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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Lanka has proved the sequencing of the Covid genome was a fraud


This is perhaps my most important email.

As the world slides into Totalitarianism, led by Austria and Australia, and closely backed by many other countries and some American states – unless we the people truly rise up and put a stop to it, something not impossible as such revolutions often result when some otherwise insignificant Army major or police captain suddenly turns on their government, as happened at the end of the Soviet government in Russia – but as we slide into a very grim future dictated as much by eugenics and bio-terrorism as was done in Nazi Germany, Stefan Lanka has shown that the sequencing of the Covid genome, and indeed, the whole of virology, is a fraud.

How? What exactly did Lanka do? (Besides think for himself, that is?) This is so important that I took the time to transcribe a good bit of an October 23 interview with Dr. Tom Cowan where Dr. Cowan explains what Lanka did. I knew, and reported here, that he and Dr. Andrew Kaufman were supporting Dr. Stefan Lanka (formally a brilliant virologist but he tossed the "virologist" title in disgust some time ago) in Lanka's experiments to prove just this: the genome sequencing of the Covid vaccine was faked.

Here's the transcription. South African "Jerm" of "Jerm Warfare" was the interviewer. You can find the whole interview here

The excerpt:
(11:35 minutes in; Dr. Tom Cowan speaking)
When you ask medical doctors [how they know a virus is causing a disease], this is what they say: You take a person who is sick, or 100 people or a 1,000 people, they all have the same symptoms, like measles, chickenpox, or supposedly Covid, or mumps, or the flu – any quote "viral disease" – and you look through any biological fluid they have, blood, urine, feces, snot, eye fluid, any fluid, and you have to really listen to this. There's not one published study in world medical literature of any pathogenic – that is, a disease-causing virus –  being found in any biological fluid from any sick person, ever. (12:28) [Jerm says, "None?"] Dr. Cowan says: None!

...(12:35) Now, you may agree or not agree with that, but let me tell you the people who do agree [with the statement] "There is not one published study of any virus that supposedly causes disease being found in any fluid of any sick person." So, in writing now to 120 different health authorities like the CDC, the FDA, NIH, and South African Ministry of Health, they've all been asked, "Do you have any published paper of SARS-CoV-2 or any pathogenic virus being found in the bodily fluid of any sick person?" They said no. No! We've asked the authors of the six leading papers that were the six original papers saying that SARS-CoV-2, that's the name of the virus, is the cause of Covid, that's the disease, and the papers were titled "The Isolation and Characterization of SARS-CoV-2". "Isolation" means they found the virus, and we asked them, did you find the virus in any bodily fluid of any sick person? And they all said, "No, we did not attempt to do that." (14:00)  
Now, there's another person; so, the health authorities said I'm right, the authors of the six leading papers on SARS-CoV-2 said I was right, and then I was asked to give a talk about what I usually say to a group of world-wide activists and lawyers, you know, the intelligentsia of the freedom movement. Right? And they're not happy with what I'm saying. So they invited a couple of virologists, including a Chinese guy who is 20 years senior virologist at the Wuhan Center for Disease Control, Institute of Virology, and then 20 years at Yale University, senior pathologist and head of their Virology Laboratory. Right? 40 years. You would think this guy knows something about virology, right? He was there to say, "Tom is crazy." So, I did my thing and I said, "Is there any published case of a SARS-CoV-2 being found in the fluid of any person who is sick with Covid?" Answer: "No."

        "Why not?"

"There's not enough virus to see."

So, I was with Andy then [Dr Andrew Kaufman], and Andy had the presence of mind to say, "What about if you mix ten people's sputum together, would there then be enough virus to see?" He said "No." What about 100 people? "What about 100 people? You mix the 100 people – all of whom you say have Covid, their fluid – would there then be virus to see?" He said, "No". "What about 1000 people?" He said, "No." What about 10,000 people?" He said, quote, "There's not enough virus to see." And then he wouldn't answer any more. (16:04)

