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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Latin Mass, Jews, & "Pope Francis is tearing the Catholic Church apart..."


Here's some reflection on the Traditional Latin Mass issues that the Catholic Church seems to be wrestling with.
First, a long but detailed article at this extremely helpful site: the, to which I repair often for Sunday and Weekday Propers and much else beside. I highly recommend the site. They say, BTW: A NOTE TO THE FRIENDS AND USERS OF THIS SITE:
While we are saddened by the lack of charity evinced in the motu proprio "Guardians of Tradition," and, while our site's name may have been 'abrogated' - we are not going away.
Be assured, our mission to propagate the Mass of the Ages will continue unabated.
An P again:
There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes of any even small event, let along a major one. I'm sure there's a lot of "worms in the wainscot" regarding the current occupant of the See of Peter and his attempt to squish the TLM. Please be cognizant of the fact that any "Modernist" in the Church believes, deep down, that the Church MUST "modernize" or "evolve" or "reform" radically if it is to survive. So strong is this idea in Modernists that I'm sure if you could somehow infallibly (pun intended) peer into Bergoglio's mind, you would find, even more deeply than any religious dogma, this idea that the Church must evolve and change to suit the times or it will die. Ergo, since TLM is "rigorous" and its priests and congregations are "rigorous", they have to be eliminated. 

  • This notion exists because Modernism, which began in the mid-19th century in Protestant Germany, was heavily influenced by Darwin and the theory of evolution. Really, Modernists believe that all life evolves, human life has evolved, humans evolve during their own lifetimes, going to idea to idea, and the Church must evolve. Ultimately, of course, they believe God evolves. God is something we created, ourselves, and the Modernist "higher criticism" has revealed the Bible is the evolutionary history of our evolving religious belief.
  • This is why the vast majority of sexual deviance in the Church's ranks occurs among those – regardless of just when they were ordained – who embraced the basic tenets of Modernism. After all, if we're evolving all this, then sexual morality evolves, too, right? And all those old, careful, even draconian strictures of the lives of priests and religious, well, we've evolved far, far beyond those! Alas, these "grandiose ascenders", obnoxious "I'm too spiritual for carnal desire or sin" types are easy prey for Satan. Communists have long known this. Their rule was never try to logically argue atheism with a cleric of any sort. Just get 'em drunk and "shacked up" and you've "won" the argument! (There's actually something weirdly Cathar-like, Albigensian, in all Modernists.)

The Jews
The Traditional Latin Mass isn't muti-cultural friend, esp to Jews

It is controversial to many to bring Jews up in any context, but it is a necessity regarding the TLM once you consider it. Why? Because they're not fans of the TLM. For those Jews of influence in the world, the Catholic Church is a concern. (Christianity is a concern!) They want it to refrain from anything that might encourage what they consider antisemitism, at worst, or renewed conversions of Jews (even worse). In the world we live in, even criticism of Israeli government policies can easily get one called "antisemitic". And with Muslim attacks on Jews in Europe, one can see why they're so touchy. But Islam is not Christianity.

Jews and the Church
One thing you won't hear much about, unless you are remotely familiar with E. Michael Jones (many consider him anathema), is the strength of Jewish influence the modern Church. There's always been a back and forth between the two since Our Lord's days in Galilee and Judea. Christians are supposed to be the "new Jews", the "Synagogue of the Risen Messiah King", the "grafted in" inheritors of the ancient Covenants. That is insulting to Jews by itself, but St. Paul clearly teaches Jews are lost unless they convert. Now, that is anathema to Jews, and has been since the beginning. (Most early Christians were Jews, of course.)

Yet they've played a significant role in the Church since Vatican II because the Holocaust occurred in nominally Christian (mostly Catholic) countries, at the hands of people who were, nominally in many cases, "Christian", and important figures in the Church have been deeply shamed ever since. Indeed, one of the reasons behind calling Vatican II was to somehow make the Church morally relevant after World War II, and make up for what a lot of critics considered its failure during the Nazi period.

