he will be a criminal against humanity.'

Can we possibly forget how the Dems can turn on a dime, no matter how illogical or inconsistent their maneuvers are? Can we possibly forget they own the MSM which will turn with them. Can we possibly think they won't "flip" a "narrative" if expedient? President Trump is VERY foolish for keeping this up. People opposed to the so-called "vaccines" are opposed precisely because they WERE rushed and not properly vetted. That's the whole point. But this is something he doesn't seem to understand. They're even more opposed now that EVERYONE can see the "vaccines" do not work. The evidence is overwhelming. Yet he seems unable to realize they don't work.

President Trump was VERY foolish for fooling about with vaccines to begin with, as they take years to audit and vet, and have a bad history; i.e., Edward Jenner's famous smallpox vaccine didn't work: England had its largest smallpox epidemic 70 years after Jenner, and 20 years after Parliament passed TWO acts making Jenner's Jab mandatory! (An early case of doubling down on a failed medical policy.) They eventually rescinded those laws and civil hygiene improved the cities (and horses left the streets) and smallpox became very rare, indeed. By 1900! And Polio appeared after the introduction in the later 1800s of an arsenic-based fruit spray, and it disappeared after DDT was discontinued. Etc., etc. This is history not taught. It runs counter to the vaccine "narrative".

So at the very least, PDJT should have said "Vaccines just take too long; we can research them and begin the long testing process, sure, but we must find other cures for right now, for the situation today, because if we rush the vaccines, then perhaps millions could be injured, even possibly more than are saved. My fellow citizens, remember as the medical oath has it, 'First do no harm'." Simple.

Simple. Very simple. And bringing up the Spanish Flu, which Trump does! Can it not escape anyone's attention that "vaccines" were applied like crazy to it, and indeed, to U.S. soldiers, the "Doughboys" of WWI. These were actually drowned in multiple vaccine injections BEFORE it appeared. That contagion, or part of it, was probably CAUSED by the primitive vaccines they used in those days. It was madness. But that's the history. And after all that insanity, all that push-push, the contagion, whatever it actually was, disappeared on its own. ALL these contagions do that, even the Black Death that killed just about every third person! After a brief time, poof, it vanished.

As for perhaps the best president in the nation's modern history (next to Calvin Coolidge, at least, in peace and prosperity), this is very sad, what they're going to do to him. But do it they will, and they'll do it without hesitation.

And he's making it easy for them.

An Préachán

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

St. Patrick, intercede for us!


Take a moment to view this great painting by Jim Fitzpatrick of St. Patrick. THAT's a saint to drive out the snakes in the Church today.

Fitzpatrick writes:
Originally commissioned by a US company and never used; they considered it a little too wild but I enjoyed creating this different and more imaginative portrait of our national saint. Patrick was no slouch and rebelled against the rigid authority of Rome and allowed the Irish to keep their religious beliefs while incorporating Christianity into their ancient belief system. From then onwards Irish missionaries carried the gospels to Europe and converted many of the most barbarous and powerful tribes to Christianity.

This is basically true but not quite, as so much of what is Irish. St. Patrick went to Ireland without the approval of the British bishops, and he may have not even be ordained a priest, let alone a bishop. He had no authority or power except what God gave him; from his own writings (i.e. two documents, his Confession and his Letter to Coroticus, which contain the only certain information we have for the saint) he mentions no troubles with the druids, although he does write that he was enslaved a few more times. In fact, he was sort of forgotten in the century after his death, being rediscovered and rehabilitated by the Armagh clergy when they found his two surviving writings in an attic or somewhere, which they broadcast to assert Armagh's claim to be the Primatial See of all Ireland.

St. Patrick must have managed his mission quite well because pagan Ireland produced no martyrs. In fact, in the next generation, there's the great tale of St. Brigid herself, who had a "Life" like few saints can be said to have had. Bríd was the daughter of a king, and was fostered by a druid! She never had troubles with him or any druid (the draoí saved her from her father, by the way, when the latter was going to kill her). In some manner we won't know in this mortal life, she became (apparently) head of a major pagan shrine to the great Celtic goddess Brigit that she turned into a Christian shrine: Killdare. (A dual monastery run by the Abbess and the site of a sacred flame from pagan times that the English extinguished.) 