So anybody who thinks that you can find a virus in any fluid of any sick person, is just clearly and absolutely mistaken because that's never been done. Now, the question then, is that's how you should do it. You get a bunch of people who's sick and use a very specific technique – this is not a technical problem – you take that sputum, you macerate it (like put it in a blender), filter it, centrifuge it, get a band, you suck the band out, the only thing in the band is these particles the size and consistency of a virus, they have a protein coat, they have a genetic interior, you characterize it, and that is called "isolation" and finding the virus: that has never been done. So how do they do it? Why are there 2,000 to 10,000 papers called the isolation of the measles virus, the mumps virus, chickenpox, SARS-CoV-2, MERS, HIV? What do they do? Why are they writing a paper saying they found the virus? Here's what they did. And it started in 1954 when they realized they couldn't find the virus in any fluid of any sick person. (17:33); [This is where Tom discusses "Cell Culture Isolation" and John Franklin Enders, who won the 1954 Nobel for Medicine/Physiology, etc.]

(17:33) So, a guy named John Enders, he took snot from somebody with measles, he filtered it, which is not isolation, right? It's like making coffee. You grind it, you filter it, and you have coffee, which has lots of things in it. Then he put that with milk, then he mixed that with horse serum, bovine embryonic fluid, and fetal calf serum. And then he spread that on monkey kidney cells. And nothing happened. Then he took away the nutrients from the cells that were growing. He starved them, and nothing happened. And then he added antibiotics that are specifically toxic to kidney cells. And then the kidney cells broke down into a million pieces. And he said, "That proves there was a virus." (18:33)

And the particles it broke down in, he said, those are the measles virus. Now, here's what's interesting. He did the same experiment with the horse serum, the calf serum, you know, starved it on antibiotics, milk, etc. But the second time he didn't add anything from anybody with measles. Right, you with me? [Jerm, "Yeah."] And you know what happened? It broke down in exactly the same way. He said, quote: "The results were indistinguishable." Which means, it had nothing to do with measles, because there was nothing from the measles person in there. It was because he poisoned and starved the monkey kidney cells, or the horse serum, or something, broke down. And when tissue dies, it forms these little particles which we've known about for 80 years, which look like what are called viruses. (19:50)  [N.B. These vesicles are usually called "exosomes", I believe, and they're known to be indistinguishable from viruses. See below.]
(20:30) Now Stefan, Andy and I – Stefan (Stefan Lanka) was a virologist – and he reproduced this study. We helped support and fund it, and we did the whole thing all over again. We took cells, and we grew them and they were fine. And then we added calf serum, and they were fine. And then we added a little bit of antibiotics, and they were fine. And then we took away the nutrients, exactly like all of the isolation experiments, and then we added the same antibiotics that they had to all the isolation experiments, and the tissue broke down – proving it was a virus. But there was no virus anywhere in there. There was just normal tissue, fetal calf serum, antibiotics: take away the nutrients, breaks down. That is the proof that a virus exists. It's called the cytopathic effect. Means 'cells killing'. If they see the cells die, they say that proves its a virus. And we've proved that the cell killing comes because we starve and poison the tissue. There's no virus involved at all. And there we go. That's the whole story right there. (22:00)

(22:02) And so every analysis, every genome, every variant, is based on the breakdown of the tissue, [in] which there's no virus. And then by the way, so we had no virus, we added some RNA from yeast, and then we sequenced the entire SARS-CoV-2 genome. Which was never in there because there was nothing from anybody with Covid or anything. So we literally sequenced the genome just by adding RNA from yeast, which has no virus in it. Proving that the sequencing of the genome is a complete fraud. (22:47)

