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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Nietzsche was right! (Wait...what?!?) “The coldest of all cold monsters.”

Yes, about some things, Nietzsche was right. My friends, it's time we brushed off our copies of Thus Spake Zarathustra.

Article from American Greatness: The Biden Regime Will Turn the Military on the People Unless We Push Back By Josiah Lippincott

An excerpt:
An P again: The whole article needs to be read by everyone. I don't know if the author's idea would work, but we have to try something.

One point I would make is that the U.S. Military is not made up of rural, peasant conscripts who live in Spartan barracks, cut off from the larger society. The U.S. Military is a volunteer force representative of cross sections of society. A majority of them might have the most severe qualms about shooting or bombing their own people.

A second point is obvious, as well. The U.S. Military performing such actions against their own people would preclude them from stopping foreign aggression in almost any form.

I would note finally, however, for a third point: even a relatively small use of the actual U.S. Military forces against American citizens, as opposed to say the FBI or ATF, etc., would not only shatter "the social contract" the United States was founded on, more practically, it would shatter supply chains and power generation, etc., most of which are produced by conservative American workers (truckers, oil workers), all of whom would strike or fight, thus causing catastrophic economic upheaval and the stopping of food deliveries in many major urban regions. (We're having troubles galore now, actually.) Government and cultural elites and international Globalists generally cannot change a light bulb or unplug a sink. So, in short, we'd have mass starvation in a very short time.

Bottom line: should the government elites actually unleash "the dogs of war" on American citizens – whether armed American citizens fought back or not – everything would collapse into a savage dystopia. Fast.

It'd be a self-imposed Armageddon. That's not to say the elites are smart enough not to do it. They're not. They started World War I that way. But only Nietzschean "supermen" would survive it all.

An Préachán

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