Then in the next generation after Naomh Bríd, St. Colm Cille (521-597), THE major Irish saint of those centuries, actually saved the druids from extinction, arguing for their preservation at the Convention of Druim Ceat around 573 or so, A.D. The result was what author John Minahane calls "Christian Druids" in his important 2006 book: The Christian Druids: On the Filid or Philosopher-poets of Ireland.

In short, St. Patrick and St. Brigid and St. Colm Cille were powerful, God-filled saints who lived truly heroic lives, and certainly stood up to the Church bureaucracy of their times. They'd certainly be kicking Bergoglio to the curb. They have thrown the current Irish Church into the sea. (Another meaning to this great painting!) And if you know anything about the incredible St. Columbanus (540-615), a younger contemporary of St. Colm Cille, you'd be praying to him to rid us of our troubles in Rome. (He had stood up to a pope in his day; but whole tale is a long story, indeed. He didn't condemn that pope, but certainly stood his ground; we need even one Columbanus today, alas. Would that we had one!)

Anyway, St. Patrick, oh so heroic a saint, intercede for us.

An Préachán

Monday, December 20, 2021

"The Pope of Mercy...Has he nothing better to do at Christmas? Is he possessed, or just senile?"


Alas, another day, another shockingly insane edict that goes against everything we've known throughout our lives to be worthy and good. This time please note it alights on us from Pope Francis' henchmen, creatures, and hangers-on, rather than Tony Fauci or Joe Biden or Boris Johnson or the governments of Austria or Germany or Australia/New Zealand/New York/California (i.e, the creatures and hangers-on of Bill Gates, George Soros, and of course, Klaus Schwab).

Yes, indeed. And at a Christmas, too. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a.k.a. Pope Francis, a.k.a. anti-pope Bergoglio, a.k.a. The Pachamama Papa has just made it clear, through a thuggish brute of a bishop sadly bearing the Irish surname Roche (this Roche slug was known for being the nastiest piece of episcopal work in all Britain when he was bishop of Leeds and so of course Bergoglio elevated him to the Vatican bureaucracy), that the Traditional Latin Mass is kaput, cut off,drawn-and-quartered, extinct, and thrown under the bus and backed over repeatedly. Then drowned. Buried. Dug up after that and sealed in a basement wall with a sour cask of wine. Etc. As Fr. Hunwicke recently put it (I paraphrase) "Yes, let's rush from 2021 not into 2022 but back to 1970!" (1970 was when the Novus Ordo was hatched upon our heads and the world.)

It's quite stunning, this news. Jaw-dropping.

I cannot exaggerate this one, my friends.

You-all know that a while ago "Bergi", that "Pope of Mercy" and "Accompaniment" and "Dialogue" issued an order, a motu proprio that was actually an insidious fatwa, titled "Traditionis Custodes" (correctly translated as "Jailers of Tradition") that severely restricted the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) after Pope Benedict tried to free it from its Modernist chains in 2007 with his motu: "Summorum Pontificum", issued on the seventh day of the seventh month of 2007, emphasizing that there are seven Covenants in the OT/NT upon which are founded the Seven Sacrament, the last of these, the Seventh Covenant, being itself the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist, the "New Covenant" via which our humble participation in makes us "New Creations in Christ", (as St. Paul liked to say, repeatedly). Benedict freed THE Sacrament/Covenant from its modern-day Babylonian Captivity.

