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Monday, November 15, 2021

Finally, the Coup de Grâce for Covid, revealing it as the Crime of the Century


As pressure mounts ever higher – for example, Austria today will "lock-down" ALL unvaccinated citizens! That's millions of people – there's a new paper you must all read before the Internet is closed down. It's entitled The Covid-19 Fraud & War On Humanity, by New Zealand medicos Dr Mark Bailey and Dr John Bevan-Smith. It's a long article (46 pages), and in those 46 pages it gives the coup de grâce to the Covid fraud. "The Devil is in the details", and it has all the imps, hobgoblins, fallen powers and principalities of Hell "isolated" and "purified" (to use virology terms), all of them, and I highly recommend it. Read it and you'll know everything you need to about Covid.
  • It's horrifying, but it must be read. And I'm sure more and more such papers will soon appear, what with the increasing national mortality rates being reported from many countries around the world, what with even mainstream news noticing the numbers of young athletes collapsing during matches and even dying from the "clot shot", what with average people having family and friends getting sick – and talking to more and more people about their situations. (News of that is all over the Internet and thus it must be closed down to stop people waking up. I myself just discovered a long-time friend, double-vaccinated, maybe treble, recently developed internal bleeding in the brain and was rushed to the hospital. He survived it, thank God.) And of course as governments such as those in Australia and New Zealand, and many "elsewheres" like Austria, institute ever-more crazy, "over-the-top" draconian strictures of all kinds – it is massively apparent we no longer live in (much of) a free society.
As for myself, over the past couple of years, I've sent around a lot of material on and about Covid. Since the story first began, I've been trying to follow it and, as I was trained as a journalist many years ago and after spending a working lifetime in various jobs that usually had research as an essential component, I know how to not accept what I'm told at "face value" – but to be skeptical, to take a second look, and to pry under a few mossy stones. That's especially true of anyone who might have cause to "not speak the whole truth" because huge amounts of money are involved, as with Big Pharma, or with bureaucratic types who've spent a lifetime manipulating governments. (What passes for journalism today would have outraged my long-dead university professors. It's essentially "journalism by men without chests, to paraphrase C.S. Lewis.) Now, there's a fine line between being skeptical and paranoid, and often – increasingly over time – I've held back in my writings to some degree because I didn't want to be labeled a paranoid.

Well, I've now seen evidence that we all need to be scared to death of what "Covid" is about.

Over the past year, I've called Covid a hoax and a fraud for many reasons, and over time I've read enough of virology science papers and their reviews by medically trained critics who know how to read the papers to reveal the lies, cheats, and non sequiturs that many of these "science" documents entail – so much so that I've come believe, like the exuberant German scientist Stefan Lanka, who refuses any longer to call himself a "virologist" – that virology is a crap science and I absolutely know SARS-CoV-2 (a.k.a. Covid, Covid-19, Coronavirus) doesn't exist, not in nature. (The science papers quoted by health authorities to prove it does actually say, in the details, that they haven't.)

Yes, this is literally true. It is a con. John Enders and two collegues won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine "for their discovery of the ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in cultures of various types of tissue." They invented "cell culture isolation" because no one could then, nor have they since, "isolated" or "purified" virus vesicles from other exosomes. The kicker is, Enders admitted his method didn't really work, either. But it has been used since then to "isolate" viruses. (I have an important note at the end of this email about that issue today.)

And on top of that, it's been proven the famous "spike protein" that "experts" and the media trumpeted supposedly made Covid so dangerous was legally patented before Covid ever appeared, patented in the U.S. Patent Office. This is for real. There are formal records of this, people. Official Patent Office records. It is not hearsay. And in any event, you cannot patent a naturally occurring substance (legally, at least). And this was done years ago. C'mon, talk about a "smoking gun"! Once this news came out, it should have been "Game Over" for Covid, but the media and government ignored it.

That's just one example of the fraud. This New Zealand paper is also important because for the first time I've seen the sequence of events and persons who created the Covid genome in China. It is all laid out here. The paper details just how "Covid" was conjured up and reviews the initial papers. And of course there's a thorough section on the wretched PCR test. (I see mobile PCR testing vans all over Budapest now. They might as well be labeled "Ministries of Covid Propaganda" or "Clot-shot Trailers" or "Free bloodclots 4 U!"I keep thinking of Professor Sucharit Bhakdi warning, "That blood is going to clot!")

