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Monday, July 19, 2021

Troubling One's House: Wrecking the Papacy to Denounce Bergoglio...


With his publication and clear intent to forcefully implement his fateful motu proprio, Traditionis custodes, Jorge Bergoglio is clearly "troubling his own house." (Proverbs 11:29 He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind; And the foolish shall be servant to the wise of heart.) Bergoglio has been doing almost nothing BUT "troubling his own house". 

He's now gone into high gear, as it were, in troubling his own house with Traditionis custodes. Yet – and please consider the supreme and devilish irony of this – in their efforts to try to corral Bergoglio over the past near decade, and especially now, many Trads and "Conservative" Catholics end up troubling THEIR OWN houses!

Why? One of the supremely nasty things about Bergoglio is that in order to get around the Argentine's craziness, to try to reign it in or in some way mitigate what The Ogre is doing, they denounce the office of the papacy in some degree, i.e. its power and scope. 

This is an essential problem if one accepts that Bergoglio is legitimately pope. If he is legitimately pope, he legitimately has the power to do almost anything – that's within the Deposit of Faith, of course. The kicker is, HE gets to decide to an incredible length just what that Deposit is. 

THIS is the trouble we've been having since Bergoglio's "election". 

Yet of course, if Bergoglio is not legitimately pope, should his election have been a sham, a coup d'état ecclesiastical, then all this trouble goes away. Poof! 

We have every reason to think Bergoglio was in no way legitimately elected: Benedict was clearly forced from office in a long-term operation done on many levels, mirroring the attempts to remove President Trump, and as with Trump, the efforts ended with a fraudulent election! The parallels are astounding.

Poor Benedict with his butler leaking private documents to the press and finally even with the Vatican's bank teller machine stopping to work; then there's the whole story with "the Saint Gallen Mafia" that is notorious, how they planned to put in Bergoglio when Benedict was elected, all that; and then Bergoglio's antics while in office that are "unpapal" in the extreme: pagan worship in the Vatican, embrace of the homosexual agenda, and now his clear intent, King Herod-like, to murder the children of Bethlehem, the small but vibrant and growing TLM movment. 

So, in fighting Bergoglio over the past eight years, many Trads and "Conservative" Catholics who accept the Argentine's election as legitimate have in effect been whittling away at the power of the papacy in order to try to corral the rogue "pope". You see that now in arguments that Bergoglio does not have the power to overturn Benedict, i.e. cancelling Pope Benedict's motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. The papal power was not supposed to be limited in this "worldly" legalistic/ersatz-constitutional fashion, but rather limited by charity, prudence, and faith.  

The power of the office is immense, and for any true Vicar of Christ, it ought to be very carefully used. And it has to be used with prudence and charity, for the position of the papacy is crucial, in fact, to the Faith. It is the oldest continuous office of any kind to on Earth. It is where "the buck stops". It's the final (Earthly) authority of the whole Christian Faith (despite what Prots and the 14 Orthies might say – their own chaos show how necessary the papacy is). And obviously such an office needs to be careful guarded – most primary in that defense is preventing the wrong man from assuming it! 

As Our Lord Christ's vicar, His vizier, His Prime Minister, a pope is only answerable to God Himself. So, a pope has the power to do most anything to support the bishops in their teaching and preaching and holding the Deposit of Faith. But deep wisdom is required. For it is often morally wrong to do something that could be otherwise licit but is in fact a sin against charity. In the process of this use of power, therefore, one has to be prayerful, humble, and Faith-filled. One has to be something very rare in the modern world: wise.

And it is not wise to "trouble one's house."  

Wisdom. If Bergoglio has "wisdom" it isn't heavenly wisdom, for it is not wisdom to trouble one's own house. 

Therefore I insist it is madness to insist on Bergoglio's election to the office was licit. That just ties one into hopeless, never-ending Gordian Knots. We see that in a flood-tide of knots now! And no, the papacy is not vacant. The office has had a properly elected pope all this time, Benedict. (He insists he no longer pope; does that make him a sedevacantist?) Every passing day proves again and against that we have an anti-pope and unless we "wise up" to this, we're doing nothing but "troubling our own house."

An Préachán

N.B. No one, least of all myself, has the right or authority to say a pope was invalidly elected; no cardinal or group of cardinals has that right: this is in the nature of the office of the papacy. But anyone, layman to cardinal, bishops, etc., have the right, and a clear duty, per Canon 212, to raise issues, and Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis does not remotely act or administer as a pope should, and the questions around his election are extremely significant. We need to let everyone know WE know that, and that we accept no blather to the contrary. Do NOT let yourself be twisted into mental 'knotage'. Alexander cut the Gordian Knot; it was the right thing to do. Being a Catholic isn't a mutual suicide pact nor is it giving one's soul to follow the Führerprinzip. A Führerprinzip defense on Judgement Day will work no better for us than it did for Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Jodl at Nuremberg.

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