And now today you may have heard Bergoglio and his peeps have just rung the TLM's death-knell, or so they hope. It's supposed to be the second of a "one-two punch".
  • Theoretically, of course, this is impossible. Popes and bishops and priests and theologians are guardians of tradition, not its jailers or rewriters. A pope can't just overturn a previous pope's dicta, assuming those were in accord with Tradition and Holy Writ and accepted by the Faithful, especially so after which much time has gone by. No pope sits on on the U.S. Supreme Court, cancelling precedent at a whim. Should a pope assume such power, then every new papal election would produce a new religion. But the pope is not the prophet of the Mormon Church, a position of which the man who occupies it can change anything he wants, whenever he wants it.
  • But Pope Francis apparently is a Mormon, or at least a TV preacher: he thinks nothing of tossing aside Sacred Tradition as he has demonstrated time and time again. That's not something a valid pope can do, let alone would try to do, so I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.
  • And anyway, tossing aside the central act of worship of the Church, the Seventh Covenant and greatest Sacrament, something in which the Most Holy Eucharist, itself the New Covenant/New Testament and the means of our salvation, has been worshiped in the West in for nearly two millennia, something in place since the early Christian "dream-time", is literally insane. As Pope Benedict mildly put it, something that "was sacred, remains sacred and cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful."
  • Bottom line: whereas Paul VI cried (he was always weeping) when he found out what the infamous Freemason "Grace of Ba'al" Bugnini did to the Liturgy, Pope Francis grins.
For details, here's the report from The Remnant Newspaper, written by Michael J. Matt.

Please note The Remnant provides the actual dubia, questions and Roche's answers.

An excerpt:
AnP again:

And of course, you can read about this new development from the Bergoglian Vatican in many articles that will be propping up over the next few days, and all the videos released, and so on. Representatives of every Catholic persuasion will be offering their opinions. But this action is so drastic that Trads of all tribes will unite against this evil. And and the "Conservative" Catholics like Robert Royal, etc., have no wiggle room any longer.

As for me, I agree with Michael Matt: i.e., Keep going, Francis. You are whistling up a firestorm, you are seeding the wind and your Modernists will inherit merely the typhoon. This is not the late 60s and early 70s; you can't get away with what the "Wrecknovators" did then. You're obviously unhinged by loathing of Trad Catholics and of the most vital, most clearly faithful branch of the Church, the wing of the Church that is growing in every way. You have a visceral fear of it. Francis, your hatred is tangible in all this. So keep going. You are the tail-end of the viciousness, and naturally you are going to go all out. But your days are numbered as were those of King Herod.
  1. Standard Catholics content with the current liturgy might ask: have the Trads been actually persecuted?
  2. They have. I mean this: since Vatican II ended, they've been openly persecuted by the Official Church since the 1960s, for Heaven's sake.
  3. And that "persecution" included being shamelessly lied to from the beginning. I mean in every way they've been treated like guano for a half a century.
  4. They were not welcome in the New Church, and they weren't even remotely understood by most of the ecclesiastical bigshots.
  5. They're the only segment of Holy Church to endure this perpetual flogging, and if some might have been either confused or cowed by it as my mother's two brothers were, graduates of Aquinas High School in the 1930s (and you in Columbus know exactly what that means, the laity elite of the elite), others "went with the flow" and their children largely abandoned the Faith (as in my extended family)...
  6. Yet a few resisted through Sauron's long Dark Age, and clearly "the signs of the times" indicate the Babylonian-Mordorian captivity is now breaking down against the obvious "Satan-Rising" age we languish in.
  7. The Vatican II Church is being whisked away by indifference, total apathy, and of course Covid and all it represents: materialism, selfishness, and the new totalitarianism of The Great Reset.
In his terminal segment of Vatican II's "long march" to turn the Church into was is essentially a crappy NGO, Bergoglio talks to everybody on the Left of the political lines and embraces social and economic spectrums inimical to the Faith as it has been understood since the beginning. The "Pope of Mercy" wants to "accompany" all the sexually confused and economically illiterate, he wants to "accompany" adulterers and fornicators (sexual and otherwise) while actually he's quite busy desacralizing the Church. The Novus Ordo Mass – and I must brook no wobbly fence-sitting here because I lived through it, a decades long spiritual die-to-the-last man Tarawa-like (Betio Island) fight – is a desacralizing tool. (I do not mean its sacraments are invalid; that's a red-herring Modernists love to cast at us: I mean as many have been said, attending a TLM means it is impossible not to know a miracle is taking place; attending an NO needs a miracle for you to know a miracle is taking place.)