AnP again:
Nota Benes:
  1. Stefan Lanka's recreation of the Covid genome by way of Enders experiments and the addition of a little yeast has to be the most outrageous revelation in medical (AND politcal) history. We MUST spread this news to as many as possible in order to bring and end of this madness. This has to stop, NOW.
  2. Stefan Lanka's repeating the experiments of John Franklin Enders, both the original experiments and the "control" experiment – the one without Covid – should be itself put an end to the Covid hoax. Enders' "cell culture isolation" is ridiculous, manifestly so, but it has been how viruses have been "identified and characterized" since 1954. No. Enough. Just stop this. We must demand an end to this virology merry-go-round. We've been defrauded or 70-plus years. Now to the point of losing our liberties and our rights. No. Enough. (N.B. Enders' isolation is called "cell culture isolation" and the other one Dr. Cowan explained in depth is call "ultracentrifugation".)
  3. Important to note: John Franklin Enders at least had the courage to run a "control group" experiment, and to actually report on it. This is a big mark in his honor. In publications in both 1954 and 1957, Enders clearly said his new method was hardly perfect, and more needed to be done. The unscrupulous bottom-feeders of virology have never really tried to match Enders' control group record. They almost never run a control group.
  4. Remember that Enders' 1954 experiment resulted because virologists could not find viruses in the first place. After Louis Pasteur came up with the idea of viruses out of his imagination, basing the idea on bacteria, only much smaller, scientists tried various means to filter them and characterize them, without much success. Then in mid-1930s, the electron microscope came online, and scientists immediately used it to find viruses, only they couldn't. They found tiny vesicles, protein coated, near or with decaying or dying or dead tissue, and assumed these were viruses, but the variety of these particles (most are exosomes, etc.) gave them pause, as did the electron microscope's inability to observe any living matter at all: That made it useless to prove viruses and how they were supposed to behave. (A virus supposedly invades your body, attacks your cells, rapes them, impregnates them with its own defective DNA, and reproduces itself so lustily it explodes the cell! This has NEVER been seen to happen. It is a supposition.
  5. Remember that exosomes look just like viruses. In his short work titled: Breaking the Spell The Scientific Evidence for Ending the Covid Delusion, Dr Cowan relates the following paper by Giannessi F, Aiello A, Franchi F, et al., i.e.: The role of extracellular vesicles as allies of HIV, HCV and SARS viruses. Viruses, 2020; 12(5):571. doi: 10.3390/v12050571). From that paper, Dr. Cowan quotes: "The remarkable resemblance between EVs [extracellular vesicles] and viruses has caused quite a few problems in the studies focused on the analysis of EVs released during viral infections.... However, to date, a reliable method that can actually guarantee a complete separation does not exist." "A reliable method...does not exist." Translated, that means, "We're clueless." (This new book has a chapter on exosomes with many academic references.)
  6. Certainly, my friends, the testimony of the Chinese virologist with 40 years experience should most definitely be "Game Over" for the Covid fraud all by itself. Sputum is "saliva and mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract, typically as a result of infection or other disease " (online definition) and surely counts as relevant body fluid. Being unable to find a virus from the sputum of 10,000 people is absurd. SARS-CoV-2 is supposedly is highly infectious, blankets the planet, spreads aggressively everywhere by coughs and even breathing via body fluid droplets, soaks itself into environments of all kinds, and yet in the sputum of 10,000 (or obviously any greater number) of people, it cannot be "seen", no matter what? No, my friends, no, no; this is the definition of male bovine excrement. Drive this clown out of the room with brooms and mops and chase him, and just about every other virologist, down the street and out of town. By his obstinate and self-serving comments, he has shown – what with his high status in virology – that virology is a crap science. It was founded by a fraudster, Pasteur, and is itself a fraud. Alas, a world-wide Frankenstein-level fraud. Virology exists in a symbiotic relationship with Big Pharma: it produces viruses for Big Pharma to make money off of, and in return is fed big bucks to keep itself in existence. It's a parasite.
  7. Simple query: If Covid is so small that 10,000 people can't cough up enough of it, why are we having to wear masks and "practice social distancing"? Hmmm?
  8. Some time ago, Canadian lady also wrote Health Departments around the world using the Freedom of Information act, with the same results Dr. Tom mentioned. (Reported in LifeSiteNews.) Individuals in various countries have written their own heath departments, as well, with everywhere the same result: no actual Covid virus vesicles are in their possession. That's because the infernal thing doesn't exist. It's infected tens of millions and killed millions, and been researched like nothing else, but golly-gee, we just can't find it. Yeah, right.
  9. Clearly, the word "isolation", like "inconceivable" as used by Vizzinni in The Princess Bride, "doesn't mean what you think it means." (Sometimes "purified" is substituted now in virology. Whatever. )
  10. Many will ask, "If SARS-CoV-2 does not exist, what is killing people?" The answer is that despite fact the annual flu disappeared in 2020/2021, the world mortality rate (despite a few short spikes here and here, like NYC) did not rise; in fact, it was bit lower than average. It has, however, begun to rise very noticeably in 2021. Now, what do we have circulating around the world in 2021 that we didn't have in 2020? Think about it.
Pass this along, please.

An Préachán

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