Now these two New Zealand doctors have not only published a paper detailing the fraud of Covid on every level, they include an appendix of absolute horror about some autopsies on vaccinated people done in Germany done not long ago, and also statements by investigators into the Covid "vaccines" that show nanotechnology in the "vaccines". Yes, the nanotechnology evidence is now absolutely beyond refutation. You can see images of these, and not electron microscope images, but regular light microscope images! Regarding proof of this nanotechnology, I may be allowed to present a short excerpt (I detail more on it further below):
  • According to the presenters, none of these objects has ever been found in traditional vaccines and should not be inside human bodies. Their shapes ranged from SIM-card lookalikes to long-beaded filaments and large rock-like shapes. They appear to be metallic structures. None of the experts knew what they were for. “Neither Dr Burkhardt nor Dr Lang had ever seen these objects in their many decades of experience”, yet “these non-biological materials have evidently “been injected into hundreds of millions of people.”(110) As Holger Fischer, a German attorney and panel member, opined, “We do not have to have the burden of proof. If you had a lemonade with this sort of contamination it would be off the market immediately.” Maria Hubmer-Mogg, a physician from (111) Austria, concurred. “These vaccinations need to removed immediately and their emergency use revoked.” Referring to the narrative of fear, she added, “People now want to vaccinate their children, even their toddlers. This is something unimaginable, this is pure madness, and this madness must be stopped. immediately.”
  • (Note the Austrian physician; wonder if he'll be "locked-down today, or just "locked up"?)
Friends, all this is a crime against humanity. The Crime of this century, in fact, as the Holocaust and the Communist murder rampages were the crimes of the last miserable century. This truly is Nuremberg War Crimes Trial-level stuff. All of it involves governmental seizure of power and experimentation on entire populations. Did any of you really think the Nazis were unique? Hitler often plainly said he got his eugenicist ideas from 1920s American Eugenicists. Today, "Eugentics" is called by a new name: "Transhumanism".

As noted above, the paper is titled:

As of now, I think one might have to subscribe to her newsletter (it's free) to get a PDF file (free) of this article by Dr. Mark Bailey. Let me know if you cannot find it.

The entire article is 46 pages, therefore in lieu of my usual long excerpts, I will only copy the “Contents” to give you an idea of what it contains.


Abstract 3

P A R T  O N E

The globalist agenda 4

The Trojan Horse 8

Virology’s double deception 9

The four pillars of the COVID-19 fraud 10

The first pillar: Isolation 11

P A R T  T W O

The second pillar: Genomic sequencing 20

The third pillar: PCR 22

The fourth pillar: Outbreak modelling 28

P A R T  T H R E E

In summary 32

Conclusion 33


Crimes against humanity 35

The final insult 45

About the authors 46

An P again: More importantly (if that is possible) than all the fantastic detail on the Covid fraud, everyone needs to read the article's report on a press conference held on 20 September 2021 at the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen, Germany, that I quoted from above. In part one of the press conference, pathologists who autopsied people who "died in temporal context of being administered Covid 'vaccines', including Comirnaty and Pfizer", discussed their findings, and the article has some of their report and also photos they took of human tissue. The second part of the conference is titled: "Undeclared Components of Covid-19 Vaccines". The researchers revealed what they found in "vaccine" samples: all sort of science-fiction like horrors. Long, weird objects of all sorts, and nano-machine-like things that look like computer chips and circuit boards. Non-biological items galore. They provide photos from the microscope. This part of the conference also featured "participants, including physicians across and outside of Germany."
  • N.B. American Dr. Carrie Madej has been reporting similar findings for some months. People dismiss her as a nut no matter how she presents her research. Now these German researchers have found the same thing, and many others are speaking up. It is irrefutable.
What else can I say? Things are coming to a head. In the time left, please get the article. Read it to the end. Demand your government representatives read it, demand they end this insanity now. Although, sadly, it might be too late. Maybe God will intervene.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider says the one thing God won’t allow is human beings recreating the human race via genetic manipulation and nanotechnology. Why? That’s an absolute infringement on God’s creative role and a true Babel Tower program (if you don't know that story, it's at Genesis 11: 1-9).

An Préachán  

PS As I mentioned above: one final observation. It's from an interview Dr Tom Cowan gave to Mike Adams eight months ago:

(42:10 Tom Cowan) All I can say is, science, logic, and common sense dictate that if you what to claim that something causes something else, you have to separate that from everything else. So I'm going to read you what a representative of the Robert Koch Institute in Germany said, when asked whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus was ever isolated and characterized. This is essentially the CDC in Germany. And I'm quoting from this: "I am not aware of a paper which purifies isolated SARS-CoV-2." Essentially, that's the end of the story. Because if you haven't isolated it, there's no way to say whether this piece of genetic material which you're doing a PCR test [to find it in you] could possibly have come from that virus. So, the whole thing breaks down. It's very simple, it's very clear, it's very logical and it's pure common sense. And it is about time we woke up and see what's happening. (43:17)

Mike Adams, the interviewer, then notes that this is a pretty shocking way of thinking but from time to time in history scientific revolutions occur where old paradigms are tossed out, and that this may be one of those times.

AnP finis  

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