I attended NO Masses of all sorts for 40 years, and can compare them to both Melkite Liturgies and the TLM. I also grew up with Protestants and have been in and out of Protestant churches all my life (and as coincidence would have it, right now I am editing a finely crafted Presbyterian theological essay). Even now I myself could give a "down-home" sermon that would have set Billy Graham's hair on fire. Through no strength of my own (it is God's doing alone that I'm not among the standing stones of Lugh Lámhfada Samhaildánach), I am a religious-minded survivor who attended wholly secular schools that would have made Caligula blush, and trust me, I know the iconoclasm madness when it screams at me.

The excellent priest and psychologist and exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger, has recently said Satan told him during an exorcism that God is soon going to cut Satan's power. Soon. The timeline is set and the denizens of Hell are besides themselves with spite (Spite is the characteristic cast of mind of Hell). The denouement is almost here, though of course that doesn't mean we won't be suffering ourselves like all Hell through the long fallout.

Pope Francis' recent actions against the TLM mean his time is about over and the TLM will triumph. Bishop Athanasius Schneider says the TLM's restoration is clearly the work of the Holy Ghost and can't be stopped. Review this lovely video to remind yourselves of its ancientry and beauty, and its conformity to God's will.

An Préachán

Saturday, December 18, 2021

" boldly stride ahead from 2021 to 1970!"


The venerable (he's in his ninth decade) Fr. Hunwicke has a strongly worded article up here at his website that is very worth reading and reflectiong up in these final days of Advent. 

Here's an excerpt:

(2) the really ginormous elephant in the NO room is the following thought-provoking fact: 

Most modern Christians who are not lapsed go to Mass on Sundays; very few go day-by-day on every weekday. So they gain no advantage from the fact that the old Sunday prayers for Advent, Lent, and Eastertide have sometimes ... if they've been fortunate ... been relocated to weekdays or to 'Ordinary Time'.

Yes; not a single Advent, Lent, Easter, Sunday collect in the old rite survived into the Novus Ordo as a collect for a Sunday within that season.

Not one. 

Did you hear me?

Every single one of the Sunday Collects for the Three Great Seasons, prayers which had served Latin Christendom for a millennium and a half, was deemed by the self-important, ipseinfallibilist 'scholarship' of one single decade to be totally unfit for Sunday use in those seasons.

In particular, the fine series of Excita collects disappeared from the Sundays of Advent.

This intolerance towards the ancient Sunday collects, this act of arrogant censorship and violent cultural vandalism and shameless ecclesial rupture, in itself alone, is more than enough to render the NO suspect ... for me personally, quite unusable (although, of course, both valid and licit).

PF threatens Chinese-style 're-education' for anybody dim enough to have problems with the Novus Ordo (" ... to provide for the good of those who are rooted in the previous form of celebration and need to return in due time to the Roman Rite promulgated by Ss Paul VI and John Paul II ..."). We 'need' to have kindly sensitive people to assist us 'to return' to the 1970s; "to help them understand the essential principles of renewal called for in the Second Vatican Council", as PF's sad-eyed little friend Cupich put it. It is so important to boldly stride ahead from 2021 to 1970! But it would take a a terrible amount of the Maoist re-education threatened by Bergoglianity to drag me back to the flawed and tatty (though fully valid and totally licit) aging liturgical compilations of the Sanguinary Seventies. 

Been there. Done that. Now I know better. 

Thanks be to God that He did not leave me floundering in that old quagmire.

Anybody trying to 'accompany' me on such a prescribed Bergoglian journey 'back to Bugnini' (... hus lousamene eis kulismon borborou, as Scripture puts it ...) is likely to get a very special kicking at every step along the way.

AnP again:
Do yourselves a favor and read Fr. Hunwicke's essay.

An Préachán

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Important: New Research Shows 388,000 Americans Died of Covid Vaccines


Please review Steve Kirsch's article about the 388,000 Americans dead from the Covid vaccines and how he arrived at this figure. NO ONE will argue with him, not the CDC or FDA or anyone else; they just say he's mistaken and make no other comment. If they could produce actual arguments against Kirsch's findings, they would. They can't.

Also, this figure comports with other researchers' findings, especially using the numbers from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ("CMS"; you see it referred to as "CMS" with one M). That's been big news for us so-called "tin-hat" conspiracy nuts for some time. Kirsch's numbers match those. 