So, Vatican II produced the document NOSTRA AETATE to patch things up with the Jews in particular. But again, the two religions, though Biblically and in Christ Himself "joined at the hip" in Siamese Twins style, just are pretty much mutually exclusive. So, some Jews, certainly, were they to have a mind to, are in a position and have motive to influence the Church. Jones makes the case – and it is easy to make – that Jews put the kibosh on the TLM because of course, bringing it back restores a lot of supposedly "anti-Semitic" New Testament texts that have been studiously left out entirely from the Novus Ordo Mass.
  • Jones also thinks Jozef Ratzinger is sort of "bi-polar" considering he came of age in an occupied Germany that nearly starved in the winter of '46/47 because the infamous Morgenthau Plan, something (Jones doesn't mention) didn't happen that winter in part because of the exertions of one Herbert Hoover, former U.S. president. (No one ever seems to remember that Hoover had an important "after-life" after he left the White House.) George Marshall would later put the kibosh on the Morgenthau Plan, and replace it with his (surprise, surprise) "Marshall Plan". 
So much for ancient history. Why would certain Jewish concerns (George Soros, for example, or influential Jews in academia) be concerned with the TLM? And if they they were, what could they do to the Church? Well, it is not antisemitic to observe that influential Jews do make up an important segment of the world's banking and financial services area, and the Church is a "big business", with land holdings galore, investments in all sorts of enterprises, good and bad, and huge funds stored up over the past 100 years or so. In Germany, the Catholic Church is the largest employer outside the governmental system (Bild asserts this). And we all know, or ought to, that financial scandals are an even bigger millstone around the Church's neck than the sex scandals. Bergoglio himself infamously "rehabilitated" the putrid, diabolical Theodore McCarrick to go to China and "make a deal" with the Chicoms that involved betraying the underground Church there, for money. (McCarrick is far, far, light-years far more evil, carnally insane and putrid than ANY Renaissance Pope, or all of them together – or basically anyone since Judas Iscariot – to serve in the Church.) "Reform" of the financial aspects of the Vatican seem far more impossible than reform of anything else!

Therefore it would easy enough for important financial concerns to jerk Bergoglio's chain. (It has been long alleged that Benedict XV had to become "Father Benedict" because the Vatican bank lost its ability to serve its bank teller machine.) Bergoglio is also a Jesuit, and for a number of reasons, those Jews of influence who bother about the Catholic Church naturally have more access to him than they would, say, to Ratzinger or even Karol Wojtyła, who grew up with Jews as neighbors and friends in pre-war Poland.

So all in all, I think it is a good bet that culturally influential people, whether Jewish or cultural/entertainment big shots (often Jews, of course) do NOT want to see a restoration of a strong Catholic identity via the TLM – and all that goes with it; i.e. strong families, traditional morality, etc. Remember that during the '20s and '30s, the Catholic Church backed "National Legion of Decency" played havoc with Hollywood's incessant demoralization (literally) of the popular culture. A Catholic Church buggering boys and mouthing saccharine platitudes fits better for ANYONE seeking to make money off of "sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll."

"Pope Francis is tearing the Catholic Church apart..."
Michael Brendan Dougherty is not someone I quote from often, but he's always been very strong on the Traditional Latin Mass. He had an op ed at the NYTimes, and I refuse to even register with them, but I found it here at this site. I recommend it. (Not a high recommendation, exactly, but a solid one, nonetheless.)

Fr. Zuhlsdorf has an important, and very short post, here. This one IS a must read.

But Bergoglio is not the only one in these insane times ripping up, tearing apart, out-and-out trying to destroy something they're charged with protecting. We see that in the U.S. to an absolutely insane level. Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote powerfully of that, here

The bottom line is common-sense clear: neither Bergoglio nor Biden can be legitimate holders of their offices. We may well be imprisoned tomorrow for any number of reasons, but at least we don't have to warp our minds thinking legitimate rulers are doing this to us. To paraphrase Ann Barnhardt, "The Catholic Church is [not] an abuse cult that operates on gaslighting and Stockholm syndrome!" Even if Bergoglio tries to make it that.

Indeed, it is is not.

An Préachán

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