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Sunday, August 15, 2021

We're all "domestic terrorists" now...

 Didn't know we were notorious, did ye?

The United States Department of Homeland Security made a quiet and alarming announcement yesterday, creating the official position of the United States Government under the Joe Biden regime. [SEE DHS STATEMENT HERE]  According to the statement, if you question the orthodoxy, mandates, or COVID-19 response from the U.S. government, you are now considered a “terrorist”, specifically a “Domestic Violent Extremist” (DVE).

This is quite a remarkable development and seems to underpin the tenuous, unstable and fragile disposition of the current regime.  The Department of Homeland Security seems rather paranoid in their need to label anyone who would question the COVID-19 response.  More than half the country would now be defined as dissidents and domestic terrorists within their our homeland.  Think about that.

An P again: indeed, think about it. And then, check out Dr. Ryan Cole's explanation of how dangerous the vaccines actually are. 

Dr Cole gives a standard medicine explanation of viruses and how they work, and how the "vaccines" don't work, and refers to a number of international studies now published from the UK and Israel.

From the show notes:
I am NOT anti-vaccine. I am pro-good science. My body, my choice.

Step back and look at the data and forget the politics. A quick analysis of the situation without fear and media hype. We need to have courage and logic and approach this in a manner the preserves liberty and protects people.

It is criminal these mandates for our young people.

Leave the kids alone, they survived this 100%. We are seeing a 200% increase in heart damage in our young men after this. This damage is scarring the heart, that's long-term! This is unethical, and a violation of morality.

This new 'variant is a 'scarient'. This is turning into what all coronaviruses turn into - a common cold.

If you want to be a subject in an experiment and think it's going to be a benefit to you. Your body your choice, be fully informed about what your risks are.

We shouldn't be coercing people into a shot where one of the potential side effects is DEATH!

And remember, Dr. Ryan Cole would now be deemed, by the Biden Regime, to be a domestic terrorist.

An Préachán

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