Mainstream New Media won't touch it either (of course they won't) nor will Congressional staffers. I'd be amazed if Tucker Carlson runs a report on this; simply amazed. It would cause a nuclear explosion. And if it sounds too fantastic, see this article about a Columbia University study.

Why is it so difficult for anyone to broadcast this? I see in other news that Bill Gates made $35 billion the past couple of years from the Covid "plandemic". Gates already had $50 billion in his "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" and that was used to buy politicians around the world. My friends, these huge sums of money buy a LOT of silence.
  • It's also nearly impossible to get Big Pharma to publicly admit it made a mistake or proffered bad drugs, as this short documentary by Dr. Sam Bailey discusses about the 1930s "miracle drug" that gave women cancer and deformed babies' genitalia. The drug was the infamous "DES" (Diethyl-Stilbestrol; even the name is ominous: "die" "Ethel" and give "still births). There are many such examples historically, of course, of "fully approved" and "safe and effective" wonder drugs that turned to be horrendous diasters. Yet still we need to be reminded, it seems. 
  • (All of Dr. Sam's videos at Odysee are worth watching. I highly recommend her.)
Gates himself is a very rich man, thanks to Covid-19, but he's also a "...narcissist monopolist megalomaniac who partnered with Fauci, a man with a similar personality disorder, to dominate international health care policy as a health care policy and epidemic-fighter übermensch," as the author of this review of Robert F. Kennedy's new book on Fauci puts it: Kennedy's book is definitely a must read. We MUST NOT let Gates and Fauci and Soros and Klaus Schwab get away with this murder. Over the next few years, we're going to be drowning in sick friends, relatives, colleagues and children. This is the biggest crime since the Dictators of WWII murdered tens of millions.

Kirsch has published the word is out. Many independent researchers will be checking and correlating and "running the numbers" in audits of Kirsch's work, and the pressure will build till it is a tsunami. But you need to know what's going on now, today; and you won't be told by the Mainstream Media.
We have been had. More than screwed. Far worse than ripped off. We've been murdered. Three-hundred thousand, nearly four-hundred thousand, killed. 

Isn't that worth a Congressional or Parliamentary hearing?

Spread the word.

An Préacháan

Monday, December 13, 2021

5G and Covid Eternal, Ireland Occupied, and The Year of Jubilee


An older person I know who is quite smart about many things but wholly given over to "us vs them" politics, recently wrote me the following line, in great glee:

"Republicans are dying of Covid at an alarming rate".

This is utterly silly and indeed, juvenile. No such fact is true, of course. Airplane pilots and athletes and everyone "vaccinated" are in trouble (for samples of the first two, see: (Hat-tip to TR) Scoring cheap political points as the world's Big Tech and Big Banking is about to snuff out our lives? Petty, indeed. Besides, "Left" and "Right" are deceptions these days; it's all "Uniparty" now, and the Uniparty around the world worships "The Jab" (for me and thee, of course, not them). This radiated, polluted world is the future they've planned for us. Or I mean, for those of us who refuse the "vaccines" poisons they're demanding we take.

The Truth About Covid: Once Again
I'll write it out again, as obviously it must be repeated: Covid doesn't exist. Never has. Sounds crazy, but consider: there's no CDC or Health Ministry or even private lab in the world that has SARS-CoV-2 virus vesicles in their lab, found-in-nature virus vesicles containing the full genome of this virus, isolated and characterized. Not one. Let me repeat that: There's no CDC or Health Ministry or even private lab in the world that has SARS-CoV-2 virus vesicles in their lab. Not one. It is said two labs in the world (supposedly only two) have a few Variola virus vesicles in a freezer, though I don't know if they're Variola major and Variola minor. Variola virus is supposed to cause smallpox. And recently Bill Gates and even Biden has suggested a new smallpox epidemic is possible. (Gee, imagine that. They're clearly planning something nasty.) But NO ONE has SARS-CoV-2, even after supposed millions of deaths and millions more sick from it, even after frenzied world-wide study of it, etc. That's because "Covid-19" is a product of computer programs cutting and pasting bits of genetics obtained from the messy "cell culture isolation" method. And that method is a joke.
  • "However, all of the computer models in the world don’t change the fact that the detected genetic sequences and proteins have never been shown to be part of a pathogenic virus. Due to its ongoing failures to demonstrate that alleged viral particles are capable of causing disease in a living host, virology is becoming nothing more than computer simulations. Omicron is the latest update in their virtual reality that is becoming increasingly disconnected from the natural world." Dr. Sam Bailey 
Virologists Themselves Affirm This
So, once again, the damn thing doesn't exist. At a recent symposium, a Chinese virology expert (20 years as the virology institute in Wuhan and 20 at Yale's virology department) was forced into admitting that the sputum of TEN-THOUSAND Covid-infected patients would not be enough to produce a sufficient supply of Covid viruses to be seen in an electron microscope. Maneuvered by Dr. Andrew Kaufman into admitting the sputum of two people, then five, then ten, then a hundred, etc., wouldn't be enough, Dr. Kaufman asked him if 10,000 people could provide enough sputum, and the virologist lamely said, "It's too small" and would answer no more questions.

Clearly, Covid is a fraud, and virology too, apparently. On February 16, 2016, the former virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka proved to the Federal Supreme Court of Germany (BGH) that virology had no evidence proving the measles virus existed. But Lanka, a true Richard Feyman or Kari Mullis type scientist, might as well "gone fishing" because the German government later re-mandated the measles "vaccine" for German children anyway. On top of that, ask any virologist anywhere whether a virus as ever been found (isolated and characterized) in any human being's body fluid. Ask them. It never has. In over 100 years of virology! This is one little window into the lying, deceitful "Alice in Wonderland" world of virology.

So, Why Do We Vaccinate?
I've written here before how Jenner's "vaccine cure" for smallpox actually didn't work, and how Polio just got itself renamed "Acute Flaccid Paralysis", which is "clinically indistinguishable from Polio." So let's cut to the chase:
  1. For decades, Big Pharma via bought and paid for government officials have been pumping us full of God-only-knows-what and we just can't escape this trap Big Pharma and Big Government have sprung on us. We may live a bit longer in "developed" countries than our grandparents did, but we're far fatter and less healthy than they; we're overweight and full of allergies and chronic health conditions that were unknown even 100 years ago. Autism has gone from one in ten thousand to one in thirty or twenty-something, and in a couple of decades every other kid will be Autistic.
  2. The Medical-Pharmaceutical Complex has us as trapped as the banks have us caged, if you consider our situation even for a moment. Today, we're all wage slaves in our own countries, hopelessly in debt, paying and paying and paying ever exorbitant prices (right now, especially so), and never catching up, like rats on an exercise wheel. And now the endless "vaccine" booster shots mimic even that. Charging interest rates on loans (traditionally known as usury, a sin) inevitably eventually places all the wealth of a nation's wealth creators in the hands of bankers (who never had to work to make anything).
  3. The history of the Netherlands and Poland is the history of wealthy nations slowly growing broke as bankers concentrated their wealth in their own hands. Bankers sparked the American Revolution by getting Parliament to cancel the Colonies' colonial script money. 
  4. Now Ireland is in the same Purgatory. The Irish are slaves in their own country, paying impossible prices for what their grandparents could easily afford; Ireland is a nation now ruled by multinationals and under occupation by foreigners from around the globe. Is it just a coincidence they are also in total lock down to Covid? They should arm themselves and drive out the banks like the American colonists drove out the British. Haha, right. They fought for 800 years to have Ireland for themselves and sold it away in half a generation. For the desire of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting have erred from the faith, and have entangled themselves in many sorrows. 1 Tim 6:10 Globalism kills, my friends, just as thoroughly as Big Pharma does.
5G and Covid
Meanwhile, as the powers-that-be dangle Covid in front of us to distract us from what is really happening, we are literally straining the gnat and swallowing the camel. Covid, and all its paraphernalia: the masks, the "vaccines" and the lockdowns and the ritual humiliations are just a distraction. A distraction from what? 5G is soaking the planet and messing up our bodies, because all life – human and otherwise – is essentially based on water and electricity. We are electrical beings. Therefore, when Elon Musk completes his planetary army of orbiting space bots soaking the planet with even more 5G, we're all going to be coughing up our last breaths. That, and let's not forget the use of "bio-fuels" that come from crops sprayed with the herbicide Roundup. (There's now a GMO soy that has Roundup genetically programmed into it! They couldn't just use GMO to make hardier, more nourishing crops, like the American Indians bred maze; nope, that had to have crops producing their own herbicide!) Burning bio-fuels soaks the atmosphere in Roundup particles, and they've known now for some time that cities using a lot of bio-fuels have much higher "Covid" infections.

But that is not on the evening news, is it? Neither is this:
  • Wuhan city, a massive metropolis inundated with all the modern industrial pollution a developing region can churn out, was the world's first metro area to be fully wired for 5G. That was completed in September 2019, and the first supposedly Covid pneumonia appeared just a month later. And also, Wuhan is on the mighty Yangtze River, which is actually the longest river in all Asia and third longest in the world (after the Nile and the Amazon). Wuhan is downstream on the Yangtze from the vast farming provinces that river drains, provinces where Roundup is sprayed thickly. Wuhan is also a center for bio-fuel use, coincidentally. (Cough, cough.) You don't hear that on the evening news, do you.
As Dr Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell write in:
The Contagion Myth (pages 139-140)
"Without getting too deep into the engineering of 5G technology, the important thing about 5G is that the pulsed millimeter waves, this new "spectrum" that will run our phones and computers faster, need to be "organized" by placing hundreds of thousands of satellites right into the ionosphere of the earth. These hundreds of thousands of satellites will emit their own electromagnetic frequencies that essentially beam these new, man-made signals down to the millions of receivers placed in our neighborhoods, stadiums, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, parks, farms, lakes, forests, oceans, and everywhere else on earth. The intention is to blanket the earth with these man-made electromagnetic fields. We know that these millimeter waves interfere with the availability of oxygen in the atmosphere and hence will also interfere with the ability of the mitochondria (bacteria) in our tissues to convert oxygen into energy. This is the main feature of 5G, exacerbated by aluminum poisoning, glyphosate poisoning, general air pollution, and all the many other toxins in our modern world – all contributing to the symptoms of 'Covid-19.'

"But none of this can match the consequence of putting hundreds of thousands of satellites into the ionosphere of the earth. If this is allowed to happen, not only will all life on earth be subject to the constant toxic effect of these harmful millimeter waves, as if that isn't bad enough, but the direct consequence of this folly is that the cosmic waves that from the furthest reaches of our cosmos will no longer be allowed to maintain their integrity in their journey to the earth... [thus, rather than forming naturally as it has from the beginning, earthly] Life will become formed under the influence of the computer code written by the self-styled new 'masters of our universe.' And, all this so we can have faster download speeds for our cellphones.

"Humanity is at a crossroads, and although we can present mitigation strategies that will transform the energy fields that constitute 5G technology...we should be clear. Covid-19 is the first wave of disease created by the introduction of this new technology. It is only the tip of the iceberg. Officials warn us that more waves are coming. They know."

Please take the time to read Cowan and Morell's book. Truly, it is vitally important.

Year of Jubliee
What we need is a Year of Jubilee. In the Old Testament, the Israelites had the Year of Jubilee every 50th year, and its "jubilee" consisted in releasing people from their debts, releasing all slaves, and returning property to those who owned it. (See Leviticus 25:1-13) It was a safety valve God designed precisely to prevent what we have now: the rise of the modern world of debt and bankers, which itself began when the Spanish exiled Jews from Spain and many of these exiles went to the Netherlands and Poland and Germany to set up banking houses. Jews themselves couldn't own land, etc., so trade and trade in money (money lending at interest) was a major source of income for them: think of the rise of the Rothschilds and Shylock in Shakespeare's play, and even Ebenezer Scrooge; he's actually a London Jewish money lender, of which many existed in Dicken's day. We need a revolution in thought wherein interest rates are legally kept very low and a debt-cancelling (especially health-debt cancelling) Year of Jubilee is applied to everyone, Jew or Gentile. It's the only way to break the economic cycle that's impoverishing us. 

Alas, I'm not going to hold my breath for that.

An Préachán